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Is this a guard halting us, or someone else?

Nady just threw us into a another "get passed the guards" scenario. Feel free to handle this how you want, but we ought to not get too violent like with the first set of guards.

Um ... ... ... 2000 gold a big enough bribe? :lol:

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Assuming you're trying to reach Chase's hideout "outside of town" I'd probably talking about our little group.

I haven't really taken any real initiative here, if we were headed out of town, then we were bound to end up in this situation eventually, just figured people had had their chance to fool around, and that we might want to move on in plot since Snowy seems to end chapters around 20 pages (when it's gone for a bit longer then he planned) and... well we're on page 21 at the moment XD

EDIT: lol, take from one guard, give to another. XD That's how you corrupt government XD

Edited by Nadesico
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Suspiciously big bribe. Go for less. Also these are city guards and used to seeing more, so we should have less trouble.

Edit: Oh and I thought we were hitting the road now that it was apparent we didn't actually need to hide.

Edited by Darth Lacuna
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:huh: We don't need to hide?

I was under the impression that the guards paid Irina but were still after us? I don't know where the groups headed to after this border town, but I'm was under the impression it was out of town?

And I see why I'm confusing everyone now >_<

For some reason I've been under the impression that the entire town was surrounded by a wall, (the border crossing wall, and a smaller town entry (domestic) gate on the other side(s).

Ah well:P

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So I thought what was happening was, we were about to go "shit hide the Isotov" but then Irina distracted the guys and we settled for just getting out of town instead, since we had time to do so. I was thinking that Irina gave them a false lead, probably in the opposite direction from where we were headed.

Town is fortified, probably with multiple gates; we're at one that isn't the one we came through.

Edited by Darth Lacuna
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That was the impression I was under :/

Even if the guards were lazy and decided "Hey we'll go sit down while the mercenary we paid hunts the guys down for us"

City gate guards (Not nation border guards) are probably going to be a bit more edge, then "yeah go ahead" after seeing smoke rising from town, and then a group in a hurry to leave :P

"Shit hide the Isotov" is apparently in a hideout Chase mentioned,

"Not exactly in the town, but I have a very, very good one just outside of it"

So whether we skip town, or go "hide the Isotov" we need to get passed the gate guard :/

EDIT: It's the wonderful thing about fire, it's destructive, and it lets everyone know it XD

Edited by Nadesico
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:huh: We don't need to hide?

I was under the impression that the guards paid Irina but were still after us? I don't know where the groups headed to after this border town, but I'm was under the impression it was out of town?

And I see why I'm confusing everyone now >_<

For some reason I've been under the impression that the entire town was surrounded by a wall, (the border crossing wall, and a smaller town entry (domestic) gate on the other side(s).

Ah well:P

Irina tricked the guards into paying her a ridiculous amount of gold to track down Iso herself. They assumed she could handle it, so while the guards ARE on watch for a fire mage, they aren't actively searching anymore.

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Irina tricked the guards into paying her a ridiculous amount of gold to track down Iso herself. They assumed she could handle it, so while the guards ARE on watch for a fire mage, they aren't actively searching anymore.

If that's how you want to play ;) *Smirks*

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You people are so boring, (other then Lacuna) I know you're around! >_<

A thumbs up to Kelas for being drastic XD I thought it was a bit out of character for her to risk herself for the entire group (maybe cause Arrin's in it now). But it worked nicely, now to figure out how to deal with the remaining guards :P

In regards to the "initiative" I admit I'm causing chaos for the group but it makes sense in my head.

And when I'm causing chaos I draw on more then just my own posts, so I like to think I'm not being completely random.

@Phoenix: Yes, I am enjoying this, Devaluing Irina/Isotov's reputation (or anyone elses) is fun!

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I get the feeling people are glaring at me, telling me to get lost again XD

While the mounts getting personalities is nice, I wish some characters would get a personality *coughsorrynotgoing tonameanyonecough*

Slow day today I suppose, :/ And I even woke up early :unsure:

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I'm busy studying, and I don't really want to be a spotlight hog. I'll probably post when I feel I have something to say.

