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@Three wishes Dammit you ruined my other plan...

Actually I thought of that as an option, Reika would steal it and get a wish, maybe Helios would get one, and maybe Shanice can get to it and make a wish too.

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@Three wishes Dammit you ruined my other plan...

Actually I thought of that as an option, Reika would steal it and get a wish, maybe Helios would get one, and maybe Shanice can get to it and make a wish too.

Reika wishes for the group and the people who hired her to die. Most do, but she has to do it herself.

Helios wishes to rid himself of his virginity. Damian appears.

Helios: :blink:

Shanice wishes that its plans would succeed. ... they do, Reika killed most of the group ... all according to plan.

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Currently wrench gunning everything outside the RP <_<

Honestly though, you people need to stop picking on the Faq'ers XD

I think I might resign from this RP and just float around flaming all the RP's instead XD

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I'm trying not to pick on the FAQrs so much, more asking SlaveBlade for clarification since he's all "no one takes mah criticism srsly!"

You can't throw wrenches anymore if you resign.

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Protip: We're from GFAQs just as much as Snowy is - yes, we have accounts there, and originated there, but we're not from there anymore.

If you want to call us anything, just call as SQers.

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I'm trying not to pick on the FAQrs so much, more asking SlaveBlade for clarification since he's all "no one takes mah criticism srsly!"

I... don't recall saying that... Wait, I did imply it. I think it was something along the lines of I said something that wasn't positive about the RP, and consequentially made immediate enemies of the RPers with reasonings such as, "It's just how we do things, you don't have to read it if you don't like it"

Well, damn, why bother having a feedback station if you don't actually care what is said there? I'd understand your response if my feedback was, "This sux lolzorz", but it wasn't...

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Immediate enemies? You clearly don't get into too many arguments :/

The discussion is flow is this

SB: I think this (comment)

RP1: I don't agree

RP2: I don't agree

SB: No, I'm right your problem is (comment)

RP1: No, you're an ass shut up.

RP2: I still don't agree

SB: Well I hate you all too *Rant*

RP1: No u

RP2: Yadda yadda

etcetc XD

You keep complaining people don't take your comment seriously and then refuse to be clear about your comments by saying things like "I shouldn't have to be clear" "I don't want to tell you my point" etcetc.

Personally it looks as if your just as butthurt as Snowy is XD

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Heinz has no default, he's got better things to do.


Because it reveals my second character.... B)

Only Kai, Bal, Sage, Lightning, and maybe Snowy have only one character. You have a whole country seemingly dedicated to you....The mercs seem to be a sidequest backstory of yous sorta.

I have one character :( Though I might add another at some point. Kanami has a character from Septimus? Eh, I'll have Heinz do something anyway if we ever go there.

I could try to summarize, but I already did that somewhat in the post in the RP. And I kind of have to take a nap right now, unless I want to be half dead for the rest of today (too late)

Don't feel like joining in on the argument/debate between the RPs.

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Immediate enemies? You clearly don't get into too many arguments :/

The discussion is flow is this

SB: I think this (comment)

RP1: I don't agree

RP2: I don't agree

SB: No, I'm right your problem is (comment)

RP1: No, you're an ass shut up.

RP2: I still don't agree

SB: Well I hate you all too *Rant*

RP1: No u

RP2: Yadda yadda

etcetc XD

You keep complaining people don't take your comment seriously and then refuse to be clear about your comments by saying things like "I shouldn't have to be clear" "I don't want to tell you my point" etcetc.

Personally it looks as if your just as butthurt as Snowy is XD

That was a god awful representation of the argument, and is not how it actually unfolded :facepalm:

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~Carrying over from Feedback~

It's nearly 6PM on a Saturday where I live :/

And I've always considered Friday evening the start of the weekend. Mainly since that's when the little kiddies start planning their weekend sleepovers (starting on Friday night) and us older geezer go out to clubs bars and other pointless social gatherings to get drunk and forget that life sucks XD

~Going back to chat topic~

I've kind of been asking SlaveBlade for reasons why posting lots is bad. I know we as the Rp'ers get left behind at times, but I don't see how it affects a non-participant, and it doesn't seem to be the point he wants to get across anyway.

