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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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I just figured I have to mention this

"I love you Phoenix" XD

You're the fuel to my fire XD

The others finally succeed in calming my character down, and then you fire her up all over again XD

Yes I'm being whiny, she's technically a civilian who got dragged into this mess through no fault of her own, and is going to be edgy and hysterical for awhile yet at this rate XD

PS: How do you people plan to backtrack? Wouldn't you need to cross the border to do that?

Edited by Nadesico
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"I love you Phoenix" XD

You're the fuel to my fire XD

Sigged ....

On that note, you might want to put down Isotov toward Kamilla: Is willing to incinerate or something a little beyond Morgan class contempt :lol:

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@Lacuna, I was assuming something along those lines, otherwise there wouldn't be a point in a border guard. :/ I would have thought there'd be no specific border guard, since the border would change if Elysimaa invaded Vaorin in past/future, but it's plausible the wall was erected to keep the Demon Lord out 25+ years ago.

There are probably other outposts/towns which are on the border, but due to Snowy's carrier pigeon, I assume they'll all be guarded too.

@Phoenix And come on birdy >_< My attacks have been as focused on Irina, as they have on Isotov. I'll be sure to add a relation with both Isotov and Irina, in the near future, just need to think of the words.

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*Needs to find a way to get into Snowy's PM box so she can ruin all birdy's plan*

But then again, I suppose I can just ruin them as they come :/

Not all my plans involve avoiding trouble. Some are just content spoilers that should be left unknown til they happen.

Imagine if we all saw star wars(the IVth episode) and knew from the beginning of the movie that Vader was Luke and Leia's father, and that they were indeed twins :wtf:

Stop messin'round, Nady :/

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I don't wanna! *Starts pouting*

Seriously though, I can't tell what parts of your posts are important(plans) and which parts are just RP segments, so I can't really stop messing with them without ceasing to mess with your characters completely. (And that's not something I'm willing to do, unless you find me someone else to bully)

Anyway, Snowy, have you got a plan for where we're supposed to head to next? Or are you open to group vote? Since we'll be stuck chatting forever until someone decides and.... well Kelas the crazy knife nut will stab us all if we argue too much XD

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Pffft, you weren't supposed to find away around the problem <_<

Ah well, depends on the structure I suppose, Kamilla blames Iso/Iri for her troubles so expect anything you say to be viciously cut down unless it's bullet proof :P

But yeah, I'll try to decrease my plot screwing a bit, doesn't mean I'm backing off on the insults and finger pointing though XD

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Pffft, you weren't supposed to find away around the problem <_<

Ah well, depends on the structure I suppose, Kamilla blames Iso/Iri for her troubles so expect anything you say to be viciously cut down unless it's bullet proof :P

But yeah, I'll try to decrease my plot screwing a bit, doesn't mean I'm backing off on the insults and finger pointing though XD

Very well -_-

I would prefer you head to the city, but it's a group vote.

I vote city :awesome:


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I don't like how you've labeled the CORRUPT/Uncorrupt, since I think that's for the characters to decide individually, but I guess it can't be helped now.

Like birdbrain said, Nice profiles XD Yes, I'm resorting to name calling

I was always under the impression that Bethold/Berthold was dead though XD

Nyahaha, I was randomly killing character off in my head.

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