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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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@Phoenix: Yeah, she doesn't expect him do do anything except sit/preferably stand there and keep soldiers away from Amari until she gets back. Which she's doing now. Dun worry bout it. (Throw in an "Augh I don't know how to horse" if you want, but there shouldn't be any major problems. Amari will even behave for once.)

Edited by The Clockwork Alchemist
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And fighting her is a good idea how? Assuming we can defeat Helenos, we still need to deal with leeches, and most likely the rot demons. And even if the rot demons for some weird reason retreat leeches will have sucked you dry by then.

Plot has way to many holes and it's following down a completely illogical nature. And no, "In character" is not an excuse this time. The group came to investigate a Mesh, not to defeat Helenos, and if she was going to fly away, I don't see why we had to fight her.

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I really don't see how *running* from the rot dragon and the leeches is the dumb decision. If anything it makes more sense running from the things that can maul us horribly. It's not as if our characters knew how severely weakened the dragon was by a few zombies.

@Phoenix Not really, again I expected this to happen

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@ Cynthia

Irina attacked and hit Helenos. Don't forget that in exp countage ^_^

@ Snowy

I know what you were doing ... and that made sense now that you've explained it(except for what Cuddles pointed out). But Cynthia's your second. Regardless of whether or not she wants spoilers, she needs to know about your contengency plans ahead of time.

@ Kiryn

Possible support option! Teach Iso to ride.

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Useful escaping-from-things skills. Kelas knows them. (Also, she's about to suggest grand theft equine, so suddenly a lot of horses!) (Which we will then sell for plotmoney at whatever next town we find.) (If we do take them, of course.)

Edited by The Clockwork Alchemist
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@Phoenix, I can confirm Cynthia's claims, I was discussing that this would happen with her via PM's when we first started smelling the marsh. XD

So many plot devices to play with XD What to start with first.

Also is there anyone still left in the clearing, cause soldiers be waking up now, and you probably don't want to be around when they wake up XD

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Tactical overview


When you give out enemy stats(except in this case where it was meant to look unbeatable), leave tactical suggestions for defeating said foe.

Off the top of my head and worthless but hey, I've got nothing better to do. Irina's passengers were modded around so I've got nothing relevant to post at the moment.

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Hmmm, so new rule

When your plot doesn't seem to go the way you want it, screw logic or plausibility, just DO IT! XD

Guess I won't be screwing up Phoenix's subplots anymore, is cause for celebration, yes?

Let's not fight, lets celebrate! We defeated some big rotting lizard for christs sake. What's there to be fighting about?

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Considering how disorganized the group is, the few people who would have decided to fight probably would have gotten killed. (120 HP?!) Anyway Heinz is a mercenary, he's not going to fight unless his employer (Morgan/Damian?) tells him to, or it's in self defense (leeches).

Oh yeah, someone want to talk to Heinz later and introduce everyone? I'm getting tired of referring to people as the archer, the shaman, the nomad, or the five billion mages, besides Morgan(overheard name) and Esphyr(told Heinz).

Back to studying, I'll be back tomorrow.

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When you give out enemy stats(except in this case where it was meant to look unbeatable), leave tactical suggestions for defeating said foe.

Eh, this is reinforcing having OOC knowledge. I prefer trying to keep things in character when possible.

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Don't feel sad, I actually have a smile on my face at the moment, which is a good thing right? Despite the sadistic glee I'm feeling right now? I need to do some digging around to semi-validate my next few moves to screw the group over.

This event has really opened my eyes, I apologize for being so bitchy and difficult to work with, I should have noticed before that it's impossible to make you all think logically, if that's the case I should follow the saying, "If you can't beat them, join them." :)


Katie has a never ending supply of explosive runes, it's that simple. As for the group acting logically.... well it's not going to happen, and there's not much point arguing your case against them.

Or at least that's the conclusion I've come to

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Eh, this is reinforcing having OOC knowledge. I prefer trying to keep things in character when possible.

I just said it was worthless XD

Besides, OOC knowledge is inevitable, and on top of that, we can't character separate indefinitely or consecutively. We've got too many ulterior motives and goals in this rp. We've got to do what we can, and improve what/where we can. Asking for perfection is too much.

@ Cuddles

... ... ... Lightning, Kai, Ether ... run.

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I just said it was worthless XD

Besides, OOC knowledge is inevitable, and on top of that, we can't character separate indefinitely or consecutively. We've got too many ulterior motives and goals in this rp. We've got to do what we can, and improve what/where we can. Asking for perfection is too much.

That's a rather poor excuse, no one's asking for perfection. :/ Consistency and plausibility and perfection are different. Plausibility is 51% Perfection is 100% for one.

I'd point out how you claimed to be an expert at separating OoC from RP earlier, something about making a character you love and then killing them. But I suppose you already know that.

Improving also only happens when someone picks up on an error and tries to rectify it, this goes against your claims above and therefore doesn't make much sense

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That's a rather poor excuse, no one's asking for perfection. :/ Consistency and plausibility and perfection are different. Plausibility is 51% Perfection is 100% for one.

I'd point out how you claimed to be an expert at separating OoC from RP earlier, something about making a character you love and then killing them. But I suppose you already know that.

Improving also only happens when someone picks up on an error and tries to rectify it, this goes against your claims above and therefore doesn't make much sense

Part 1:

Exaggeration. I doez that :mellow:

Part 2:

Well I am an expert. I've just been neglecting to take notes like I should have done from the beginning. Relying on memory of who knows what works when you're the only person writing the story, but when you're not ... well let's just say I'll be taking notes henceforth, then we'll see just how out of character Iso and Irina behave.

Part 3:

My claims had nothing to do with ignoring errors. My claims ... tch ... claims ... sounds like a court case XD ahem ... my post was just to point out that we need to fix what we can, or at least not try to fix everything at once. Chasing two rabbits get's you none. Chasing ten might end the same way :/

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I'm not asking for absolute perfection, but just because you can't be perfect doesn't mean you should stop trying.

My standards are high, hence all the criticism. I probably should just give up and let Helios summon flying monkeys or whatever, but I like to stick to my principles.

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I'm not asking for absolute perfection, but just because you can't be perfect doesn't mean you should stop trying.

My standards are high, hence all the criticism. I probably should just give up and let Helios summon flying monkeys or whatever, but I like to stick to my principles.

... ... ... no comment on the monkeys, but I agree with what you were trying to get across. I'm just saying that if we're going to improve, we have to deal with one thing at a time, preferably the most pressing problems first.

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Where are we going after the swamp? I was gonna put some hint of that in my post. The capital?

An inn in the capitalwards direction, since we need to rest. After that...???

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