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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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No, please do. It's amusing how Helios suddenly threatens Cess after a mage he knew for about a day passes out.

Edit: Rant still delayed, until Snike posts.

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Okay maybe I'm just overreacting. Surely there is a logical reason for why my characters are not allowed to go this far unhindered and unslammed :/

A. Morgan isn't around

B. Snowy's a mod

C. Esphyr isn't as old as Katie

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Helios is getting a little paranoid

I cant wait to post an OMG EVERYONE AROUND ME IS A DEMON response

And thats not the point. I ninja'd Rein and now he has to Retcon

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Partially it's because Damian and Esphyr have had what I like to call "lovetalks". They've talked about their relationship, Esphyr's past etc. Iso just faps over Katie's food. That's kind of how it's supposed to progress IMO, but now that you mention it this is a little...hasty.

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Partially it's because Damian and Esphyr have had what I like to call "lovetalks". They've talked about their relationship, Esphyr's past etc. Iso just faps over Katie's food. That's kind of how it's supposed to progress IMO, but now that you mention it this is a little...hasty.

You realize that both Iso and Katie have some serious handicaps right?


No emotional awareness

Injury prone


Can't talk

Controller focuses more on PC

Besides, Snowy doesn't really focus on or use Katie unless I force him to or he needs her to knock out Esphyr or blow something up so it's not like they can really do all that much together in each chapter.

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Niemi and Colm get their A support by chapter 7

Im just saying

Neimi and Colm are childhood friends. And I doubt you'll get the A support convo by C7, that would mean taking about 12 turns a chapter which is pretty slow.

@Phoenix I'm not blaming you, but if you can't have serious conversations between your characters, the relationship just won't develop.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Esphyr is pretty adamant on "Aiya comes first",so she is most likely trying to solidify what's going on,so that she can question Damian if he's [insert action here]'d Aiya before he tries to [insert action here] Esphyr.That,and she is likely still not completely ready,so she's probably trying to brace herself,while learning more about him.

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@Phoenix I'm not blaming you, but if you can't have serious conversations between your characters, the relationship just won't develop.

Which is why I'm going to keep powerplaying Katie until Snowy balances both women or Katie dumps Iso ^_^

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@Kai's support comment: Chapter 5, if one waits long enough in 4 and 5. \

OK, so, apparently, Snike screwed some sort of plan up, involving his PC getting the life force sapped. Well, what he read (not told) was that his character was to receive a cursed bracelet or broach, which would sap her energy. So, separating OOC from IC, he decided to have his character accept the broach, and put it on, as per her character. Then, he decided that he would show the effects, considering that it was a cursed item. Then he goes into chat and is called an idiot for not delaying the effects of the broach and making them worse than they were supposed to be, and another RPer chastises him, for something he had no idea about. Snike isn't a mind-reader, so he can't predict some plan that the other user is planning or how severe it was supposed to be. And, considering that other people would have not accepted the broach, Snike feels that being called an idiot is a bit much, and that the user who's complaining really shouldn't, and just improvise.

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@Kai's support comment: Chapter 5, if one waits long enough in 4 and 5. \

OK, so, apparently, Snike screwed some sort of plan up, involving his PC getting the life force sapped. Well, what he read (not told) was that his character was to receive a cursed bracelet or broach, which would sap her energy. So, separating OOC from IC, he decided to have his character accept the broach, and put it on, as per her character. Then, he decided that he would show the effects, considering that it was a cursed item. Then he goes into chat and is called an idiot for not delaying the effects of the broach and making them worse than they were supposed to be, and another RPer chastises him, for something he had no idea about. Snike isn't a mind-reader, so he can't predict some plan that the other user is planning or how severe it was supposed to be. And, considering that other people would have not accepted the broach, Snike feels that being called an idiot is a bit much, and that the user who's complaining really shouldn't, and just improvise.

Damn, Snike that was long.

To clarify: Live and Learn ... and apologize nao -_-

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It is Snike's tirade, yes. Trying to restrain himself. Just read back, and noticed that the user was already called out on the plan anyways, and now Snike wonders why the user is angry when poor communication was evident in the first place.

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@Snike I'm sorry, but I kinda stated it somewhere, I just can't remember where. Since Katie would write in the book, it would also take her a while to feel it's effects. I kinda assumed people would think it would take a while. I guess I was wrong

*cough* Okay that was nice, serious answer. He's jackass answer. :awesome:

We call Kai an idiot all the time. Get over it.

Edited by psychout50
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It is Snike's tirade, yes. Trying to restrain himself. Just read back, and noticed that the user was already called out on the plan anyways, and now Snike wonders why the user is angry when poor communication was evident in the first place.

Is Snike angry at The Kai for calling him bad Snike. Because The Kai was being sarcastic.

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