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Chase. For reasons best answered by Lightning, if my hunch regarding his real backstory is right.

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Chiefly: We have seen examples of when one person controls two paired characters. While I don't think you'd quite manage the level of WUT that... certain pairs have managed, Shallow Love Interest syndrome remains a danger, especially with two other mains and a cast of NPCs to juggle.

Furthermore, we haven't really seen much of non-shallow Katie yet. I'm sure Snowy has depths for her, but he hasn't shown them to us yet, and I think that's his job to do. Even with full, detailed character controls, it's easy to miss the original player's real intentions for a character.

Basically, I don't think leaving character development to someone other than the character's creator is the best of ideas, nor do I think increasing an already large load is.

Also, you spoke of temporary earlier. I assume you're referring to your control takeover being temporary?

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Lev's ladies' man reputation dooms him from the get go with Charlotte. She's pretty judgmental about such things. And innocent flirting has to be pretty darn innocent, she's kinda naive, not a total idiot and coming on too strong will turn her off.

Problem with Morgan is you're constantly treading on thin ice. If you're not talking business, there's a good chance you're wasting time, if you disagree with her you're likely just to get a lecture or argument (unless phrased very delicately). Bal somehow manages to handle this correctly, which is why Morgan actually talks to Tessa (Tessa also never does dumb stuff).

Chase is the only outlaw in the party I know of.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Chase. For reasons best answered by Lightning, if my hunch regarding his real backstory is right.

Oh that! Hmm ... he's more hampered by the Morgan addiction than anything else. Even if he was a wyvern rider or something crazy like that at some point, Viveka would be more pissed about "another woman" than anything else.

In fact, that's the main reason(of several reasons) why she and Damian wouldn't make it to the third or fourth date. Sooner or later Aiya will show up, and Viv will storm off XD

@ CharlottexLev

Never crossed my mind actually

@ MorganxSomebody

I just don't see the point XD

Sure if someone can one day go "I got Morgan! Woohoo!", great, but ... there are too many friendly women for such a feat to make sense undertaking.

@ Kiryn

Yeah it was only for immediate interactions. I don't mean to totally take over Katie.

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So,let's see who's screwed in my characters so far at trying to talk with Morgan.

Eric - via argument

Dani - Obvious reasons

Derek... Not yet, but probably will.

So, uh, do we have to bet on Chase taking a flamethrower to her icy demeanour?

Morgan addiction was a point I missed, as well.

Edit: So, then, Charlotte's an outlaw, 'cuz she has a bounty on her? Having a bounty =/= being an outlaw.

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Oh and bandwagon tiem:

Kelas: Wary of attempts on her person and doesn't suffer fools well. (For some definitions of "fool" in her opinion chiefly Helios.)This does not, however, rule out too many options. (However, joke I don't even need to make and yeah. Nobody pays any attention to her unless they're Shanice.)

Arrin: Lol lol. (Even given the possibility of something bad happening with Tessa, he's not really interested in anyone much older than him... so yeah.)

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@ Kiryn

Not important right now but VivekaxArrin is actually a very good pairing(not romance, he's too young for her and vice versa).

Viveka's younger brother Lars died and so she has a serious appreciation for younger platonic male friends. She'd treat him very brotherly after awhile and probably piss off Kelas at some point XD

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@ MorganxSomebody

I just don't see the point XD

Sure if someone can one day go "I got Morgan! Woohoo!", great, but ... there are too many friendly women for such a feat to make sense undertaking.

You guys have no ambition (except for Bal, but not a romance pairing...hopefully). Well Snike might, but he's holding a hand of pretty much completely incompatible characters.

Katie's really getting nothing besides her interaction with Iso (which are also becoming less frequent) so you'd essentially be controlling everything. And this leads to 'Shallow Love Interest'

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You guys have no ambition (except for Bal, but not a romance pairing...hopefully). Well Snike might, but he's holding a hand of pretty much completely incompatible characters.

Katie's really getting nothing besides her interaction with Iso (which are also becoming less frequent) so you'd essentially be controlling everything. And this leads to 'Shallow Love Interest'

@ Ambition

I've got plenty of ambition or I'd have given up on Katie by now.

Lev would actually go for Morgan but since he's an NPC, they'd be unlikely to hit an S.

I'm holding about 10 characters that are completely incompatible with Morgan for the most part.

@ IsoxKatie

That's your and Snowy's fault. Snowy's got too much life to handle both women, and you are very unsupportive :sob:

I'd accuse you of being jealous but that comeback is old and has lost it's sting. Suffice to merely call you on your anti-IsoxKatie efforts.

Besides ... if IsoxMorgan ever happened it'd be a f*cking god mod. Best to let Lev take his shot, fail and call Morgan a Chase only romance support.


I read chapter 3 again recently ... Morgan's reaction to Ivanko was rather ... interesting.

Thoughts on IvankoxMorgan?

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The problem with an NPC romancing Morgan would be that defrosting her takes some time and their limited amount of time with the party could limit this.

Still though, if Lev is the type of man to enjoy a challenge he's definitely gotten that vibe off Morgan at this point. Curious to see if he's suave enough to pull anything off successfully.

Ivanko was willing to take charge and get a CW wielder into the party. Morgan was actually impressed by someone, which is better than what most PCs have, so...

I've just tried to help IsoxKatie be plausible really (my definition). It's a tough love kind of deal.

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You guys have no ambition (except for Bal, but not a romance pairing...hopefully). Well Snike might, but he's holding a hand of pretty much completely incompatible characters.