Ridiing a horse high seemed like a bad idea to Morgan.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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You people are so boring, (other then Lacuna) I know you're around! >_<

I was gonna write a post, but Tessa got high. ♪

Was gonna yell as Iso the most, but then she got high. ♪

Now I'm waiting on others, and I know why. 'Cause she got high, 'cause she got high, 'cause she got high. ♪

Anyway, in all seriousness, I prefer to leave the leading tasks to those who are actually the party leaders, and not to zoom off too far ahead with the plot while some of the movers and shakers are missing. I'll be perfectly willing to initiate conversations (though now was clearly not the time for leisurely chat), react, etc. but there wasn't much to really contribute here.

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Freak in a good way, or freak in a bad way?

Can't imagine what you're spriting since there's nothing really special to sprite regarding this RP other then the characters, could be the horses+Kiev, but I get the feeling you're not as attached to the mounts as Lacuna seems to be, if we're all going to freak, it can't be someone's character (most of us have mugs anyway) so you're either spriting another Npc (unlikely due to just having made Shanice) or the Demon Lord :/

Edited by Nadesico
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Freak in a good way, or freak in a bad way?

Can't imagine what you're spriting since there's nothing really special to sprite regarding this RP other then the characters, could be the horses+Kiev, but I get the feeling you're not as attached to the mounts as Lacuna seems to be, if we're all going to freak, it can't be someone's character (most of us have mugs anyway) so you're either spriting another Npc (unlikely due to just having made Shanice) or the Demon Lord :/

I think you'll all be pleasantly surprised by how insanely desperate I am to enhance my skills.

I'm currently working on someone you've all seen before, but I'm updating the sprite. You will most likely freak the hell out seeing how far I went updating this thing. I may finish it today if I stop browsing so frequently :lol:

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@Big birdy foo-foo

Okay, your system is perfectly plausible, and I won't go into fudging roles since I'm sure I've been clear in the past of my opinion on them.

My issue with this is it's relevance, what prevents every single character from getting a killer weapon?

I mean gold isn't that important, (Does anyone actually keep track of vulnerary/gold? Or more to the point, has anyone bought anything with their actual money since sign up?

From what you posted it sounds like a skill, which has been turned into a weapon effect. And frankly, while your system works, how would you implement it? Cause I don't think "just buying one" is adequate considering the gold issue mentioned prior.

And due to no weapon breakage, it's pretty much a permanent skill (no different from an average skill.

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@Big birdy foo-foo

Okay, your system is perfectly plausible, and I won't go into fudging roles since I'm sure I've been clear in the past of my opinion on them.

My issue with this is it's relevance, what prevents every single character from getting a killer weapon?

I mean gold isn't that important, (Does anyone actually keep track of vulnerary/gold? Or more to the point, has anyone bought anything with their actual money since sign up?

From what you posted it sounds like a skill, which has been turned into a weapon effect. And frankly, while your system works, how would you implement it? Cause I don't think "just buying one" is adequate considering the gold issue mentioned prior.

And due to no weapon breakage, it's pretty much a permanent skill (no different from an average skill.

I've kept track

Irina: 2 Vuls

20 Gold ... in pouch + whatever was in the purse Morgan gave her

Isotov: 3 vuls

no cash

Is every person going to actually try to acquire a killer weapon just for the bonus? If they are, I could think of a penalty for using a killer weapon ... some kind of drawback.

The difference from the skill is that like all FEs it only applies when the weapon is equipped. Most of us have multiple weapons, and those who don't definitely aren't using killer weapons. As far as I know, I'm the only one with a character using one, not that I've checked to be sure.

People can break their weapons if they want to :P

I actually planned to have that happen on several occasions during battles against knights and the like. Yeah even during exp combat, I'd have my weapon break under hellish circumstances, because that's fun :lol:

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I would maybe suggest having the extra critical chances be a promotion skill instead, for swordmasters/snipers/classes that critical a lot more than usual in the actual games.

In that case, round up 2 points :P

But this was mainly just an idea to give weapon differences and have killer weapons earn their namesake universe-wise.

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Well I suppose you could make it a an exclusive option for non-crimson weapon holders, Doesn't really affect me since I'm not planning to have Kamilla "attack" stat-wise. And Reika... well as I keep saying, it's not even clear if she'll come back.

I just find +1Dmg-1Hp, to be alot less useful then x2dmg. Cause let's face it, you're increase crit chance from 15%ish to 50%.

I know people can break their weapons if they desire, but are you really going to break your own weapon and opt for a crappy weapon? Crappy being a normal weapon. If there were more variation in weapon skills it'd be good, but I don't see this working, but then again it's not up to me :P

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