Edited by Kanami
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There's more to that post, btw. Nearly all of it mysteriously disappeared when I posted it and had to edit it back in.

EDIT: It's about 5:00 AM Saturday where I am. I should probably head to bed soon...

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~Continuing from Feedback~

I don't like Snike XD I don't know, XD I don't like anyone in this RP I think, not sure XD

Yes, well, some of these people don't the ability to think, I reference this for as long as this RP continues.

But say you accidentally kill someone, murder, crime bad.

Your options

A ) Wait for the police to come and get you

B ) Leave the country

C ) Strap on a few guns and run towards police station, shooting anyone that gets in your way and talk to the chief officer at the police station to drop the charges.

What we did in this RP.... C <_< But instead we killed everyone that tried to arrest us, didn't bother talking to the King or any authority in Ilyphina, and decided to go off and investigate some tentacle monster in a swamp. (Within the nation).

That's how bright these people are, they either have a hero complex "Nothing can touch me." Or simply lack the ability to think.

Take Lightnings comment when confronted with an enemy trying to arrest/kill the group

"I'm a wanted criminal who's commited other crimes in the past, don't kill me!" XD

And I thought a wife and sixteen kids was a lame excuse


Overall, I'm for a slow down in pace. But however you phrase it, the words getting through are "post less" and when you've seen so many RP's die due to not enough posts..... well you kind of become reluctant to tell people how they should post. Though I have no qualms with flaming people I don't like :P

Personally for the active-actives I'd recommend starting up another RP, and splitting their attention so it's not solely focused on LoAF, but after discussion with three people, all three declined such an idea and said they wanted to focus on this RP.


PS: I'm using this thread, because I don't like the Feedback thread. The mods get angry when we use it XD

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~Continuing from Feedback~

I don't like Snike XD I don't know, XD I don't like anyone in this RP I think, not sure XD

Ahh, Kanami. I though you cared. I thought we shared something. I thought...

Overall, I'm for a slow down in pace. But however you phrase it, the words getting through are "post less" and when you've seen so many RP's die due to not enough posts..... well you kind of become reluctant to tell people how they should post. Though I have no qualms with flaming people I don't like :P

Personally for the active-actives I'd recommend starting up another RP, and splitting their attention so it's not solely focused on LoAF, but after discussion with three people, all three declined such an idea and said they wanted to focus on this RP.

I've always personally felt more than a little swamped by the pace myself, but this is exactly the thing. I'd prefer an RP that I struggle to catch up on but still exists, to one that is just tumbleweeds drifting across the plains.

Anyway, in this aspect, as always, I've been trying to lead by example, and just... wait for people to respond/catch up to what my character did, rather than try to timeskip them past it because I no-longer have anyone to interact with.

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Ahh, Kanami. I though you cared. I thought we shared something. I thought...

I did care Bal, but that was until you broke my non-existent heart by refusing my marriage proposal XD In hindsight, I'm glad I didn't sell my soul away to some random guy on the internet, it's not a matter of quality, but the medium in which we met that bothers me XD

Now the only thing I care about is who and what I can flame next, and who I need to be wary of.


In more serious news, Kanami's activity will be plummeting soon, (If you haven't noticed already XD) I took a semester of Uni (or College, still not sure what the difference is) these past few months, but I start up again next month (27July) and I've loaded myself with another full time job. One which doesn't allow me to work from home >_<

As you all know I'm bored of this RP, I'm still keeping an eye on it hoping it'll get better,I know it won't. But if it comes down to it, I'll give you all an early Christmas present by leaving this RP. At the moment, my student ID number is acting up and won't let me log in so I can't tell how many hours a week I'll have at Uni, but between that and work, I'll probably log in for 2~3 hours a day at most.

Deactivating serious mode, but retaining honest mode.

My other not-home job, is right next to a petrol station...... XD

Edited by Kanami
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And yes, a human can easily outrun a horse. A horse runs 22 miles in roughly 2 hours and 7 minutes, taking time off for vet stops and such. A marathoner runs 26.1 close to 2 hours flat. The farther human and horse go, the farther the ahead the human gets.

I would heartily disagree. I did some research and I wouldn't call twice in 25 attempts "easily", plus it appears the horses are given a fifteen minute time delay of start.

