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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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-I thought we already established that there was no Crimson Staff? Didn't know you were still pushing for one.

-Nyeh, you can make whatever character you want, for whatever reason whether it be love whoring, comedic relief or even spite, but trying to usher in another character for such a reason seems silly.

-Staves are silly, amen. I'm not really sure what status staves are, but if they're related to status conditions (poison) then I'm pretty sure we've said no to that before as it complicates the system. Barrier is sort of the idea I had for Kamilla. And you could probably work a non-CW weapon of such a design through Snowy, as there is precedent. Though that would probably be in the case where I leave, and Kamilla is permanently removed from play.


Stop reading it then XD I find arguing more fun then this RP at the moment, so I'm spending more time there XD Though I admit the ShuXLoAF war is getting sort of boring. Other statements are fun, whether they hold any water or not though is another matter.

Overall, just echoing Bal XD

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The crimson staff isn't actaully a crimson weapon, persay, it's his pent up emotions against the goddess, that were joined with a staff giving it an appearence similar to a crimson weapon. :mellow: He may have also met Shanice, and didn't know it. It'd be explained in the Phoenix-y thing.

I'll think more about the staves.

Would anyone mind if I wrote the Staff topic in the important things thread?

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If you've gotten approval from Mr Incompetent then I'd say go for it, otherwise it's probably a better idea to post it here in chat first, and then see what everyone's response/thoughts on the issue are. Cause at the moment I'm leaning towards a "no" and I know I'm not the only one.

If you don't want to show it to everyone, then probably a good idea to at least run it past Cynthia and get her thoughts on what you have planned.

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I haven't actaully writen the Staff topic yet, I was just thinking of it....

Okay Phoenix here's the story (for whenever you get on..) :awesome: (this isn't his whole backstory by the way)

Pary (his name, pronounced Par-ee) came upon a mysterious women,laying in her own blood, surrounded by a patch of burned grass. He managed to heal her wounds, but it was already too late. She managed to say one last thing before she slipped away. "Tell Iso...I'm sorry, and that I loved him" ( :awesome: ) He set to burying the body, and after, he traveled through some nearby woods. He came upon a person horribly disfigured by flames (Shanice, He hadn't changed forms into something else yet. :awesome: ) The being could sense his anger against the goddess, and knowing he could use it for his own powers, he bound his emotions, to the staff in his hand. The staff became warped, and disfigured, yet another one of his punishments for disobeying the goddess. He has since carried it with him, along with his other scarred memories of the goddess.

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I remembered #7 on my list. :awesome:

It'll probably be flammed down (just like all my other ideas.. <_< ) but I stated dancer classes, should Snowy ever allow them/anyone ever make one.









Dancers also have a unique Luck cap of 6, for better avoid. These dancers are the ones that can use Swords, so that's why they have relatively good strength and skill.

Again, this is just in the event we get them.

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.... I'm against it. (Crimson Staff)

1: Pary is not a demon lord, CW's were made with hellfire(?) shards and light magic, I really don't think the Pary's anger, no matter how severe was enough to match hell itself.

2: Shanice does not have binding powers, or at least be better not <_< Honestly though, Shag-nice is more interested in his name then binding random weapons as far as I know.

3: Shagnice's objective was to destroy the CW's I think, I'm not sure, Snowy's Demonology is very... crappy? But the demons objective is apparently to destroy the CW's. Them trying to make replica's seem rather... stupid?

4: Plot relevance, what is the relevance of this? I wouldn't mind a new slew of weapons (Jade Weapons!) created for those who want them, (Make them non-soul binding weapons with magical CW like properties I suppose) made for whatever reasons. I don't know, but classifying your idea as a CW is ridiculous, and illogical.

Interesting note

Crimson=Red, Azure=blue. Usually the red guys are the bad guys, and the blue guys are the pesky do-gooders. We is the enemy?

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The emotions are against the goddess, the demon's enemy. Seeing as how it's a staff, it doesn't have powers similar the other CWs. The demons wouldn't fear it. Shanice may have powers that can create/form/tie things which is what he did.

On your suggjestion, the Jade people are green NPCS. Katie totally needs one. :awesome:

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I'm going to say no to the idea of a crimson staff as well. For one, I can't even imagine how that would work unless it's a non-healing staff seeing as healing draws on the goddesses power. Kamina got it mostly right as well.

As for the dancer class, I REALLY don't see a point to it; even if we did allow them to attack. Kamina got special approval because she focused largely on the buffing aspect; but I see no reason to turn that into a full-out class. So no.

