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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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The only thing you should be sorry about is your own existence :/


Yeah, and I keep interacting with the inactive ones with no relevance XD

Heinz has relevance! Not really lol I'll post in a couple of hours though, once I can type something that sounds coherent.

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So... I've been thinking about what I will do after I finish LoAF or it dies... I think this will be my last RP.

My goodness that was depressing :(

Now who's going to lead the sequel? If you don't assign someone, Psychout will just take over :facepalm:

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Erm... There was never going to be a sequel. Not that I planned anyways. Either way, my characters are mostly finished and my idea's are spent. It's been years since I've been able to engage in a RP without someone hanging around to insult my every move (Naddy thinks she's special. I just call her annoying idiot # 31) let alone actually get immersed in the way I used to. I just don't know what else to do.

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I have one thing, and one thing only, to say to that reply. Let's hope I get it right the first time.


For future reference, if/when I'm using the term "Snowies," Kanami, you aren't being referred to.

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Erm... There was never going to be a sequel. Not that I planned anyways. Either way, my characters are mostly finished and my idea's are spent. It's been years since I've been able to engage in a RP without someone hanging around to insult my every move (Naddy thinks she's special. I just call her annoying idiot # 31) let alone actually get immersed in the way I used to. I just don't know what else to do.

♫ Call on meeeeeeeeeee call me

♫ Call on meeeeeeeeeee call me

♫ Call on meeeeeeeeeee call me

♫ Call on meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee*shot*

Anyone remember that song?

@ StupidFly

Goodnight ^_^

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If there were 30 before me, chances are you've had issues with administering an RP from day one and haven't taken any of the criticism on board, or were ridiculously pathetic at it, and have come a long way, yet still have a fair way to go before you can reach into the positive score field :P

And lookie! The Shuq'er are here XD Go figure such a remark would attract their attention :P

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No. Thirty people that I cared to number. 19 of them were of the 'my RPing is so much better than yours' type, 6 of them were similar to you, and 8 are of the 'this guy needs to go' type (No. You're not the last Naddy). Additionally, a good portion of them were either admins or moderators. You're not even that bad. You're actually the lightest annoyance I've had to put up with this year.

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As far as I know? Be nice to others, keep out of their own business, stand up for the little guy, try to keep characters in character, try to follow the guidelines and rules. Absolutely nothing. I mean just look what's happened here. Read the feedback topic for LoAF. Kamina just got called outright cool for denouncing me by the Shu people even though I've barely said anything to the Shu people and what I have said, aside from a comment about not wanting to join because the original post bored me and felt uninteresting, has been either benign or positive. So I honestly don't know why. I guess I just rub people the wrong way.

Heck, look at Naddy. She left in a huff, then wanted to come back. Not only did I assure her things would be fine, but I helped her create a character to her specifications as well as saying it would be okay for her to have Rekia back. I've been consistently nice to her and apologized whenever I've wronged her and she considers herself to be my SATAN now.

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@ Snowy

You are like a parallel to me! :blink:

Except I developed a small crush on her instead of snapping one day ... maybe the crush is another kind of snap? Either way it's wearing off so I'm probably coming back to normal again.

In life, I've learned that the problem isn't always you. Sometimes people just need someone else to piss on. I think it's you only because it's popular, and since you've grown to expect it now obviously, it's just attracting more of the same ... or something like that :/

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My enemies enemy is my friend? Usually applies to others, but if that were true, everyone would be my friend, as everyone is my enemy! God, I sound like I'm a 15 year old emo. XD

I'm don't actually dislike Snowy, I just disapprove of pretty much everything I've seen him do :/ Which... I suppose means I dislike him :/ Hmmm tough one, ah well.


Noted :/ Glad you didn't take me up on that threat, otherwise I'd have been reduced to grammar nitpicking and minor typo's XD

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No I don't. I don't care why either.

Edit: I don't mean this in the 'I don't care because it's stupid' way. I mean 'I don't care why because I want it to stop'.

Edited by Snowy_One
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As far as I know? Be nice to others, keep out of their own business, stand up for the little guy, try to keep characters in character, try to follow the guidelines and rules. Absolutely nothing. I mean just look what's happened here. Read the feedback topic for LoAF. Kamina just got called outright cool for denouncing me by the Shu people even though I've barely said anything to the Shu people and what I have said, aside from a comment about not wanting to join because the original post bored me and felt uninteresting, has been either benign or positive. So I honestly don't know why. I guess I just rub people the wrong way.

I know how that feels, man.

Sometimes people just need someone else to piss on.

Even if that's the case, it makes you wonder why so many people choose you out of the hordes of available targets. I guess you're right, once one person does it, that makes it seem acceptable to everyone else.

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