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I'll probably regret this, but what is "girl mode"? (it had better not involve cooking...)

Any time you're in a life-or-death situation you get a significant adrenaline rush. I don't see how Isotov's fascination with Cooking Mama would really improve that significantly enough to give him enough power to fight.

Ouch. Katie's like 26 or 27, and she's called Cooking Mama? Conrad's gramps, then.

@Sage: You fail to recognize there was literal deus ex machina. Or whatever-Goddess-is-in-Latin ex machina.

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I'll probably regret this, but what is "girl mode"? (it had better not involve cooking...)

Girl Mode


Any time you're in a life-or-death situation you get a significant adrenaline rush. I don't see how Isotov's fascination with Cooking Mama would really improve that significantly enough to give him enough power to fight.

It didn't give him any strength. He f*cked up again and made his condition even worse ^_^

@ Dark Sage

Snowy never said the other weapons couldn't do things like that. Cynthia's just too lazy to pull a midnight mega killing attack, and Kai is Kai.

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I was counting on something like this in order to scare Megae off, but with rather less stunts.

"Guy mode" is, as Cynthia says, bullshit. If one of my close friends is in danger, I'm damn well going to try to get myself between them and it. Whether I pull it off or not is irrelevant (and don't even think about stating that "anyone can try it but only guys can pull it off" because that's a lie and you know it.)

(Aside: You seem to have this very rigid definition of gender such that there are Guy Minds and Girl Minds and they work in fundamentally different ways. This bothers me to no end because it is false. But I'll go on the gender rant later...)

(Epic nickname there by the way Cynthia.)

Do I think the stunt pulled was strictly impossible? No; there's plenty of documented evidence of people pulling crazy shit off to protect each other. Notably, parents for their children. Thing is, it takes a certain strength of bond to trigger the emotional response that gives you enough adrenaline to ignore your body's usual barriers like that, and it's not a bond that can be forged in a week.

Edited by The Clockwork Alchemist
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I didn't say that they couldn't do that, I'm just saying that I, who have not read much of the previous threads, think that the Promoxia power came out of nowhere. Although it's best we cut down on such attacks.

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Why can't I poke fun at stereotypes? :(

@ Sage

Don't worry about it. I'm more interested in working my other angles at the moment anyway.

@ Kiryn's bonding sense

You're right. That's why next time, Katie will just get stabbed and Cynthia will sing and dance :)

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Nothing, just bringing up a point. I literally revived a character. Mowing them down isn't as h4x. Mind you, if it keeps going, yes, it may well turn out to be h4x, but still.

@ Phoenix: ROFL.

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Oh yeah. Forgot about that. That was horrible and good sir, I sincerely hope you never do that again.

I wasn't planning on doing so. Then, I got an idea...

Originally, if that wasn't Ok'ed by Snowy, he would've gotten up just barely.

Edit: I was laughing mainly because I tried to imagine Charlotte doing something like that. To make a long story short, it did not work.

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You should've gone with the second option, getting up. Anyway as long as we keep that to a minimum, this RP is pretty fine.

And as usual, enjoy me making an ass out of myself as I try to learn the ropes and just fail to follow previous tangents from older threads. :awesome:

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@ Kiryn's bonding sense

You're right. That's why next time, Katie will just get stabbed and Cynthia will sing and dance :)

Tip: If it involves Katie not getting stabbed, burned, or otherwise mutilated when she should be, I'm probably going to complain.

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So, uh, guys, if Katie is that Grandma Blue-hair/whatever she was called, what's Damian?

@Tip: Yeah, uh, I guess since she's Harold's kid, she gets plot immunity?

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Tip: If it involves Katie not getting stabbed, burned, or otherwise mutilated when she should be, I'm probably going to complain.

You're just mad because Miracle is the only reason Morgan is alive whereas Katie has a walking flamethrower keeping her safe even at the cost of getting horrible injuries <_<

Nonetheless noted.

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So, uh, guys, if Katie is that Grandma Blue-hair/whatever she was called, what's Damian?

@Tip: Yeah, uh, I guess since she's Harold's kid, she gets plot immunity?

Sean Connery. And all PCs unfortunately get some measure of plot immunity determined by their creators.

Morgan is also alive due to Tessa.

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Still on my aside, because I am tired and feel like complaining.

