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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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@Kanami I wanna know, which one is Cess? That's also why I probably won't end up supporting Irina. (I hate Wind, a lot)

Yay! Horsey has a name. (Step 1 in becoming a Mage Knight that uses dark, complete)

@Phoenix Does Irina have incest subtext? Cause she seems a little too uncomfortable with KatiexIstov

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@ Cuddles

I'll talk with you ^_^

Since the incident with Viveka(the third one with Ixion), I've been trying to focus interactions on POV and context. Using context is pretty hard because of character positions and "who's within earshot", etc. But being in character, Iso's still a bit of an exclusive interacter. Irina on the other hand could probably be a bit more directed in her opinions. I'm still working on that. I usually don't direct them because the optimal choices for direction are always in the middle of something. I instead just throw out an outloud opinion like Chase does and see what happens which is usually nothing so I'm probably going to let her get more directly involved. (Kiev will be my tool for this >:) )

@ Irina's jealousy

She's not incestuous, just jealous. She's only been reunited with her brother after ten years for about a week. She wants to spend time with him and reconnect. Katie's getting in her way and it makes for excellent character development for all those involved.

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@Phoenix Fine. But I figured out something better than IrinaxIstov....KanamixPhoenix

@Clockwork How old is Arrin again? Cause he seems younger than everyone else, save Reika.

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@Psych. I'd probably classify Cess Initiator, I haven't really seen him be on the receiving end of much attention, but he's actually tried to break the "receiver shell" with his tarot cards, it's a fun little thing that most characters can just say "do me" XD. And so far it seems to be rather successful, if you look at a character and can't pinpoint one specific person who they're definitely after they're usually not a receiver, Example Isotov would be a receiver, you can easily pinpoint that he's friendly with Katie and Irina and doesn't really plan to interact with much outside that.

Again Receivers aren't bad, they usually lead to more focused revelations and interactions between the involved parties, and focus more on private communication over public. That said public (initiators) often affect the whole group and can reveal interesting aspects of themselves through interaction.


Irina hates Reika. Shouldn't be something we discover from Chat, but something that should be made clear through RP interaction, an example of this was done at a low level with Helios, and everyone referring to him as the idiot of the group, however most people were just jumping on the bandwagon (Kamilla included) and didn't actually have a legitimate agenda against him.


I've come to just accept Isotov's a recluse, you've mentioned this'll change in the future, but I don't really care too much whether this is true or not, What annoys me is when Katie is being a slut, Hugs/kisses/spreading her legs, and you say Isotov is clueless, but I've accepted he just has brain damage. Arrin/Tessa are being portrayed as naive possible couple, but if Tessa started hugging Arrin, and Arrin started kissing Tessa, I'd expect it to be reaching a revelation climax soon.

Irina, well it might of been my imagination, but alot of her posts seem to be inner thoughts, (Receiver) opposed to actually voicing her opinion out aloud (Initiator). Obviously people can't respond to thoughts, the best they can do is say something like

"Reika noticed Irina was looking at her disapprovingly"

And it can't really go much further then that, if that's what you were aiming for, that's really a "Lure" used to make Reika say something like

"What's with the face? If you've got something to say then say it"

In which case you're luring the opposition into a conversation.

"Lure's" happen quite alot, and I might actually start taking them and annoy some of you. Example being Reika noticing Heinz's expression and think he's plotting something, and assume he's also a spy sent for the group. But doing such things is abusing information not available to the character, and while it'd be fun to take in false assumptions, it get's boring unless you get some things right, and these things might not want to be revealed by the PC's player.


*Social Banter*

@Psych: KanamiXPhoenix has been suggested before :/ And I do not approve

@Psych2: I think Reika was only a year or two younger then Cess, Arrin and Tessa are both younger

@Alch: can't remember what context that was in, so idea what you're talking about

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@ CuddlyxPhoenix

That used to bother me but now I just don't care.

@ Kiryn

Shipping with Kelas? Oh! The PhoenixxKelas thing? I was just pointing out that I think her FE10 sprite was cute ^_^

@ Irina's lures

Sometimes they're thoughts just for OOC knowledge, other times they're outloud. Go back and check the last chapter if you feel like investigating it. You can catch plenty of them.

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@Arrin is young: He's fifteen. I think I've been slipping and accidentally making him seem younger at times, though... argh. (This is in part due to naivete/cluelessness from sheltered upbringing, though.)

@Phoenix: Sigh. I suppose I'll save the violence for some other time.

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@Cynthia's reaction Yay? I have no idea.

@Ages Woah, didn't see that, Tessa seemed older, like Irina's age maybe.

Now you all have Auras. I wonder what else I can think of.

@Irina's reaction Does she want them to go sleep together? :blink:

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@ The kiss

Katie's f*cked up right now.

Sadly ... in Vegas, they'd be overdue for an engagement*shot*

@ Psychout

Irina's 20 years old :/

She's not trying to get them to ... never mind, she wants Katie to lie down because she thinks she has dimensia or something.

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@Cynthia's reaction Yay? I have no idea.

Lol no. I guess I just have to accept the fact that Katie is a slut and Isotov is a dumbass and this makes them a pair somehow. If they ever want to move up a support level though, they might have to have an actual conversation at some point (and for the love of God, no more food!)

I'm not accepting *is on drugs* as an excuse, because sadly this is in character ever since she returned from Harold.

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Screw logic, I'll accept Viveka randomly joining the group and being apart of it if you send Isotov and Katie back to Ilyphina for another 10 chapters, they can come back with an A support, kids and whatever, Logic is no longer issue in this case.

Just get that twisted pairing out of the RP <_< Please, Yes I said please

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@Cynthia's reaction Yay? I have no idea.

@Ages Woah, didn't see that, Tessa seemed older, like Irina's age maybe.

Replace 'y' with 'g', my friend.

Also, I clearly fail at being the little girl. Disappointment.

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@ Kiryn

I am not a f*cking myth!! >_< ... oh wait :mellow: *disappears*

@ Cynthia

Do you have any idea what it would be like going through the last four months with magic glass fragments in your head?!

Food is good, and you should learn2cook :P

@ Psychout

Just shut up now -_-

@ Cuddles

You just reminded me of something I have to do soon.

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@Snowy In this case, It'd probably be from object to person, not person to object.

@Phoenix I know what Katie can see now. (It's in Istov's pants :awesome: )

@Phoenix's new post I bet she is hot. :awesome:

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Duck, are you getting dangerously close to a "women should be able to cook" sentiment?

(Truth: all adult humans should learn to cook edible things.)

Also: Let's all make fun of Phoenix, because he's here and Damian isn't?

(I was disappointed at the lack of reaction when Kelas told Damian to plz leave alone.)

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