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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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If you're wondering about the dream thing and the depressing parts of it, I was reading the Silent Hill scripts and I was feeling depressed at the time. Mind you, I planned that all along, but it was even more depressing than I envisioned.

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Okay, semi-crimson staff (not sure what to call it, but to appease Snowy, it is not Crimson)'s formula for drainage = Mag. Enemy resistance can affect it. So even unpromoted classes can render this obsolete.

S-C Staff's healing formula = normal heal formula, only Pary takes half the damage healed (will leave him with 1 HP should it kill).

Barrier's formula = 1/2*Mag + 1/2*Roll + 1 (rounded down)

@Phoenix BUT HE DID SEE HER BODY AND THE BURNING AROUND HER, should he see Proxima, Iso, and get a bit of backstory, he'd be able to put 2 and 2 together.

Edited by psychout50
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Suggestions thread is <--- way.

@ Backstory and knowing Iso

Just say he took Miranda's Bolting Tome. She didn't get to use it.

Or a diary, or anything Iso would recognize. Simple.



In case you're wondering why Miranda was a thunder sage, it's because she's based off of Ursula and Selena.

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@Phoenix I put those there incase someone decides to yell at me during battle, I have evidence.

Aren't both of those...you know....Mage Knights/Valkyires and not Sages?

Does she have a Circlet? I could do Circlet.

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@Phoenix *cough* Selena is Thunder I guess, cuase of Bolting and stuff, But Ursula drops Exclaiber, a wind tome.

Ohhhhhh! Idea! (Bad sign, I know) He could be a High Priest-type bishop, and gain Light, Wind, Fire, and Thunder. That would explain why he has the Bolting:

"Stat Battle"

Pary used Bolting! :awesome:

Iso: I know that tome. :o

Le gasp! (French gasp! Excuse me, Jerdonian gasp.)

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@Phoenix Cause carrying around a dead women's tome is TOTALLY not creepy. :awesome:

Knowing the other characters in the RP, he'd either pawn it/give it to Arrin.

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Dani would con Pary out of the tome somehow.

Besides, just because Miranda was dead doesn't mean she was a mangled unrecognizable corpse. She was only stabbed about three times or so :/

Maybe he kept it because ... she was ... one fine looking woman ... even dead? :/

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He wrote off on the plot device, as well as saying the women in the shop was Helenos. :mellow: I'd assume he'd be fine with this as well.

@Phoenix :awesome: I'm a new type of messer upper.

You have no idea how bad I want to spell your name Pheo.

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@ Pheo

... ... ... it'll be the last thing you do.

@ Jacking zombie dragon psychobitches(<---am I the only one that sees that? :/ )

Maybe you should ask first ... just in case ... you know.

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