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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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That was Narga.

Phoenix, you should keep the Minimodding rule in mind.

Good thing I edited it.

You know what? One of these days I'm going to get so peeved about this kind of stuff that I'll just up and read the rules like a hundred times and have it totally memorized. Then I'll be all lawyered out.

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Think its more active then the FE4 thread?

Today/lately? Yes.

All time? Nope. There was a time when there was a good chance that while you were posting, a new page was made and your post would end up being the last or second to last on on the previous page. Yeah...

Good thing I edited it.

You know what? One of these days I'm going to get so peeved about this kind of stuff that I'll just up and read the rules like a hundred times and have it totally memorized. Then I'll be all lawyered out.

Seems my red name is scary to some...

You're already peeved.

Edited by Sirius
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Anyways... Ummmm... Since Damian already knows Esphyr's problem, is anyone ever gonna try and ask her about it?

Valid excuses:

Iso: Waiting to make sure no one else will

Irina: Grrr @ Esphyr

Kiev: Esphyr who?

Krinkov: As if

Viveka: Not that curious

Lev: Will f*ck everything up

Lucille: Not relevant enough for the task

Jasmine: Not relevant enough for the task

Ivanko: lol

Ixion: Mind f*ck

Stephanie: Lecture

Daneka: Torture

Shanice: Can you say "Damian"?

@ Sirius

Yeah I'm a little peeved cause I'm back at 20% but I'm not so peeved as to read the same thing that many times just to prevent another incident.

Edited by Phoenix
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@ Psychout

You would have like ten warns by now if there were actual punishment for screwing around in the rp.

@ RP

Lev is Leving it up. I wonder what Katie will write :/

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Anyways... Ummmm... Since Damian already knows Esphyr's problem, is anyone ever gonna try and ask her about it?

Tessa's been trying not to re-open that can of worms.

I think for the moment she's just satisfied that Esphyr doesn't seem to hate her, though she occasionally still finds herself wondering and questioning. She may eventually work up the curiousity to try to ask, but she's sometimes slow to move on that front.

I might be able to make something happen though...

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While we're making lists of things...

[spoiler=List of effects different people will have should they find Kelas, regardless of the probability that person would actually be the one to find her]

Arrin: Short drama, Kelas will snap back pretty fast. Monologue; boring for me.

Tessa: Likewise, though without the monologue.

Damian: PTSD: Now with a side of panic! Would probably take a bit too long to fix the resultant freak out, though.

Helios, Reika, Morgan, people who Kelas has varying degrees of disinterest/distrust/annoyance for: Snapback, throwing things, still not entirely fine afterward.

Others: Really depends on what they do I think...

None of the above: Eventual snap back, but not entirely fine afterward.

Meanwhile I have nearly crashed into Tessa.

@Phoenix: Query regarding Bolting margin-scribblings: Would there be names written in there anywhere? (Any relevant name, not just Isotov.)

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@Phoenix: Query regarding Bolting margin-scribblings: Would there be names written in there anywhere? (Any relevant name, not just Isotov.)

Umm ...

Info that might be in there:

Adrian: Thunder Mage (one of Iso's study partners, and Miranda's zapping bag)

Information on magic seals (including experimentation notes)

Notes on things to teach Iso and Adrian

Not sure what else ... maybe list of places they've been?

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All right. All I really needed to know was whether any sort of relevant names might be in there for Arrin to run across later.

I knew you'd say that. Nonetheless I felt like adding extra just in case.

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Ooooh. Say the name Adrian in front of Iso. :awesome:

It's too late to cause Iso to totally freak out. You took way too long with that. the situation's totally changed now.

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You'd be surprised at literally how much chaos I can cause. :3

I need to think of more backstory ideas for the mages before they attack us in the graveyard.

That's another reason I sent them :mellow: . Since apparently Helenos is weaker there, it wouldn't make sense for her to attack us there, and unless we end up fighting zombie skeleton dogs or something, we're only going there for plot. :mellow:

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Your mage fight isn't going to go the way you're hoping, trust me. I've already got a foolproof way to counter you ... several actually -_-

As for skeleton dogs ... heh ... that reminds me of something horrifying that I was hiding.

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We don't want to hear about your fetishes Phoenix. :newyears:

Iso, Helios, and Arrin can fight the mages, and the others can fight the skeleton dogs. You don't think Helenos sent them in outnumbered without back up do you? :newyears:

@Sage I have no idea what your talking about. :mellow:

Edited by psychout50
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We don't want to hear about your fetishes Phoenix. :newyears:

Iso, Helios, and Arrin can fight the mages, and the others can fight the skeleton dogs. You don't think Helenos sent them in outnumbered without back up do you? :newyears:

Not fetishes, you loon, plot crap.

As for the three on three ... heh ... not only are they going to lose, but it'll be funny all at the same time.

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