Neither would I. But I hope one day it becomes easy, for me at least ;)

And to answer you question, the most recent years in the Man vs. Horse race (22 miles) has the top horse times averaging to something close to 2:07. Given that at the Boston Marathon alone, you had 15 people break 2:15...

If you're using the Horse times from Man vs Horse, why not use the Man times from there as well. Taking times from one race for one participant, and then selection the Boston Marathon (a completely separate race on different terrain, conditions, etc.) for the other strikes as cherry-picking.

I did care Bal, but that was until you broke my non-existent heart by refusing my marriage proposal XD In hindsight, I'm glad I didn't sell my soul away to some random guy on the internet, it's not a matter of quality, but the medium in which we met that bothers me XD

Now the only thing I care about is who and what I can flame next, and who I need to be wary of.

You pretty much said no in the same breath you asked, though, so... XD

Anyway, fair is fair. :D

In more serious news, Kanami's activity will be plummeting soon, (If you haven't noticed already XD) I took a semester of Uni (or College, still not sure what the difference is) these past few months, but I start up again next month (27July) and I've loaded myself with another full time job. One which doesn't allow me to work from home >_<

As you all know I'm bored of this RP, I'm still keeping an eye on it hoping it'll get better,I know it won't. But if it comes down to it, I'll give you all an early Christmas present by leaving this RP. At the moment, my student ID number is acting up and won't let me log in so I can't tell how many hours a week I'll have at Uni, but between that and work, I'll probably log in for 2~3 hours a day at most.

Deactivating serious mode, but retaining honest mode.

My other not-home job, is right next to a petrol station...... XD

University/College distinction is only really important between regional variants of English, if I recall correctly. British English uses college for the end of your secondary education, with university being where you go after graduating from high school (I think).

In American English, college and university are used almost interchangeably. (Though I believe that in strict usage Universities are the larger institutions, and may in fact be composed of several colleges operating under a unified institution.)

At any rate, best of luck with your adventures in schooling and the workplace, and hope you still have some time to spare when you can. I'd be sad if you dropped out.

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Normally, when saying someone is wrong, you'd explain why, not just say so. This is likely exactly what Kanami is talking about.

Normally I'm not up till 4 AM at night, when I responded to it either, shit happens sir.

If you want elaboration, it really wasn't how it unfolded.

I started out asking a question, and they started out being sarcastic in their responses (which can be taken as a sign of hostility), so, yeah. Not how Kanami said it unfolded...

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@Bal & Kanami (I'm in the sign using mood today)


I got 6 hours of sleep but for the life of me I can't fall back asleep so here I am. I've been thinking, so I'm gonna present them list wise today. :lol:

1. Yay! Only half a page of catch up. :newyears:

2. I don't want C over there to steal my preist idea, so I'm gonna make him as soon as I post this, even though I think it's a bit early.

3. I can't sprite him yet, technical issues, but I'll get him stated, so he'll have numbers.

4. I may have figured out how to make a crimson staff...but it requires that (with Phoenix's approval) priesty actually met that lady in Iso's past. Can't think of a name.

5. Which of these staves would he be able to have? He'd have a Mend, Crimson, and maybe one of these. (Maybe Divine as well, but I'm not too sure about giving him Light)







I want the Barrier the most..... :wub:

6. Feedback. I'm sick of listening to everyone's shit, even our opinions on them. Just stop it already. >_<

7. There was something else.....I just like having 7. :newyears:


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Because Snowy doesn't know how to say 'no' (running joke, I know he can, he did back in the first instance of the Rayton/Chase situation), let me do it for him.

No. Just no. There is no Crimson Staff.

No. You cannot make a character just to spite another player. Nothing stops both of you from having priests. This isn't a competition, you don't have to force one in sooner than is reasonable.

No. Your list of staves is silly, and mostly pointless in the game system of the RP. There is no need for Hammerne, clearly, as weapons don't break. Torch and Unlock could probably be combined into one general utility staff if they were even really needed (which I doubt, but maybe), just summed up under the category of general staff magic that The Lady grants her worshipper. Status and Barrier staves may eventually be called for, but may be OP, and need to be carefully thought about before just being thrown in.

Feedback. Don't like it, don't read it. Now that was easy.

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