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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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That really depends on what your writing style is. One-liners are generally for quicker reaction posts, though it's true people abuse them, and there are some people who aren't good at the whole body language thing. See Kai for example Generally I write more than just one line, but that's mainly because I spend half my time catching up here XD Reading through lines and lines of text gets tiring after awhile.

Clockwork is still going to get stabbed. Repeatedly.

I might just make a female fire mage/soldier just because of that list psych made. Another fire mage+Heinz= Explosion or a female soldier that doesn't just follow Damian around would be unusual. :lol:

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Of course there are a million little tics when talking. Few of them are really that noteworthy enough, though, especially when there's action going on. You're leading someone away from a group, you're going to focus on what they say and maybe a gesture, not the blinking or the posture, unless it's important.

OK, fine, the person is boring. Is there truly nothing else worthy of note besides giving full attention to some person talking? I can tell you right now, the answer is not yes. If it is, why are you walking on a treadmill in a dull room of dullness?

Also, why post in a topic that has 0 replies anyway when I could post here and (get this) get a response easily? And that brings up another point: No feedback... I shouldn't have to elaborate on what that means. And another point, I count this as chatting, since we're CONVERSING, and also note that it's more than one line :lol:

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....? RPs... not meant to be viewed...? I'm sorry, but... you're posting in public, and it's not meant to be enjoyed by others. Why even put it in the viewing eye of the public to begin with if you're gonna be of that mindset?

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It's on a public forum so anyone can join it if they want. It's a forum game of sorts, not a fanfic. It's not that it can't be viewed, but its purpose is to entertain those involved primarily, not to appeal to readers.

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Phoenix, we may need more of your feathers. Like, a dozen more.

Ahhhhhh sh*t :facepalm:

....? RPs... not meant to be viewed...? I'm sorry, but... you're posting in public, and it's not meant to be enjoyed by others. Why even put it in the viewing eye of the public to begin with if you're gonna be of that mindset?

Stop arguing with Cynthia. She will pull out a calculator and beat you with numbers somehow :/

If you need something to read, you could try my fanfic. It's pretty violent though.

It's on a public forum so anyone can join it if they want. It's a forum game of sorts, not a fanfic. It's not that it can't be viewed, but its purpose is to entertain those involved primarily, not to appeal to readers.

Yeah no kidding :(

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The draw of a forum-based RP is the interaction. That's pretty much the best answer to your complaints. We use one-liner type posts at times because there really isn't a need to say or do anything more and delaying to add details which serve no purpose harms the interactions; hence why we do them. It's not meant to be read because it is meant to be interacted with, partaken in, played with, whatever other term you can think of. If you desire long posts and outside readability, try e_s.

Edit: Sleep for me.

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Now that's an interesting point (forgive me for reading along here). Are RPs solely meant for the enjoyment of those writing? I've known a fair few people over the years that enjoyed reading RPs more then actually participating. Do they not count? On the other hand, I don't see anyone here really reading along with the RP seriously with you guys (that might have something to do with all the combat statting, can't be fun to keep up reading). So really, if someone decides to read along for their own enjoyment without participating, and they have any comments/criticisms, should they be disregarded because this "isn't for them"?

Don't take that to mean I'm picking a stance here. I can see the point that if they really want to have a say, they can just join in themselves. Just food for thought.

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It's on a public forum so anyone can join it if they want. It's a forum game of sorts, not a fanfic. It's not that it can't be viewed, but its purpose is to entertain those involved primarily, not to appeal to readers.

Are you not reading it? I mean, you can't be involved and not read the stuff.

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Are you not reading it? I mean, you can't be involved and not read the stuff.

:facepalm: I'm participating in the RP. Perhaps I should have clarified "outside reader", and trust me if I had an issue with it I would bring it up.

@e_s The criticism was responded to, as to why so many posts are "one-liners" (which I still find very inaccurate.) To be honest though, I don't really care if what I or anyone else does appeals to outside readers or not, since this isn't a work that I intend for entertainment value to the audience. If you like reading the RP great, if not fine, but we're not going to change things just because it isn't fun to read for non-participants.

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OK, at this point, this is sort of going to side-track the discussion, so, can you please move this to the feedback thread, and let us chat about our story? Feedback is meant to be for criticisms like this.

Edit: Yes, I'm aware that the Phoenix beat me to the punch, but I don't really care.

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Oh, I'm actually trying to discuss, chat if you will, not criticize. I always felt the merit of an RP was on how fun it was to read, not how fun it was to participate in. If I can go back to something me and some others wrote a while back and still enjoy reading through it, I call it a win. If someone who only reads the RP tells me they like it, I call that a win. If at the end of the day, I'm happy with the way I phrased my words and I think some others are too, that's a big W in my books.

So when you said this RP isn't meant for outsiders, but rather just the people in it, that statement intrigued me. I just wanted you to further explain that point.

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No, I liked the explanation personally, show us more of Irina's character.

Katie will probably just ignore Lev, so I doubt it will lead to anything.

@ e_s I guess we see things differently then. I don't see RPs as something that's meant to entertain an outside audience, and as such don't care about the "readability" of it.

I enjoy reading this RP, but I've tried to read others and found them pretty dull. Having so many different authors makes it seem mismashed, and to get everything you probably have to read all the character bios and lore etc. etc.

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I'll just back off now, as I'm going to bed. Cya guys later on today.

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@ Cynthia

Yeah that makes sense. They didn't exactly have a good start, and everyone in the group knows not only that he's a player, but that he's Irina's friend/personal meat shield.

@ e_s

I see your point, and I do try to make my posts easy and sometimes funny to read myself, but I don't want to make a big deal out of it overall. As long as I'm having fun, and the other rpers are too, I can stay focused. Like Cynthia said, if outsiders enjoy it, great, fantastic, if not ... well you can't please everybody.

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Chat has been a very good time and also productive in some ways.

I find outside criticism more valuable if it's something plot related, such as "so and so character is boring/interesting etc.", but the one-liners thing strikes me a stylistic issue that comes from the RP not being intended for outside readers.

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Chat has been a very good time and also productive in some ways.

I find outside criticism more valuable if it's something plot related, such as "so and so character is boring/interesting etc.", but the one-liners thing strikes me a stylistic issue that comes from the RP being intended for outside readers.

Hint: That's what I've been trying to say this whole time. But whatever, clearly we don't see eye to eye. I don't have to read this thing, just as you don't have to listen to what I write.

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