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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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That isn't Eric talking.

That's Dani.

Alright then. Prolly mage knight, right?

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@ Ether: Eric, as mentioned beforehand, took Calamity in his arm, and was healed.

@ Kai: Mmkay.

@ Lightning: Get Chase to do his magic trick, plz, before Dani randomly zaps someone.

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There you go.Any CWs with curse like effects are likely stated,and IIRC,Gae-Borg is the only one that can inflict a curse on its target,and even then,it doesn't happen often.

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EDIT: This post is directed at Cynthia ... addressing things <.< >.>

@ Katie

If you want Katie to be more ... like you ... then maybe you should take it up with Snowy.

@ Sprites

Didn't I already mention I was doing that for fun? Kind of like the anti-Helios alliance, or the Damianjokes.

@ The real reason for interactions

The girl that gets hit on the most isn't determined by attractiveness in this rp(probably a good thing), it's determined by three things:

Rper activity period: You yourself do tend to have one of the best activity periods. You're only beaten out by me, which will change in the coming days unfortunately. Anyway, Morgan's a good choice for supporting if this is the only thing considered. Katie's always busy with Iso, Esphyr is controlled by Snowy and only around half the time. Tessa is busy with Arrin, Aiya is busy with Damian or Irina. Irina has a friggin flying lizard for a pet and hasn't been represented well enough to garner attention until recently. Morgan's a bitch but she's the easiest to approach.

Rper relationships: Need to use you as an example again. Who hates the Cynthia? Cuddles' characters aren't nearly as bad as she tries to make them, but she's not getting swamped with supports either. Also, you're a girl controlling girl characters whereas Snowy is a guy controlling at least two girl characters. Who will be chosen more on average? Think hard because this actually does go all the way back to rper sexual preference.

(Anyone remember Ether's crush fit that one day? That was funny)

My initial reasons for interacting with Katie were the following:


Offsetting everything being mentioned in this segment including what follows

Branching out

Iso and Morgan is a very bad pairing no matter how you look at it, friends, rivals, romance, even study buddies is a serious stretch for me, so interacting with her seemed pointless(minus the dropping incident which I did for fun :P ).

Rper's characters: No one wants to interact with characters that don't like their characters. The mentality is as Cuddles said; Why waste several posts arguing with this character, when I can support with that character instead? Maybe if we were all certain the rp was going to last thirty chapters we'd be less uneasy about wasting posts(yes wasting is an accurate word to use here) arguing just to make things interesting for you and Cuddles.

Post note:

Had a dream today ...

I was some years younger and had to go to some high school(because they wanted me to do what kids my age did and go to school). The problem was I couldn't remember anything about anything, so this cute latina had to help me out. Well it was really a had to situation. More like a, she just wanted to. Forgot how the dream ended, that's not important ... or PG-13 <.< >.>

Edited by Phoenix
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Helios' timing was off.

By the time he split the blade,it had already cut Aiya's arm and was about to hit the bull.She was cut by it,and it reopened because it wasn't properly healed.

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I have a feeling Morgan is going to look like Niime in the future

@ Ether: Then she should be dying. Then it shouldn't be a flesh wound. Mana bracelet or not. The reason i split it was because i didnt get the results i wanted. The point is you are dodging everything we throw at you. Im not going to stand for it. How did Damian and Aiya become mr and ms Perfect? If she got hit then it is more then a flesh wound. If she didnt then it should be a flesh wound. So what? Supports kicked in. Oh my god if you say yes......

Edited by Kai
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[spoiler=My thoughts on Kai's post's edit.]2vtxezo.jpg

Morgan's going to be killed before she grows old, the way things are going.

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She was hit in the arm.It isn't a fatal blow by any means,and it can be healed by a staff,just like any other nonfatal wound.Why is it that as soon as Helios hits someone with Hellsety,they can't live a normal life?

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Eric is going to look like Eliwood

Helios Karel

Tessa would look like Eli's mother

Chase would die defending Morgan

And Damian will be Damian

@ Ether: NVM. I just realized something. This can be used to my advantage

Edited by Kai
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Right now, Eric's looking like Zelgius, but that may change.

Helios is not going to live long enough to resemble anything like the sword saint.

Mmk on Tessa.

Chase will survive, somehow.

Damian will be Ashnard.

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Rper activity period: You yourself do tend to have one of the best activity periods. You're only beaten out by me, which will change in the coming days unfortunately. Anyway, Morgan's a good choice for supporting if this is the only thing considered. Katie's always busy with Iso, Esphyr is controlled by Snowy and only around half the time. Tessa is busy with Arrin, Aiya is busy with Damian or Irina. Irina has a friggin flying lizard for a pet and hasn't been represented well enough to garner attention until recently. Morgan's a bitch but she's the easiest to approach. And Kelas is a dude.


Query, out of general interest: Which female characters in this RP come across as actually being female, and which come across as guys-trying-to-write-females? (Or even come across as guys with the opposite physical sex tacked on?) (This is, of course, opinion, so multiple answers are a given.)

(And vice versa, of course.)

Edited by The Clockwork Alchemist
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I have a good idea of how everyone is going to look in the future now :D

If Damian isnt corrupt in the future.............

@ Above: Not Aiya

Viveka maybe



Not Irina

And thats all i can think of now

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That's a hard question considering that females don't have a set mentality. For example, Esphyr is fairly upfront and goal-minded while having a past she's fleeing from. Yet the Headmaster is aloof, doesn't care for rule and protocal, and potentially ADD. Very different and even if they were 100% female in persona, they would be very different.

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Query, out of general interest: Which female characters in this RP come across as actually being female, and which come across as guys-trying-to-write-females? (Or even come across as guys with the opposite physical sex tacked on?) (This is, of course, opinion, so multiple answers are a given.)

(And vice versa, of course.)

In my opinion?

Morgan=Black chick

Katie=Some college girl from LA or Vegas

Aiya=Mary Sue

Tessa=High School freshman

Kelas=Middle aged woman who's from another country

Charlotte=Royal dumbass with a heart of gold

Dani=Actually pretty feminine(I'd say Snike is doing a good job)

Reika=Stab happy bitch, but not impossible to understand


Dis I miss anyone?

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