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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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Damian would make sense, but Ether's not on.


We have a winner. Here's your prize ...


But seriously, when is Morgan going to chill out? Irina's empathy has limits ... though I could easily imagine them greater. Yeah I'll just do that, you keep on keeping on :P


lol Zoidberg would somehow be the most hated in the group, and Morgan would hate him too simply because he's hogging all the hate :lol:

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Only problem with joining the group willingly is that there's no reason for her to do so, short of Morgan's threats :/

I mean, I don't really care about keeping an eye on the Crimson weapons so the sooner they're gone the better (Esphyr mentality)

I don't hold a Crimson weapon

I don't get along with anyone in the group

I'm not being paid (mercenary or not)

And there's really no benefit in risking her life to fight alongside all you wannabe heroes XD

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Only problem with joining the group willingly is that there's no reason for her to do so, short of Morgan's threats :/

I mean, I don't really care about keeping an eye on the Crimson weapons so the sooner they're gone the better (Esphyr mentality)

I don't hold a Crimson weapon

I don't get along with anyone in the group

I'm not being paid (mercenary or not)

And there's really no benefit in risking her life to fight alongside all you wannabe heroes XD

... why are your characters so bloody hard to recruit?! For crying out loud! >_<

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Resort and was waiting for a chance are two different things :mellow:

Everyone else's diplomacy attempts failed. Morgan stayed out of the situation until it was going to hell anyway.

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Because I know Cynthia's going to beat them up sometimes literally before I get the chance to?

To be honest I find the reasoning of most non-crimson weapon holders joining weak, (Irina probably being the sole exception)

I'm not sure what the groups current objective is, but ultimately it's either to fight/seal away the demon lord, and I doubt a few pretty pennies is worth risking your life (Damians a soldier, not a noble, he can pay you, but only for so long)

Could have taken up the Axe, but well.... don't like'em XD Plus I already have Reika.... somewhere.

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Everyone else's diplomacy attempts failed. Morgan stayed out of the situation until it was going to hell anyway.

Okay, okay, whatever you say :lol:

How are Iso and Katie supposed to fix this? Iso is on the hostage train, and Katie probably can't write Kamilla into joining :huh:

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The joining reasons are pretty weak in general, it's a pretty common problem. At a certain point it's probably better just to handwave it for purposes of convenience, because it's better to be part of the group.

Eminent tome destruction is a pretty good short-term reason. Or Kamilla has a sandwich addiction.

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Good morning all, another wonderful day for a fire attack, wouldn't you agree? XD

*Hands Phoenix his share of the money* Good job you overgrown roasted chicken :)

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I was going to say soemthing, but decided to study for my Econ final at 8am instead. Fire+wooden inn= bad.

Resisting the urge to have the ruffians rape the unarmed girl

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Your fault for using fire magic in a wooden inn :P

And before you tell me you weren't aware I did specify (I think in my second or third post as Kamilla) about the wooden construction of the place :P

It's high time everyone moves on from the inn anyway :P (where ever we're going now)

Plus, I gave you all warning that if you didn't do something with the thugs, I'd burn something down XD Unless of course we can teleport the fire over to the stables... namely Amari's inn (Cookie for me for actually remembering the horses name?)

As for raping the unarmed girl, they're busy fleeing from crazy demon Isotov, don't think they'll stop for a quickie at the moment. Plus, I'm still standing right next to you for some reason, (was about to leave, but then stopped turned around and haven't moved since) didn't want to pull another Reika where I'd have to spend the entire RP, not being able to interact with anyone.

Plus I'm interested in seeing how Ether/Snowy worm their way out of this one, it's not a few stray survivors in the city, and "I'm a Haltonian soldier" probably doesn't mean much when your friends just torched an Elysimmian(?) inn :P

Hopefully this'll be my last fire attack though, unless Isotov does something I can't resist responding on XD

Burn Chi Bi! Burn!!! XD

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Oh wait :mellow:

Iso's done this before. Earlier, instead of burning the academy students to cinders, he pulled the fire back into Proxima. Whew! I thought we were screwed there for a while :sweatdrop:

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Conspiracy between you and me! XD

It goes with Esphyrs mentality of "This sword brings me misfortune" does it not? XD

Though, one thing I'd not sure about in this case,

Proxima's flames = hot right?

In a wooden inn, if there was enough heat wouldn't the wood catch fire due to heat, not merely due to Proxima's flames? To make a long explanation short, I find it (a bit of a stretch, but not too much) to say that Proxima's flames spread, but that the heat, started a new fire, based soley on heat. In other words, flames which aren't Proxima's. I'm not really sure what I'm saying here, so I'll just go with the explosion in the kitchen, and convinently put the Matron and Innkeeper in the kitchen at the time of explosion.

Either way, I want my dead people!

Even if the inn doesn't burn down, you still have to deal with questions once you get out, much easier to run away when the fire's still blazing IMO, unless of course someone has a good excuse for Isotov setting part of the inn on fire?

@Cynthia, I can go with that, but I'd have everyone leave the building just in case (it collapses or whatever)

"Leaving would be a very good plan right now." Morgan suggested. "Don't forget to carry the idiot mage."

Morgan stopped for a second. "That was unclear, I meant the unconscious one."

I seriously lol'ed. My sister's looking at me like I'm crazy

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