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@ Snowy: What did she do? :blink:

@ Phoenix: Self defense. A fool would only think to mourn an enemies death. Im so glad i said that and not Helios

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@ Bulls

I didn't say I wouldn't spawn them. I said I refuse to spawn them just so the group could kill them. Them showing up now makes no sense, and even forgoing that, the group staying to fight is absolutely BS.

Solution: After Kiryn catches up, I'll spawn them, but I'm handling this cause Kai is going to mess it up.

Don't cite BS when you idiots decided "Hey Helenos, evil dragon lady with high magical powers, let's go fight her." And if you're telling me Bulls are stronger then Helenos, we have Ulfrhahn, screw the Demon Lord.

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Don't cite BS when you idiots decided "Hey Helenos, evil dragon lady with high magical powers, let's go fight her." And if you're telling me Bulls are stronger then Helenos, we have Ulfrhahn, screw the Demon Lord.

Cuddles you know damn well that the group hadn't been running for their lives beforehand, and there was only one demon dragon. There are over a hundred mountain wyverns. The two bulls going down is just going to piss them off even more.

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@ Phoenix: Self defense. A fool would only think to mourn an enemies death. Im so glad i said that and not Helios

People with empathy actually often do feel quite sad when they have to kill others. Irina comes off as rather empathic person.

Morgan is not however, and gave a similar response to yours.

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@ Irina's empathy

Would Kelas feel good if she had to watch her friends butcher horses? :/

As for self defense, the group could have avoided any and all confrontation if the wyverns hadn't been moved so close.

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@ Phoenix: Self defense. A fool would only think to mourn an enemies death. Im so glad i said that and not Helios

You might actually get positive points for that if Irina's going to decide to mope around for awhile

Cuddles you know damn well that the group hadn't been running for their lives beforehand, and there was only one demon dragon. There are over a hundred mountain wyverns. The two bulls going down is just going to piss them off even more.

Mountain wyverns? You mean the ones that are dead? Or the ones that are supposed to be swamping you at the moment?

-If there's "over a hundreds mountain wyverns" around they'll come, with or without the bulls.

-I disagree with killing the bull pissing them off, according to your article, wyverns are competitive creatures, if the male dies, that's the king of the court getting knocked out of play. Females, I don't know but they're not supposed to be attacking the group anyway? If they are, well I can't see them "protecting" a male anyway.

One demon dragon = Two bull wyverns?...... "Right, Halton! You're taking care of the D-lord now,"

@Irina:Moping, I'm completely for her moping, and I'm completely for her lashing out when people tell her to "get over it".


They're territorial, and attacked when the group was sleeping, I doubt there was any way of avoiding an encounter unless we decided against the mountain pass completely.

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Empathy is a weakness then

Empathy is why the native americans didn't hunt bulls and eagles to extinction, whereas everyone else just might <_<

@ Cuddles

Let me explain this as best I can:

@ Pissing the other off

Of course they're competitive. If their leaders(father and mother) die, then their territory can get overrun by another group. Mountain wyverns aren't loners like plain dwellers are. They stick together to hold on to their turf. Every wyvern they lose makes them weaker. If we were dealing with plain dwellers, you'd have a point there.

@ The Female

I already told you the bulls attacking makes no sense. You told me to do it anyway. Forget what she decides to do since she's already out of character.

@ Avoiding attack

I didn't have them attack, and they retconned Irina to sleep, otherwise they wouldn't have. Someone else startedd the attack and I rolled with it IIRC.

Also, if they headed out in the morning, the wyverns would have stayed back as long as the group appeared prepared, just like Irina said.

@ Irina

Yeah she's pissed.

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Do note that Damian and Ulfhrahn only attacked due to some people initiating combat.

Damian killed two heavily injured wyverns(likely would have died as a consequence anyway,ending misery,so to speak.First couldn't see anymore,which is a massive detriment to a predator,other got hit in the neck and jaw with wind magic,and was in bad shape,likely would have bled out slowly)

Ulfhrahn was just trying to scare them off until the combat started,but in a territorial fight between wyverns,kill or be killed is a fair assumption.Ulfhrahn had no plans of dying.

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Erm. There was talk of GTFO'ing the pass. Query: Isn't that a bit of a distance, around cliffs, in the dark? Another query: Supposing there was, like, a cave or something... would that help?

(Not a cave network. Just a goodly-sized hole in the cliff wall smaller at the entrance than a wyvern's wingspan.)

Edited by The Clockwork Alchemist
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Lol, DANI...!

Note: Eric did not harm a wyvern. That was all Dani, so yeah. >.>

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I DON'T HAVE A CLUE WHAT THE F IS GOING ON! I just got back from a highly stressful journey and am outright exhausted and was hoping to come back and at least not be openly ignored in my own RP!

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"You're here for your staff, not your worthless opinion cleric. Keep quiet." Morgan responded.

Morgan <3

Now, wyverns

All of you stop making up lame excuses, you killed'em be proud. Morgan's attitude makes a whole lot more sense then the excuse and actions people are taking. You've killed bandit and soldiers and perhaps even civilians so far, I don't see why anyone would be sympathetic to killing wyverns except Irina and Aiya (possibly Damian). As for feeling for Irina, half of you haven't had a decent conversation with her, infact I'm surprised people even know her name.

@Territorial, I am assuming there are more then one group of wyverns in this mountain, not just one big happy family of a hundred.

@Female: See PM

@Rolled with it

You accepted it, that means you agreed or at least didn't object to the happenings, Irina's entitled to her belief but from the Rp'ers perspective, and most likely the other characters, it was inevitable.

@Snowy: LEARN TO READ!!!! Oh right, probably can't read that either :/

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I'm cruel to my own character, just, not verbally.

@ Snowy: If you have nothing to do, go look at my posts in the suggestions thread and the sign up thread.

Edit: Too late. >.<

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