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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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Just so people have an easier time getting the reactions they want out of Lev, I'll give you a basic run down of his beliefs and thought processes concerning women(though they may conflict with previous impressions overwhelmingly).

Lev's view on sex:

Love it.

Lev's view on women:

Love'em. Now if I could just find that one that's perfect for me :/

Lev's view on intimacy:

Straddle me the right way and I'll impregnate you make you my number one ;)

Lev's view on relationship development:

Get in there fast before some other guy shows up and cockblocks you to death.

Lev's view on approaching receptive girls:

Don't be a dick. Be polite and playful because if you leap at a girl just because her legs are spread wide open you'll collide face first with the wall. Not all women are prostitutes so don't pretend they are.

Lev's view on approaching Esphyr/Viveka types:

Tease, tease, tease til they stop taking you seriously. Make them realize that you're harmless, friendly, and even a decent meat shield. Once you hit the friend zone, strike!

Lev's view on Irina:

Come on, Victor! Hurry and kill Ivanko so I can make my move already!

Lev's view on men:

Don't get in my way and I won't hurt you. We might even end up as friends if you don't mind me having at least one woman on my arm at all times.


@ Deflecting the attack

That's the plan


Lev's been in enough fights to know about the broken bone issue. He's not actually using a short axe though(easier to take a hit due to the force having wider focus). He's using the same two handed version that Haar has in that artwork jpg. He's got a lance too but he only uses that on girls

Edited by Phoenix
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Aww...no yelp of pain with a broken arm?

Ah well,a fracture is still possible,I suppose.

Aiya suggested a strength test,since Lev was trying to help her choose a new sword.She figures that he is tough,since he tends to boast,and did take out the peg knights.So she suggested that he test how much of a kick her swings have to them,so he can determine what kind of blade she could wield.

Edited by Ether
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Aww...no yelp of pain with a broken arm?

Ah well,a fracture is still possible,I suppose.

Aiya suggested a strength test,since Lev was trying to help her choose a new sword.She figures that he is tough,since he tends to boast,and did take out the peg knights.So she suggested that he test how much of a kick her swings have to them,so he can determine what kind of blade she could wield.

She's going to end up with a zweihander or a claymore, and where is Damian in all of this?

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Damian isn't gonna but in on harmless flirting,considering Aiya has no problem when he does it.He was talking to Viveka,but then she sorta started ignoring him,never answered him when he suggested a place to meet up,and is waiting for a response.

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Will Esphyr soften to Lev, or is she destined for Damian's sweet embrace? What about Aiya? Will she be able to handle Lev's constant flirting! Find out on our next exciting episode of Lord of Azure Flame!

*credits start rolling while cheesy 80's sitcom music plays*

And now for a special preview of our next episode!

Esphyr: Damian... I think I'm pregnant... And Aiya is the father!

Damian: Say what?

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Yeah, uh, the other day, I tried to watch the end of a soap while waiting for a movie to come on. 5 minutes later, I was rolling on the floor, because of how bad it was.

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Will Esphyr soften to Lev, or is she destined for Damian's sweet embrace? What about Aiya? Will she be able to handle Lev's constant flirting! Find out on our next exciting episode of Lord of Azure Flame!

*credits start rolling while cheesy 80's sitcom music plays*

And now for a special preview of our next episode!

Esphyr: Damian... I think I'm pregnant... And Aiya is the father!

Damian: Say what?

Aiya: No,it's not true Damian! I was having a three-way with Lev and Irina,so I couldn't get Esphyr pregnant.

Esphyr: Then who-?

Damian: Simple,it was me...*transforms into Shanice*

Aiya/Esphyr/Irina: Le-gasp!

Damian appears,with Kelas: How about we just have a six-way.

All: Only if we can make Helios watch,and not get any.

Damian: I wouldn't have it any other way...

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I remember once i was at a friends house and his mom told him to watch a soap and tell her what happens. Later when she came back he said; They had secks. It was disgusting. And she was all like "OMG i knew it".

@ Ether: Shadap person who ................has..............no avy on YT............. yeah

Edited by Kai
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Watch Phoenix try to retcon Ether's dream, and it turn into some massive orgy with everyone except Helios.

We need plot movement people! ;_;

Edited by psychout50
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