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I may have just written Helenos back into the RP by the way. :unsure:

I'm assuming she can change forms like Shanice.

Edit: Cess'll give the book to Katie, and the pendant to Morgan, since Kelas isn't that girly, Irina isn't really either, and not many others to give it to.

Edit 2: Wait, He'll give it to Dani. That makes more sense.

Edited by psychout50
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Heh, Kanami, you seem awfully acrimonious, but you know how to turn a phrase. I can see why you're the one Kai asked to tear my fledgling little RP to the ground. Bu they, if you're going to have a sharp tongue, it may as well be silver.

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I like how you can be all calm, and suave, then come in here and treat us the exact same way you say we're treating your RP. <_<

You must not be a Buddhist. Karma, man. :mellow:

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There really wasn't any point behind it, but it's kind of boring having a spy in the group that doesn't really do anything and big sabotage plans get me in trouble, and while I'd usually welcome such angry people, I'm a bit busy lately with other "stuff" so I can't exactly scheme something big without risking doing a Lightning.

Reika doesn't really have a strong attachment to animals, a person who liked animals wouldn't fry wyvern eggs XD. She has a hatred for wyverns as she associates them with Bern Halton. And while she slightly prefers horses>humans. (Mainly cause she can't understand the former) But she isn't exactly a Kelas (Horse <3'er).

Motive is simply to upset the group, nothing more, nothing less, Reika isn't a schemer Even though I'll make her actions result in some schemes, they're as unknown to Reika as they are to the rest of the group. Another reason I suppose would be her dislike of authority, and Susann in the current situation resembles a prisoner being held against it's will.

My motive however is to see how Phoenix will deal with it :/ Wyvern article update gives me some ideas.

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Phoenix, you might want to retcon the "escape" post to being a bit earlier, because it's unlikely that nobody would notice the broken rope all night. (Hostlers putting out feed, Kelas checking on the horses before going to sleep, suchlike...)

Further edit: Well yeah, but you don't even have to be an animal lover to not randomly contemplate killing them...

Edited by The Clockwork Alchemist
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Yup. She's going to end up trying to kill "that dumb little mute" and either "air-headed thunder girl" or "pretentious little cleric". :awesome:

Totally not my opinions :mellow:

Yay plot deviced items.

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@ Kiryn

I checked both posts. Cuddles specifically posted that Reika cut Sunny loose in the morning :/

Nothing wrong with them being spotted, that'll probably prevent this from turning into a massacre.

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Oh what

...but it's not even morning


(Right, right, okay... only qualm I have about such a level of uneven timeskips is, if you skip very far ahead of where the group is, the situation might change in the interim, rendering the post impossible. I'm not going to provide such a change here, at least not for that purpose, but...)

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It wasn't intentional but you posted something about it being morning, then Cuddles amended the morning scene by cutting Susann loose. My only choice was to respond and hope no one is crazy enough to screw up the space-time continuum -_-

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Woah, everyone's okay with my fuck-over of the group.

Now I have to see how to give Dani the pendant without it looking like Cess is coming on the her.... :mellow:

Probably logging off in about 10 minutes, unless someone posts something that involves me.

Edited by psychout50
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Well, like Isotov and Panamon, Reika can run pretty fast, she's been on the run for years just like Isotov, mind you not by the same people, but still.

Looking at things from Reika's perspective, I figured her number one problem with the group was keeping up with them. If you all hurried off like you did earlier, then to keep up, Reika essentially needs to run as fast as Amari/other horses. So by killing them off, it becomes easier to tail them. She might contemplate attacking Kiev or Ulfhrahn later, but horses seem.... easier to kill XD

As for picking on Amari, not only is it a long-standing tradition goal.... err joke? In the RP, but I figured having a weapon in Amari's direction would result in some sort of cry from the creature. (Surprise, fright, etcetc) bringing the event to at least someones attention. But no one really cares what Reika does XD Could have been Trevor, Francis, or any of the others, (How many horses does the group have?) But a reaction from them was unlikely. And I don't really know where they are.


I don't get it, I was under the impression you timeskipped to the next morning? (Broad-daylight) :/ Reika's arrival would be much later then the rest of the group which charged there :/

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@ Kiryn

She'd been a bit apprehensive about moving about alone, but it was broad daylight; a lone attacker would be discouraged, and if a raiding party were to strike... well, she'd have more problems than being alone anyway. Still, it was with a little relief that she returned to the inn.

There. You didn't say morning, but it looks like a timeskip to us. Now I think you didn't see the post about it taking us til nightfall to get there.


@ Psychout

Ninja me again and I'll set Cess ablaze :angry:

Edited by Phoenix
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Right I'm obviously too tired for this.(I shudder to think of what will have happened by the time I wake up, but I'm not in any fit state to make good posts now.)

I'll do the Kelas-lecture ASAP tomorrow (real tomorrow, not RP tomorrow) assuming nothing's blown up. (Hell, that could provide a convenient distraction for her not to notice the agitated horses outside...)

Edited by The Clockwork Alchemist
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I support screw overs :/ Why would I complain? Seems fine so far, I'd be fine with it even if the things blew up the moment Cess handed them over to other characters. Though if there's say, a hidden goddess spirit thing in the box which will give whoever opens it three wishes. Then I suppose I'll have issues with it :/

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