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Lets see

This is how i see how other characters see Helios IMO

Damian: Noob

Aiya: Who is that?

Esphyr: Virgin

Morgan: Noob

Eric: IDK

Iso: Doesnt really have a reason to hate Helios

Kelas: See Iso

Arrin: Noob

Katie: IDK

Irina: Make fun of my brother again....... -_-

Al: Doesnt care

Reika: Gas Mage

Derek: Doesnt care

Dani: Doesnt care

Tessa: IDK

Charolette: Green haired wind mage whose name i dont know

Chase: Im going to kill you

Im probably missing a lot

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So,he stopped Damian because he wants to die anyway,and decided it would be best to take the rest of the world with him?

No he's mad because he thinks Damian's roughing up a citizen and when Aiya is going to kill him, he's goading her, considering how he's depressed and suicidal. He has no idea about Helenos.

So really, if Alf knew what happened, he wouldn't be in this situation. This is when Altruism bites him in the bud.

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If that's what's going on,then it might be best to knock him out.If you don;t have anything else planned,a black out post would likely be a decent idea,Steel Punches hurt like hell,and can kill if aimed correctly.A delayed K.O. isn't implausible.

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Alf is officially emo, and Ether don't you need permission not to strike, but to cause significant damage to other PCs?

A broken bone isn;t that significant with healers nearby.A hit like that in a normal situation would cause a concussion easily,but it's up to him if that happens.Fact is,once he chose to spit at Damian,Aiya was going to hit him,and hitting him with a Steel Gauntlet is going to break something.With staves,it is easy enough to fix,so it shouldn;t be an issue.

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Alf is officially emo, and Ether don't you need permission not to strike, but to cause significant damage to other PCs?

The difference between Alf and emo is that keeps it in the inside (mostly) and doesn't engage in self-pity.

But yeah, I really dropped the ball here huh?

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I guess if Helen is actually normal,then there should be no aftereffects.If Snowy is playing around with us,the exposure to the Curse-Field should manifest itself somehow,probably slight burns,skin discolouration,and such.

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