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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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I had thought about having Morgan suggest that, but riding a horse= riding a pegasus?

Morgan is starting to develop begrudging respect for Kelas.

@Snike Fix'd. I mix up words that start with the same letter sometimes.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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@ Kiryn

Wouldn't work anyway. Susann's ... picky ... to say the least ... and still unconscious for some reason :/

@ Snowy

Have Esphyr and Irina talk about Lev for a bit. I see a potential opening for a short monologue between Iso and Lev that I've gotta do! Even Cynthia the terrible may find it slightly humorous!

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@ Kiryn

Oh Viveka can ride horses, but other people riding Susann never works. She'll just buck them and then fly as high as she can to look for Viv. Best use this to torture Helios or just tie her up.

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@ Kiryn

The idea would work, but Amari would probably object. Susann is pretty light and would be jerking Amari pretty hard if she got spooked.

Probably best to start an AmarixSusann support before tying them together.

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Oh, I've heard of that. Isn't it some kind of flavor? Foreign, anyways.

Edited by Snike
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Given the medium and the nature of real conversation, we can either post one-line posts, or do the conversation over PM and then post it. The latter's good when there's not much going on. This is not currently the case.

Now, we could have each person in a conversation say about a paragraph each time it was their turn to talk, but who do you know who honestly talks like that?

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Given the medium and the nature of real conversation, we can either post one-line posts, or do the conversation over PM and then post it. The latter's good when there's not much going on. This is not currently the case.

Now, we could have each person in a conversation say about a paragraph each time it was their turn to talk, but who do you know who honestly talks like that?

So... lemme get this straight. When talking to someone else, you don't do anything but blankly stare into their face and say words? You don't fidget possibly? Your mind doesn't wander? You don't break eye contact and look at something that passed the corner of your eye (a very natural reaction, BTW)? You don't frown? You don't do anything but talk?

Sure, if there's no time to seriously converse, one-liners are fine for SPEAKING I suppose... But come on.

Edited by SlaveBlade
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Question: Why is this not in feedback? You bring up a valid point, but it's the wrong topic, methinks.

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Sometimes the mood is already set, but we don't bother elaborating on emotional responses or jerk reactions unless it seems relevant or we're trying to get something across for others to react to.


Snike's right.

Edited by Phoenix
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Of course there are a million little tics when talking. Few of them are really that noteworthy enough, though, especially when there's action going on. You're leading someone away from a group, you're going to focus on what they say and maybe a gesture, not the blinking or the posture, unless it's important.

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