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Lev steals Katie! Gogogo. :newyears:

How did she just change gender and appearence? I thought she could only change voices, she kept her head covered by her cloak.

Edited by psychout50
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Lev steals Katie! Gogogo. :newyears:

More like Lev gives Iso lessons on how to bag girls with daddy issues.

*just realized that Cuddles is going to kill me for that remark* <.<


@ Snowy

I hate to say this, but that kind of disguise is something Lev would see through if he talked to her. Might want to have her stay the hell away from him XD



Lev is definitely a fun character. I don't have to worry about him getting all apprehensive like Iso sometimes does.


Why do people want Lev to steal Katie? And why do they think he can? He already had a bad start with her when she was first recruited. Remember the deaf woman jokes and the line she shot back that pissed him off? XD

These two aren't quite a good match :/ XD

Edited by Phoenix
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Kai does not who that is and doesnt care. To get to Septemus they must go through Tora. I figured since i made up the nation it should have some relevance. Needs approval from Snowy

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Good thing the Shoon Islands aren't somehow between Halton and Septimus XD

Jokes aside ... country placement seems to be coming up again. I wish we could get confirmation on that map.

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The Shoon islands are probably either off the coast of Elysima, Zaftra, or hell, maybe Tora.

All I know, is that they haven't been captured by another nation, govern themselves, and weren't entire destroyed by the LoAF.

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Dude, Zaftra's coastline isn't accessible(unless arriving there dead is an option). The party would have to fly over the mountains to reach it. First you'd have to deal with mountain wyverns, wolves, and clans, then sea wyverns, then probably remnant coastal tribes, and they're even more dangerous because they tame the wyverns and ride them for a living :/

Also the Zaftran coastline is mostly cliffs. You won't likely find ship docks there, so if it was off the coast of Zaftra the party would have to fly to the Shoon Islands.


>_< !dnopser eitaK evah ot emit gnol a gnikat si ywonS

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Just because you can't reach it that way, doesn't mean it's not there.

They may have to board in Halton or Septimus or something, then head that direction.

Edited by psychout50
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Zaftra wasn't really a place I was hoping the party would visit, or I would have designed it to be a little less like ice hell :/

Besides, we still don't have a whole lot of confirmation on what's in what direction yet.

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"EWWWWW! You sprayed milk all over me!" exclaimed Esphyr. "What the hell?"

"Errr... Sorry. It's just that he and I share similar tastes in women." replied the man.

"Who are you anyways?" asked Esphyr.

"My name is Max Fightmaster. Staff Sergeant. Staff Sergeant Max Fightmaster."

Hey Snowy. You wouldnt happen to have implied...................... :mellow:

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We should go to Zaftra sometime. Just have plot to put us there first.

Oh and I'm back. I was surprised that my parents were actually willing to let me drink. However, I am not willing to let myself drink. Thus, still in posting condition.

Oh look it's a timeskip ~goes and does things~

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I figure, when we have to fight the Big Bad, we're gonna want all the help we need, and go and recruit Ivanko. :mellow:

Or simply pull a Yune, and a voice told him to come help. :awesome:

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