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Three hours of sleep, and still alert. Ha.

@Outrun: Not going to call anything down on it, but I wouldn't classify a marathon as "easy." Given Panamon's lifestyle/history it's likely easy for him, but... yeah. (Oh and are you getting the horse figures from endurance riding perchance? Just curious.)

...Posting a thing, honest...

....yeah I'm gonna pass out soon. But not now. Post first.

Edited by The Clockwork Alchemist
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That reminds me. Cess should have 1.82 exp instead of 1.02 exp, but I haven't gotten around to changing it. It'll probably be fixed by Tuesday.

Gogogo. I wanna try fighting now. But I don't get exp if I die right?

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@ Outrunning things

Iso has the same type of running experience Panamon has, only he got good running away from assassins for hours instead of having spare time to train.

As for the speeds. He's right, humans actually can run close to thirty miles and hour (26ish area), but that's only when sprinting. When a horse sprints, they go even faster. I don't know why Panamon sprinted to Alburny instead of taking his time, but regardless, it is possible since we can safely assume that the mounts weren't sprinting(ubergalloping)

With that Iso and Panamon are the fastest human characters in the rp :)


Actually I don't think it's possible to actually sprint for that long, but marathon running is. Just for clarification.

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Knowing him, he prolly did drink water. Just, didn't bother adding it in.

Edit: Yay for Viveka early arrival. I find her hilarious.

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@Outrun: Not going to call anything down on it, but I wouldn't classify a marathon as "easy." Given Panamon's lifestyle/history it's likely easy for him, but... yeah. (Oh and are you getting the horse figures from endurance riding perchance? Just curious.)

Neither would I. But I hope one day it becomes easy, for me at least ;)

And to answer you question, the most recent years in the Man vs. Horse race (22 miles) has the top horse times averaging to something close to 2:07. Given that at the Boston Marathon alone, you had 15 people break 2:15...


I don't know why Panamon sprinted to Alburny instead of taking his time, but regardless, it is possible since we can safely assume that the mounts weren't sprinting(ubergalloping)


How far is it to Alburny

Also, he likes a good, fast run

Knowing him, he prolly did drink water. Just, didn't bother adding it in.


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So, uh, I guess Snowy won't take up the duel. I guess Eric's going to head out of the inn, then.

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Well Cuddles is going to be pleased with this development I'm sure -_-

Okay I've been neglecting to mention this but Kiev is suffering from moderate malnourishment/malnutrition. As a plain dweller, he should be eating much more often(and larger animals if he is unable to eat frequently), but the lack of consistent feedings and bigger meals since the trip started is starting to seriously screw with his thought processes.(notice how every post is geared towards finding food or finding a way to chow on Amari)

I decided to amend the wyvern article with the information. (It's under "Diet")

Here's the information taken directly from it(though I should have been more specific). Feel free to panic or poke fun. Either way is fine.

Wyverns that go for too long without eating become delusional, and sometimes highly aggressive and even cannibalistic. Domesticated wyverns are hardly an exception though they may sometimes remain sane longer. A starved wyvern will typically lose its sanity after about two weeks and will begin attacking anything and anyone around it in search of food, including their own riders. The crazed demensia usually wears off within a couple of days once the wyvern is being fed regularly again.

This is hardly a threat right now, as neither Kiev, nor Ulfhrahn have gone this long without enough to remain cool, but at the same time, the insanity isn't instantaneous. It sets in quickly enough as the munchies, progresses to eat something even if you get in trouble, and climaxes at Helios sandwich.

Ah nothing makes me feel better than adding context to the world :D


Ether has actually already solved this problem for Ulfhrahn by just sending the wyvern away to hunt.

Irina on the other hand would be highly reluctant to do so because Kiev would eventually start relying on himself for food and become less subordinate when hungry, which would be disasterous in battle or near the other mounts.

Before she joined she fed him chickens but ... eh ... no chickens since she joined :sweatdrop:

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...The hell was that for? (And whatever happened to the "I kind of like animals" Reika from chapters ago?)

...Buh, either I'm too tired to figure out a motive for that, or there wasn't one.

Edit: Is he alive enough for that? Though I'm probably not sufficiently awake to write any good Kelas rants now...

....I'll prolly just go pass out.

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@ Kiryn

Goodnight ahead of time ^_^

@ Everyone else

I'll probably get off too if we're having another one of those early nights, but until then, just a goodnight to all in advance in case I suddenly log off ^_^ (am rather tired myself)

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