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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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@Phoenix: Right I may only be five ten and not very athletic but given an open upper-storey window and the proper leverage, I could solve that right quick.

That's also a crack pairing. You've got the "utter insanity" and "complete incompatibility" parts down Kai, you're just missing that spark of hilarity.

Edited by The Clockwork Alchemist
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Lol Aiya doesnt liek Helios because Kai is a douche

Most of the time, people find valid reasons for disliking Helios, and even when they don't have valid reasons personally, social pressure isn't something that should be omitted from the rp. Therefore, disliking Helios simply because others do is also a valid reason.

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Alright,so how far do you think Damian's place should be logically?

My original rough positioning was reaching it around Sunfall,while leaving rather early(we left Alburny before Noon).

Does anyone have objections to this,or am I good to respond as is?

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That positioning is fine with me I guess, unless people really want a few days' travel, though that doesn't make sense in this instance (we would have found somewhere closer).

Why does Iso/Katie constantly need to go back to food? Grrawrgh

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You dont object before the Kai does

MORE THAN A DAY'S RIDE PLZ. The continent is not New Jersey.

On second thought we are going to build support if we take to long. By tomorrow evening sounds good

Edited by Kai
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Iso X Katie ending

Iso and Katie quickly realized their feelings for each other after the war. They had a daughter together which Iso named Miranda. Katie had no idea where this came from but excepted it. She spent the rest of her days slaving over a hot stove for Iso.

Edited by Kai
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Iso X Katie ending

Iso and Katie quickly realized their feelings for each other after the war. They had a daughter together which Iso named Miranda. Katie had no idea where this came from but excepted. She spent the rest of her days slaving over a hot stove for Iso.

:lol: It's funny because it's true!

Miranda had a spell "Summon Food". Otherwise why would Isotov talk to her?

Edited by -Cynthia-
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@Kai: Needs more funny, it hasn't really got any right now.


Miranda arose from her grave. She went to seek out Iso and extract her revenge for a reason she doesnt quite have. Meanwhile Damian died a slow and painful death from AIDS. Esphyr and Aiya fought over his insurance.

- Chase scored with Morgan (She was drunk as hell and doesnt know)

- Aiya won

- Helios became blind

Edited by Kai
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@ Kai

Okay that second one was f*cking hilarious XD

@ Cynthia

No it was a teacherxstudent relationship ... then you could say the funny jokes turned into flirty jokes, then the flirty jokes turned into curiousity. After enough time passed, their slight age difference didn't mean much.


If Iso and Katie had kids. Iso would probably lean toward Zaftran names if Katie didn't mind.

Daughter names:





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