@Making fun of stereotypes: That claim gets old. I've been in classes/activities/in general surrounded by mostly guys for a few years now (being a CS person will do that) and too many of them think it's funny, and after about half of a time it isn't, and by the third time you can tell that it's not really making fun, entirely, that they kind of do believe some of it (and then by the third or fourth "x y z because you're a girl" comment you're considering punching them if you haven't already.) And other stuff. Suffice it to say that I have plenty reason to not really be amused. People have pet peeves. This is one of mine.

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@ Cynthia's utter hatred

Well ... I guess you just need a character to pick on -_-

@ Crimson weapons

I'll be honest with you guys. I find the crimson weapons as a whole to be rather boring and almost irrelevant to the main plot outside of being needed to stab some DK.

The most interesting CWs in my opinion:

Gae-Borg: (rapes at a distance)

Proxima: (burns your sh*t to the ground)

Earth Shaker: (don't drop it)

The rest and why they are hardly CWs at all:

Midnight: (acts as an ordinary elder magic tome)

Daranau: (Acts as an ordinary Thunder tome)

Zephertwig XD : (gives Chase an unhappy pinch whenever he uses it)

Sword of Bloody Wrath: (Makes Esphyr so paranoid that she talks to it) all according to plan

Hellsety: (gives the wielder cool little boomerang thing to throw around)

Calamity: (there's two of them ... that's odd ... so there's actually ten CWs ... and Cuddles has two of them ... )

As far as good rping goes, Me, Ether, and Lightning sometimes fall a bit short, but as far as making the crimson weapons more hellfire forged cursed problems in blade/tome form, we're ahead of the pack.

If I didn't know better, I'd have to assume that Cynthia and Kiryn don't even remember that they have CWs half the time. That's just the impression you're left with. These things are the cause of our problems but most people don't want to act like the are. I'd tone down the Proxima incidents if the other CWs were a little more at the forefront of our daily lives. The best we get are Ether's mercing sprees and Esphyr's chats with her sword.

@ Kiryn

Eh. I was taught to embrace the differences between men and women. Though that's not entirely related to this, I feel like bringing my stuff up since you brought yours up.

Personally I like the differences stereotypical or otherwise and sometimes poke fun at them. Now if some people don't fit gender stereotypes I don't look down on them or mistreat them(not that I know of :/ ), but I still like to stick to what I'm familiar with.

As far as your peeves ... well I've encountered most of mine in this thread already. For your sake I'll just put gender jokes in spoiler tags and mark them for you -_-

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The problem is if we start making the CWs zomg awesome, that makes the non-CW wielders look like a bunch of idiots in comparison. And the RP shouldn't be creating too large of a division between CW wielders and non ability wise, otherwise it's just an excuse for godmodding.

Similar to Arrin, Morgan's been training since like age 3 how to surpress the effects.

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I have to agree with both Cynthia and Phoenix partially. The Crimson weapons are indeed plot devices, but they're good plot devices. With the exception of Morgan, Helios, and Isotov, who only occasionally make use of their weapons, they see enough use in combat that you get used to them. They're a pretty driving factor for Esphyr, Morgan, and Damian, so really all we need to do is police Crimson Weapon activity and make sure that the Promoxia incident never happens again unless completely necessary. So yeah, like Cynthia said, no making the Crimson Weapons "zomg overpowered", but I think that as plot devices, they do pretty well.

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I guess I have to side with Phoenix on the CW issue, in that they need to have more drastic effects, for some users. You're supposed to experience misfortune as a result of being a wielder, and, well, Eric's probably experienced more than any one of the wielders, barring Iso, and even that's iffy. There has to be some draw-back. I mean, Snowy has Esphyr's mental instability, at the least. Damian is another story, but that's just personal opinion.

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@ Kiryn

Well there's Daranau's excuse (crazy spelling)

@ Cynthia

It's not a god modding excuse, it's cinematic flavor. If we never had weapon incidents, there'd be no need for the CWs in the first place. As far as equality among CWs and normal people I don't think that really matters. Balancing stats is one thing, but balancing relevance isn't important. You were the one that didn't want Viv to join because she didn't seem relevant, but if she did join you would want her to matter as much as a CW, or at least be close?

Maybe I'm using the wrong person as an example, but could you please clarify?


Like Snike said, we're basically breaking the CW theme here. I know Proxima is over the top sometimes, but if nothing else, it's picking up the slack of all the other weapons.

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Well the Crimson Weapons are said to be the only things that kill the Lord of Azure Flames. If you recall, I suggested once that the Crimson Weapons have more abilities as the player levels up. Well now, if we want to keep the cinematic element of them, we can add special attacks to them that drain more hp and have a awesome effect. How's that?

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