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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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Well, crap. Apparently Phoenix is no longer the only one having random dreams about other RP members.

And a long day of work will likely preclude me getting in on any of the delightfully overwhelming action in the RP. On the one hand, Incubi have evade low enough Tessa could actually hit them, but on the other hand, she deals 1 damage with a max damage roll. XD

Luckily there's no shortage of people to heal already it seems.

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I'm against the idea, mainly because I don't want the fight to be easy at all. I want to see it pushed as far as possible before people decide to go 'oh well, we couldn't win easily. Screw this.' and flee. If you can kill about a third to half of them, I will allow you to flee.

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I'm against the idea, mainly because I don't want the fight to be easy at all. I want to see it pushed as far as possible before people decide to go 'oh well, we couldn't win easily. Screw this.' and flee. If you can kill about a third to half of them, I will allow you to flee.

There are 10 succubi and 12 inccubi and we need to kill 11 of them total??! Yes we have around 20ish? characters in this RP I think, but doing minimum damage will take awhile to kill 21/30 HP monsters.

Also, Heinz is a mercenary whose primary objective is to do his job, which he doesn't even have the details for yet. He'd probably cut a few and run rather than fight in his state, unless Morgan/Damian order him to. (Watch one of them do that lol)

Going to an end of the year party, so I'll be back in about 10 to 11 hours XDD

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I'm against the idea, mainly because I don't want the fight to be easy at all. I want to see it pushed as far as possible before people decide to go 'oh well, we couldn't win easily. Screw this.' and flee. If you can kill about a third to half of them, I will allow you to flee.

Except at that point, like over half of us will be heavily/bleeding unconscious, thus making it more difficult to retreat(or at least less plausible). It makes more sense to retreat at the beginning of a fight when everyone is still conscious.

These things are also going to take ridiculously long to kill. Even assuming they don't have like 8 Def or anything, the lancers still take almost no damage on average from physical attacks (like 0-1 on average). The succubi are a little squishier, but still are going to take like 6 people attacking them to ever get a kill. And there's 22 of them!

I would prefer to make fights that the group can actually win other than having to run/have outside forces intervene. tl;dr Nerf them or I think everyone should just start retreating.

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Hopeless fights are all right when they are narratively clearly intended to serve some purpose (get us captured to get us to place X, etc). This doesn't seem to be trying to get us to go anywhere, though; it seems like it's meant to be a battle we'll eventually win, with however many casualties, except most of us are pretty sure that we can't.

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Our damage output is also so low that this is going to take us a ridiculous number of posts.

I can see the point of hopeless situations sometimes, but there have been a few too many of them in this RP so far. The group hasn't been able to do anything by themselves since arriving in Elysisma.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Here's the problem:

The RP Events, and Stat Battle Events have been switched around.

We should never ever have to flee from a stat battle. The only time we should have to run is in an rp event where Snowy can make a post that details just how strong the enemies are(maybe even post an example, like Esphyr attacking and it doing nothing, etc). Instead, the enemies get stats that'll KO Ether's characters of all characters, and we have to run only to fight rp enemies and get no exp for it. Everything's flipped and we need to fix the problem right now while it's in front of us.

Edited by Phoenix
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I just rolled a while ago. Now, I'm just going to screw the rules, and make my characters try to run out. Ignore the roll.

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Seems like the main issue is balance of our power level vs their power level vs their numbers. We can deal with a lot* of weak enemies, or a few powerful* enemies, but not a lot of powerful enemies. This batch is fairly powerful and fairly numerous.

*(To a certain extent. Hundreds of grunts will eventually wear us down, and one great huge enemy will just own us one at a time.)

Edited by The Clockwork Alchemist
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Seems like the main issue is balance of our power level vs their power level vs their numbers. We can deal with a lot* of weak enemies, or a few powerful* enemies, but not a lot of powerful enemies. This batch is fairly powerful and fairly numerous.

*(To a certain extent. Hundreds of grunts will eventually wear us down, and one great huge enemy will just own us one at a time.)

I'd prefer the zerg rush over the Juggernaut, because the zerg rush could level us up, and with more levels, more destruction.

@ Bold: THAT's my definition of a Hopeless boss fight. One broken enemy, not twenty.

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I wish you told us these were raw stats, I didn't realize. Now I'll have to edit my post a bit.

Oh well. This does look ridiculously tough, almost impossible to win really. So less hp is good.

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Our damage output is also so low that this is going to take us a ridiculous number of posts.

I can see the point of hopeless situations sometimes, but there have been a few too many of them in this RP so far. The group hasn't been able to do anything by themselves since arriving in Elysisma.

Is there a reason Cynthia didn't know about this ahead of time? :blink:

... inserting romance spoof song since no one else couldn't be bothered -_-


♫ If you were my secoooond, you would neva be in the daaaaahhhhaaark

♫ If you were my secoooond, you would know right from the staahaaart

Oh, and can we get an artillery strike on these demons so we can GTHO of dodge within reason? They snuck up on us once, there's no reason to believe we'll somehow out run all of them.

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@ Snowy

Telling Cynthia that something is going to happen without giving her numbers to crunch is like me telling Cuddles that I'm going to recruit Viveka without giving her a logical reason. It's going to backfire ... most likely in chat.

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I didn't provide stats


At any rate instead of retconning and nerfing at this point (because of damage calculations that have been done) I'd favor retconning quantity of enemies, it's not like they needed 22 of them to capture us anyway...

Oh and dammit RNG, I thought we were friends...

Edited by The Clockwork Alchemist
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Oh and dammit RNG, I thought we were friends...

You were. Welcome to the RNG screwed club.

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