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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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As long as he stops making Captain Planet references, he's fine. Although you may need to find a very good reason for Derek to be allowed to join considering how he just tried to kill the group and kidnapped Dani. Just some food for thought.

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A few things.

-Being KO'ed doesn't mean Eric can't be mauled.

-Sage, Travis is not a level one mercenary by the name of Derek.

-What are we to do with Meaghan?

-Cynthia, while you do win, the maths were off in the Eric VS Travis scene. Eric was in Wrath range.

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I thought it went that Eric wouldn't have critted anyway? It didn't matter since he would have done a rather small amount of damage anyway.

Watch her stab us to death?

It was like 3,1 in that roll, so a + 2 would have done it. Granted, it would've only done 2, but still...

Watch Eric get angry at seeing the princess injured and proceed to proc like 10 Wrath crits at once?

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He's never in shape for fighting, for the most part.

I should probably do some flavor with Travis while I wait.

Snowy, can I make some sort of fortress be 'nearby'?

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Sure. Just so long as it's run-down and basically destroyed to keep in tune with the nation.

So yea... Is someone going to react to Esphyr's charge or did I mess up?

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Phoenix is late, he owes both of us reactions. Interesting things need to happen again.

Suppose we could have the stabb'd people react to such. (Charlotte, Alferis, Eric.)

Eric's still KO'ed, so...

Plus, I'm writing flavor. Sue me. >.>

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I was so focused on getting back on here that I kept making dumb mistakes. Yeah my priorities in life get horribly f*cked up from time to time :facepalm:

Anyways ... Shanice is GTFO now ... seems like a good time, no?


I like how every encounter with Shan is giving more people a reason to hate its icy guts XD

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I know that. That's why I only refer to Shanice as "he" when he's disguised as a man, "she" for females, and it for ... well ... everything else.

I don't mind you referring to it as he or she. You're always going to be half right if it's in its true form.

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