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In LoAF Shu must conform to comprehensibility standards. He will lose much of his greatness when this takes place, and he'll probably die immediately upon insertion, but he will be there :mellow:

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I rarely know what you're talking about. I just go with the first thing that comes to mind. You're not so terrible as to not point out when I miss the mark.


And whatever your plan is, leave Kelas out of it. I hereby forbid you from torturing your own characters! Yes the firebird can do that ... somehow.



Edited by Phoenix
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I don't want you(Snowy) of all people (except maybe Ether) calling my character lewd :/ Others, it could be laughed off, but you and Ether don't have any right to call Reika anything like that, even if she ran around naked and started hitting on Helios.

Phoenix with more plot relevance might be a good thing :/ Better then Conrad and Damian at least anyway :/

As for the tether slicing, I actually expected someone to randomly pop up and tell me they were watching me, or possibly even prevent me from leaving the stables, so I'm perfectly fine with being confronted about it.

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@ Snowy

... sure I'll ... get right on that <_<

@ Esphyr Kiryn

but if you don't tell me then I'll assume it's Katie and rage! Sh*t will burn to the ground :(

@ Cuddles

Plot relevance and online time go hand and hand. The last few chapters have driven that point home like a 50 calibur round through a cow skull.

Edited by Phoenix
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@Catching-in-the-act: I figured that was kind of godmode, but the rope is the sort of thing that would be noticed afterward... so yeah.

...Except ARG BLARG WE HAVE NOT YET TALKED TO CONRAD and Kelas is waiting to start her fight until after.

~plots something completely harmless~

@Sacrifice: See, Phoenix, you're finally learning how much of a jerk I am...

Edited by The Clockwork Alchemist
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Let me see if I can explain it. This may not be too applicable, these are my words and not e_s's, for all I know he could be a-okay with you using his character (or parodying him). But when you write for as long as he has, his characters are pretty consistent and have taken on their own personalities, even becoming their own people in some (admittedly crazy) cases. I've got a few characters like that (who none of you Snowies know, and likely want, if the only RP I'm in here is Shu's Quest), and it would bug me a bit if someone suddenly decided that they were going to take that character, especially when I wasn't around to say anything (because, from what I understand, e_s is MIA for a bit, maybe a week or more).

I dunno, that's my 2 cents, it in no way should be taken as e_s's opinion, because I'm not a long-range telepath, so yeah.

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I apologize. I ment it in jest.

The only thing you should be sorry about is your own existence :/


Yeah, and I keep interacting with the inactive ones with no relevance XD


It would be God-moding, however, it's not like that's stopped most of the RP'ers before :/

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@ Kiryn

You're so cute when you try to play evil XD

@ RP

I'm posting ... and tab whoring apparently :/

@ Cuddles

I suggest interacting with someone like ... ... Iso. Just for the hell of it. Or Irina ... just so everyone can watch Reika get chokeheld for a moment or two.

Edited by Phoenix
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I suppose I could try interacting with Iso, I'm still reluctant to play the wyvern egg scrambling card until later, now probably isn't a good time since Damians trying to pull Irina into him harem anyway, and I really don't feel like randomly popping up infront of the two wyvern riders, and commenting on how cooked they like their eggies.

As for Iso :/ What do I have to cook to be able to interact with him? Never really thought about it, he seems to have his own things he's doing most of the time, and I'm sort of trying to drag the unimportants more into the spotlight.

Either way, you have Katie to play with now, so I suppose I'll just do a bit more work. :/


I will not :/ Not on orders from the transexual gay tart at least anyway :P

Edited by Kanami
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@ Kiryn

How come when someone uses the word "cute" it's a warrant for murder? :/

@ Iso's tastes

Umm ... how about waffles? Can Reika make waffles?

@ Irina's preferred eggs

Umm ... yeah save that card for later.

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If the group had a female wyvern ... Kiev or Ulfhrahn would succumb to the pheromones, impregnate the wyvern, and then Cuddles would have a free pass to utterly destroy the entire group once the hatchlings are born, and the female starts getting all ... motherly.

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Depends on the context really, being called cute by a random stranger is kind of creepy, and a legitimate reason for murder on the internet. Otherwise it's a joke/sarcasm and kind of insulting. Either way it's creepy.


Waffles? Does it involve meat on fire? No? Then no :/ And I'm not willing to hunt or buy meat for an enemy either! :P


Nyaha :/ Later is good, later when I'm buried under papers, would anyone mind calling my parents if I die? If I don't log on here for a week without clearly indicating my withdrawal it means a stack of papers fell on me, and I'm either plotting world domination from hell, or at pitifully starving to death.... unless paper is edible.

@Iso interaction

Imagine.... :/

Iso: So why'd you decide to join us?

Reika: Getting paid to be here, and I'm gonna stab people in the group whenever possible.

Iso: Stab? You mean assassinate?

Reika: Yup I'm an assassin.

Iso: ........ *Summons Proxima*

Reika: You do know this is a wooden RP right?

Iso: *Raeg* ...... *End of RP*

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Technically, your don't have any right (E_S) included to state whether a character concept can be used or not. If the group is unable to comprehend the character "Shu" that's just a random character called "Shu" in another RP and you can't exactly demand the name be changed, or that the concept not be stolen.

I doubt anyone from LoAF has even a slight grasp on "Shu" anyway. :/ Though I suppose it might seem slightly hostile, but it's clear two RP's don't get along IMO XD

Don't refer to me as a "Snowies" I hate that transexual gay hussy and refuse to be labeled in his group. Consider this a warning, since I'll be forced to dedicate myself to Slandering SQ if it happens again :/ My role in LoAF is to usurp any authority Snowy has, derail the plot from it's original horrific course, and cause the other Rp'ers headaches. Hence I am an independent hostile existence, and am not a "Snowies"

~*Continues ranting*~

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