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So how tall is Chase according to that? He's supposed to be like 5'3" but w/e.

Don't know but Viveka sure is taller than I expected ... ... I guess long legs'll do that but wow.

All four of my characters are close to the inn entrance. Except for Irina. She left with Kiev to get some chickens. Lev and Viveka are right by the entrance with Krinkov and Susann. Iso's heading back inside soon to put away the plate.

Edited by Phoenix
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I'm kind of confused. There's still an angry axe-user whose friend we just assaulted right inside the inn. We shouldn't be so laid back, just because she didn't turn into a dragon and eat us, Damian got us started off on a seriously wrong foot with these people right?

Edited by Balcerzak
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Make Damian apologize? Loudly, from a distance? I mean, that needs to happen anyway.

(Also, some of us weren't even involved by virtue of not being in the room at the time. Some of that subset didn't actually exit the building.)

Edited by The Clockwork Alchemist
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Make Damian apologize? Loudly, from a distance? I mean, that needs to happen anyway.

(Also, some of us weren't even involved by virtue of not being in the room at the time. Some of that subset didn't actually exit the building.)

Quite so. I'm much less worried about, say Tessa who was asleep, and Arrin who was off waking people up. But Alferis wandering back in is iffy, and Kelas was kind of pointing bows at people until she left to avoid inn-keeper cleaver wrath, right?

That said, as soon as we start associating, and making our affiliations obvious, even not being present won't be enough to save us, I get the feeling.

Edited by Balcerzak
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Right. I'm actually about to do something about that. We haven't seen the last of the cleavers. I'm mostly just deciding what I want the knife to hit.

(What are you talking about I'm totally not picking up a knife obsession from work.)

Edited by The Clockwork Alchemist
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I don't wantonly kill people with units that aren't explicitly enemies...


Question (since I'm not sure it'll be answered in the character graph thread): Are we ever going to see Kamilla again? I thought we were, but if Nadeisco leaves, I doubt it.

Edited by The Clockwork Alchemist
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Kanami said that she would write up what Kamilla was doing, but she's been pretty inactive lately, so I dunno.

I might use her for some sort of plot later possibly.

If Kanami leaves, what to do with Reika?

Edited by -Cynthia-
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She was talking about loaning Reika to Sage as a trial thing. Then if Sage managed her all right he'd get her; else she'd kill Reika in a blaze of destructive glory. (The entire continent burning was mentioned, though I don't even want to know how she'd pull that off.)

Anyway, I won't delete Kamilla from the chart yet, then.

...Man, where is everyone today?

Edited by The Clockwork Alchemist
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Oh yeah about "life", i am going to have to enroll in a tutoring program on Thursday. It might take up my whole summer. So yeah if i can make some arrangements that would be nice.

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*yawn* I keep getting tired earlier and earlier, which is weird. I was up till 3-ish when I first joined. :mellow:

I can still post stuff sorta, since Phoenix is gone. I kinda like this about having two characters. If someone I'm interacting with is gone, I have another option. :awesome:

@Heinz getting the Knives

I'd kinda prefer giving Reika to Sage, only because you post a lot rarer than him. You're slipping into Kanami-ness of dissappearing.

Edited by psychout50
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Just going to say, severing is an absolute last resort, If I quit, I really don't care what happens to Reika, but for the sake of the RP, I really don't want to see everyone jumping up and severing stuff. I don't care if they're half spirits, demon dragons or Jesus's. Weapon severing is stupid, and hence the reason I opted to hand over Reika to Sage. He's doing a slightly better job now that I've sent him controls, so I'm pretty sure severing is a no :/

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I do longer summary type posts, as for not posting as much that's just me being lazy and not checking the RP as often. I kinda wanted Heinz to have the knives in case the group finds out he ratted on them and decided to kick him out, but I'm alright with Sage having them.

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Not what he's saying Kai, he's just saying that's what he does.

Personally I think it's good some people do longer summary type posts, works well with Heinz anyway, since he's introverted and "spying". It's just that I think not every post has to be like that.

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