I'm barely confident enough to play the woman in a heterosexual romantic interest, let alone a lesbian romantic interest as interesting as it might be for the group to be burdened with a non-traditionally interested character. Any previous comments to the contrary were only Chat-related jokes for laughs.

Clockwork: I saw your post listing possible supports the group needs discussing, and will get back to it when I have more time.

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@ Morgan

I appreciate such a challenge myself ... but at the same time, you've got to wonder what's on the other side of such a challenge. More challenge? :/

@ LevxMorgan

You notice that Lev never pushes things with her? He keeps things casual and non confrontational even when she provokes him? :hat:

@ IvankoxMorgan

Ivanko's not going to change from an over aggressive objective battletank. Morgan's not going to change from an objective mind wiper. I think we have a winner! XD

@ IsoxKatie

I think it's tough enough what with her voice gone and Iso's impending duel with Zombie Miranda.

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The thing with Katie as Shallow Love Interest is, it's really on Snowy to fix it, and more on other players to not pretend there's personality there when there isn't.

Now, Phoenix could try and pull her out of the SLI heap if he gets her on loan. He won't have all of Snowy's original motivations in mind, though, and it won't really solve the problem, because he'll eventually give her back. She might be interesting for about a week or whatever, but it's ultimately up to Snowy if she stays that way. Thus I really think the ball is in Snowy's court on this one.

This is where other players are affected: Meanwhile pairing her with anyone becomes less and less plausible, because she's less and less interesting to players and characters alike. She's a food source and a handicapped damsel in distress, maybe causes the occasional explosion, but otherwise... where did the teacher intent on avenging her students go? Most people stop paying attention; a few hang on. The former question what point the latter are seeing in pursuing anything. This goes to the point where I wonder about the character's continued existence, or rather whether existence should continue, since I'm against just handing off characters to other people.

Re Morgan: I was actually vaguely considering a sort of "fire-forged friends" thing but I didn't think it would quite work.

@Sage: Y'know, we probably won't bother picking up the pieces after Nadeisco gets you...

Man I'm tired. I should stop rambling, go to sleep...

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I'm barely confident enough to play the woman in a heterosexual romantic interest, let alone a lesbian romantic interest as interesting as it might be for the group to be burdened with a non-traditionally interested character. Any previous comments to the contrary were only Chat-related jokes for laughs.

Yeah I think a sister/sister thing is really the better option here. And with the way things are going, we might end up being the only same-gendered support pair woo. Closest competition is Aiya/Irina.

@Lev He's had no screwups so far, and they have interacted a few times, so he's not totally inept.

@Ivanko If they ever disagree, shit's gonna go down. Eh, if he gets along with Ixion he should get along with her too.

I'll say this, Morgan likes Kelas a lot more than she did back in Darien. She's started to actually trust her with some things, and if Morgan thinks you're competent, it means she kinda likes you.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Re Morgan: I was actually vaguely considering a sort of "fire-forged friends" thing but I didn't think it would quite work.

@Sage: Y'know, we probably won't bother picking up the pieces after Nadeisco gets you...

Man I'm tired. I should stop rambling, go to sleep...

Bold: What pieces?

Italics: Someone really needs to slap her, or something traumatic has to occur to her.

Underline: Yeah, I might decide on doing that, as well...

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Edit, Edit, Edit. Hope Nady doesn't kill me. God what was I thinking back there. Lousy cheesyness. Die die! Why did I write that?

Anyway all fixed. Will be more careful next time.

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I can't think of anything traumatic enough to actually change Morgan at this point. Maybe Tessa dying, if Morgan were somehow responsible, but even then utilitarian mode might kick in and go "we have other healers, no sense crying over spilled milk."

Considering having mindwipe backfire at some point--that would be drastic. Too many amnesiacs recently though, give it some time.

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Crack pairings for Morgan out of boredom(not all romances either)

MorganxLev (Morgan: She is my hostage until further notice! Lev: Sure whatever.)

MorganxIvanko (Morgan: We must defeat the LoAF! Ivanko: Damn straight!)

MorganxIxion (Ixion: Now my similarly aged apprentice, your training is complete)

MorganxVictor (You never know, savage vicious killing machines sometimes get along with girls like her)

MorganxMiranda (Miranda was slightly aloof but she was quick to turn into a cunning goal oriented smart ass)

MorganxPetris (and you know it's true)

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It's nearing 3AM. I'm nearing peak asshole levels (my current source of amusement is watching what I percieve to be Sage squirming at the thought of painful Nadeisco-wrought death.) ...Right, I'm done for now.

See y'all later.

Sent a PM about it to her actually. Reworked various scenes actually. Yeah I suck but what can I say? I've been feeling depressed all week and I've been reading lots of Silent Hill today, so my material was really not up to snuff.

But yeah, if I'm going to hell, I might as well notify her about it.


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I see Morgan as a self-confident woman who believes she is infallible. Now, I think if we can shake that sense of infallibility, we have us a defrosting Ice Queen. On an unrelated note, what are her exact motivations for defeating the LoAF?

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@ Crack pairings Lol. Though I doubt Miranda and Morgan were too much alike, since Isotov is terrible at making friends with Morgan.

I'd consider Miranda to be a very imbalanced/disproportionate/3:2 cross between Morgan and Dani.

Iso and Morgan don't mix because he got a bad start, and doesn't always agree with her.

Iso's start with Miranda was WAY better for supporting XD

F*ck it.

Yeah ... it's official ... I will find a way to either resurrect her, or do some crazy homunculus like crap. It'll tear Iso apart but it'll be interesting still.

I think I'll give her a profile soon.

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