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@Lacuna (You should keep it as that, it's easier to type then copying the number of _'s in your name) Maybe you should get everyone to post their relations with other characters?


(My character Reika)

Morgan: Hates

Helios: Hates

Damian: Loathes soldiers


And then create reform your graph completely after that? Instead of having people make corrections every few posts?

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That works. So how about people start posting things?

(Though if it's a spoiler to something that'll unfold later, say your character has a crush on another, don't post it yet, this should keep in line with the story.)

Note: Things like "doesn't really know"/"is ambivalent to"/"likes as much as everyone else" aren't going on the graph; they'll take up too much space. Specific relationships please.

^Edit: ah nvm thought that was Helios talking there.

Ian's not going in the circle until he reappears.

Edited by Darth Lacuna
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What's Ian's relevance? I've been watching for a few days now, and haven't really read anything about him, Same goes for Mark, and to top it all off, you're saying you want another cavalier >_<

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Ivanko/Overwhelming hatred














Isotov: Loves

Ivanko/Overwhelming love








Morgan/Likes (Paid Irina to join the group :P )




Chase/Sheer and utter confusion

Yeah, I know the wyvern riders aren't going up there but I thought I'd type them up too :lol:

Did I miss anyone who's actually present?

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So Helios is the only virgin in this group?

For the sake of obvious, Tessa has neither had sex, nor is more than vaguely informed about its general existence.

Oh, and the name's for Star Wars Day XD

You should keep the name, even after the date rolls over, IMO.

It was taking WAY too long to get to that, and if we hadn't skipped, we still wouldn't be at the next day yet, maybe not even until tomorrow. Snowy made the right call on that one.

...You and I clearly have different definitions of "WAY too long".

OOC: I am not reading 5 pages and going to say that Helios back to the library like he planned

Maybe it's just me, but that comes off as incredibly rude. We're creating a shared story together. Take an interest in what is being produced by others, and take pride in what you write yourself while making sure it meshes with what everyone else has already added.

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What's Ian's relevance? I've been watching for a few days now, and haven't really read anything about him, Same goes for Mark, and to top it all off, you're saying you want another cavalier >_<

Or i could change Marks stats around and have him join

Ian is a spy since they didnt have any newspapers back then

EDIT: Can i, Snowy? He hasnt entered combat

Edited by Kai-Sama
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@Big bird: Only Reika who you've never met, and Kamilla who... well no one really has a strong opinion of, so nope.

Could still probably add Ivanko+extra as characters on the side since they probably won't require a line to very many people (Just Iso, Irina, and possibly Damian/Aiya.... and Morgan& Stephanie)

I'm perfectly happy with my characters but would like

Reika-Helios: Mutual __________ added, not sure how strong I want to make it though, stronger then dislike, but weaker then loathing.

@Kai: Hmm, being a spy is a bit hard when you're not the main guy behind the plot, unless of course Snowy's agreed to leak information to you.

Edited by Nadesico
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Most FE names are fairly normal names (Kyle, Rebecca, etc.). Many are just slightly unusual (Clarine, Brom). Only a few are really unusual I think (I did not got to high school with Caineghis and L'Arachel).

Morgan's name is based off of Morgan le Fay from Arthurian legend, which I'm sure a lot of you picked up on.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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@Kai: All the more reason to hate you? Plus you were the one responsible for her requiring the Elixir in the first place >_>

Reika's partially based on me, and I hate that sort of behavior, it's hypocrisy and has more then a slight tinge of pity to it. Plus, eventually Reika was bound to hate Helios anyway, mainly cause she hates Nobles more then soldiers (See Bio) and well, I assume you'll reveal it sooner or later, and it'll probably be a good chapter or two before I make her rejoin, if at all.

*Goes to look at the shameless advertising*

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Beating someone up and the healing them afterwards is highly insulting if the person has any sort of pride.

Hopefully Reika does return in some fashion, "permanently missing" is kinda lame.

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I knoes thats why i did it

I dont see much of this there either

Isotov/ Stubborn

Irina/ none


Aiya/ Respects

Esphyr/ None

Katie/ Academic respect

Morgan/ Tolerance

Kelas/ Thankful

Arrin/ None

Tessa/ Lol Morgan

Chase/ Little boy

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Right so it has a topic now.

There's a fine line between what goes on there and what doesn't. Helios thinking Isotov is stubborn isn't going on for a bit, because it hasn't been developed much; I'll chuck the Damian and Aiya lines on there though since those have been there for longer.

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Pretty much everyone except Reika respects Damian and Aiya, and for example Irina likes everyone and pretty much everyone likes her. Putting all those lines on there might be redundant, certain people just seem to have positive impressions in general.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Pretty much everyone except Reika respects Damian and Aiya, and for example Irina likes everyone and pretty much everyone likes her. Putting all those lines on there might be redundant, certain people just seem to have positive impressions in general.

Seconded, shouldn't bother with simple things like "has positive feelings towards" (likes) cause it's just unimportant, IsotovXChase's "amused by" is more important then a "like" so unless it's some specific relation, which won't apply to 50% of the cast, I'd just say ignore it.

PS: Less focus on character relation chart, and more focus on the actual characters (RP) XD

Edited by Nadesico
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All I put in the post was a recap of what I basically said in the sign up regarding the weapons. Only thing of interest was Esphyr mentioning the age she was when she got her weapon (eight). And yes, it is important.

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*Shrugs* Wouldn't know that anyway, made up a whole story about the churches though XD

I think you intended for the Septimian reform to be just part of one church, but I figured a contreversial issue like "Is Satan evil?" would result in a split in the entire religious landscape (Ones that are based around the mother goddess, and the Demon lord anyway) so I made the reform a bit bigger, (like 10x bigger XD)

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