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You forgot to mention how such a class would be a dodge tank, as well. Which further cements its' status as a no.

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@Snowy The dancer was just for the future. I have no plans to make one, it's just there should the need arise. She'd be similar to the item Kanami made up in order to skip the 5 post battle limit.

Where'd that list go anyway? :unsure:

The staff would be kinda similar to FE2 clerics, I guess. He takes half the damage he heals to the target, but he's able to drain HP from enemies with it.

@Snike I'm thinking of ways to de-buff her. Maybe make her speed count as half avoid, or enemies that target her get a +2 to hit.

The speed is so she doesn't get doubled/can double, and the luck is to avoid crits.

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First off, a mechanic like that would not need to be a crimson weapon. Just because it does something that could potentially be defined as demonic does not mean it must be a crimson weapon. Secondly, while I've been iffy on adding new weapons with actual stats, even if I did, I would be highly against absorb-types. So no.

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(No one ever likes my ideas. :sob:)

Is it the Nosferatu-is-really-Sol-skill thing again? Cause I was thinking that the drain would be affected by Res, and is just his Mag, which since it caps at 4, it's possible to negate it. If I had too, I'd make him only absorb half the HP drained.

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Item post would be this one. As far as I know, it got scrapped, there really is no need for them without a proper gold distribution system, and I'm not sure this RP needs more number crunching.

I actually think that sooner or later it'll be a 6 post of possibly even 8 post limit as we've got a new lot or RP'ers now. And 5 posts isn't much once again. At the moment though I don't really care as long as the 5 post rule is maintained (and isn't decreased).

I hate to agree with Snowy, but it really doesn't sound like a Crimson weapon, classifying as one makes no sense (as stated prior) Crimson weapons are things created in a specific way (hellfire+Light) and with specific effects Hp-1/Atk+1. And breaking this mold seems like we're calling any weapon with magical effects CW's.


I kind of get the feeling that it renders the thief class obsolete. It's essentially just the thief class with two less SKL and 2 More HP. (As well as the higher luck). I can't imagine why we'd suddenly need to introduce dancers as well. We've already left the land of prostitutes haven't we? XD

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Then can I at least have the Barrier staff? :lol: (Formula = 1/2*MAG +1)

But think about it. The Hero guy has a Res of 5. The drain'll do squat. So he'll be doing squat against bosses and generics with some resistance untill he promotes. The most he can do is 4, which is a little under half HP for most, less if they have Resistance, and he only absorbs half of the damage, which would be 1-2 depending.

@Kanami The reason it seems very similar to a CW, is because of the anti-goddess feelings, similar to Hellfire, and the staff, similar to a form of light, it seems like it could be a CW.

The dancers don't have the Theif skill. And I could probably think of something else later.

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Cool. Five pages of OOC and 2 pages RP.

@ Nady: Welcome back ^_^ . RP was getting too happy without you

@ Character killing: Shutup Phych. Lets kill Cess then

@ Wishes: NO! :angry:

@ Gamfaqers: I love how they appear out of no where when we reference them. Hey SlaveBlade!

@ Feedback: ......... -_-

@ Snowy: Morning

@ Horse killing: Me thinks that Reika can only off Heinz and Cess's horse. Packhorse and Amari has personality

I had this dream that Phoenix and Nady got married and everyone in this RP went to their wedding. Phoenix looked like that dude in his sprite gallery and Nady looked like her Avy on FEE. Rein wasnt invited for some reason. -_-

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Sounds like something the priestess hero would have, (Your absorb idea) I really haven't got much to say about it's formula and usage, I'm just against it being a CW.

@Barrier staff.

You do realize how shitty your character will be?

1/2 a Clerics max mag is 2+1=3 :/

Unless of course you want to add in a roll, making the max Res boost 6. Decent, but.... I sort of think a regular heal would be more useful, just my opinion though.


Hellfire = anti goddess? Is that like saying clouds = anti hell? Different construction and origins, and it's already been knocked back, so I don't really see much point in arguing whether it's a valid CW. Probably better if you try to push it in as a unique weapon instead.


If I ever wipe my memory and decide to marry anyone it won't be Phoenix, although the chance of me marrying Phoenix are higher then you coming to my wedding. That a pretty strong negative :/

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I'm fine with the Roll-Barrier thing. See if I every heal Reika "Barrier, Barrier, Barri-whoops, she died."

Is that a yes on the Barrier? I'm still contumplating CW-ish staff thing.

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