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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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Is it a coincidence that we have two of the unluckiest characters in the RP, as well?

Also, I have a feeling that we're going to slow down a bit in these chapters, considering Ether's the Halton guy.

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Good. There's plenty of Halton business to take care of anyway.

As for it being in the afternoon ... *sigh* yeah ... it's time for things to start happening. I stalled as long as I could, but it's time now.

@ Kiryn

Are you just about ready?

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*ominous music plays*

... Dammit, I smell a scheme. This will be interesting.

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... I have a few things to say, but they can wait until tomorrow. Night all.

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Now I know how Bal feels :(

The more content you plug in, the longer it takes to write. Then you have to proof read, check for out of character things, and proper context, then you have to Kaiproof it. Crap! >_<

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Heinz is older than most of the characters? I made him to be on the old side but wow o_o Age versus maturity means nothing! XD

No one's online here on a weekday at this time, whatdya know.

Edited by the_whistler
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I'm here :(


Keep in mind that I'm controlling most of the characters involved in this scenario. Please bare that in when making your interaction posts. I'll be up tomorrow as early as I can be.(I'd say around 9:30ish pacific time US)

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Am I the only person that can match Kiryn and Cynthia in online time? If so is that a good or bad sign? What does that say about me? What does that say about them? Too many questions ... too much tab whoring ... not enough fanfic writing.

Actually my two month writers block is starting to wear off. Reading FMA manga crams so much philosophy and violence into your brain that it can kick start your brain! A few more chapters and I should be back to writing :)

Thank you, Kiryn! :D


@ Whistler

Yes I am always here. From morning to midnight I am always here, though I really just stay logged on and go to do other things if I'm not leaving the house. Once my schedule kicks in I'll only be on early in the day, and late at night. Curses ...

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