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Pary has not given us any reason to take him along besides Light magic and staves. He's a habitual liar, a swindler, and violent. Classic psychotic behavior. And why Morgan didn't ask the others, I have no idea.

And Psych, I'd like Pary more if you just didn't make him as unattractive as possible and then complain that we're trying to keep him out. I like Cess though. He's awesome.

And that last sentence does make him look a bit like a child molester.

Edited by Dark Sage
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I didn't make him unattractive. He's none of those things. He was violent because you all attacked him first, lied to blame Reika (he just doesn't like her now), and gave an actual excuse for why he tried to take the groups money. He's actually very honorable, the group just can't listen to reason, and is painting him in a bad light.

Yeah, she tried to hit him, and he turned around and stopped her. I assumed Charlotte and him had left before she got a chance to hit him again.

@Sage When did he try to molest someone?

Edited by psychout50
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You've done none of these things. The group attacked him for being a douchebag and framing someone is evil.

I was kidding about child molesting.

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Dude. She was a complete bitch this time. They're two different characters, man. Manga!Lust doesn't want to be human, she isn't tormented from someone else's past. She's a cold, manipulative killer, manufactured along with the other homunculi. Manga!Lust deserved it.

That description almost parallels Morgan. Let's burn her to death!

In all seriousness though I can't let go of the anime version of Lust ...

*searches google*

What the hell? I ran into a picture of Cynthia's avatar while image searching on Google! :blink:

No seriously Type in "Homunculus Lust", and skip to the 7th page. It should be near the bottom. I'd link it but I might get in trouble or something. (Some Lust images aren't quite PG-13)

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What do you expect, the word "lust" is part of it... and Morgan doesn't meet the "manufactured" criterion.

@Pary: So if Pary was so honorable then what was the whole poisoning deal about? Our characters may not know if he did or not but we certainly do-- and what the hell?

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It's an extra staff user. More staves= helpful it's also established that light magic is super effective against Helenos I think.

Morgan checked the eyes for ice demon signs, but considering how the group has swelled, her recruitment standards aren't very high. More people to fight (and especially another healer) = good. Morgan doesn't really care about whatever personal issues people have, as long as they're not allied with the LoAF or actively trying to kill them they're another tool to use.

Morgan has about as much reason to recruit Pary as she did Heinz or Alferis or various other pretty random recruits.

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Rekia has a CW, so there is a reason to recruit her.

Pary intruded on a minor wound that didn't need healing and then charged an outragious sum for it. From post 1 he was no better than a window washer.

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Pary's eyes are green though. (I'd watch Chase if I was Morgan :awesome: )

Dani and Alf got the first shot on him.

He said why he needed money.

He had the antidote. He was going to swoop in and save Damian to look like a big hero. :awesome: That really was the plan though. :mellow:

Staves are probably better than knives or a bandit. :awesome:

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He could've looked like a mega-hero and save everyone.

"You saved my life!"

"It was nothing."

"My boyfriend could've died"

"We love you Pary! Take our money and join us to save us from the demons!"

"Well if you insist...."


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@Clockwork I don't know but it's awesome! I see all these swirlies and rainbows. You want some? :awesome:

@Sage Then he's honorable-evil. He does evil things for good.

Edited by psychout50
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Morgan doesn't actually know about the poisoning and I'm not sure about the overcharging either (though that's irrelevant, she got him down to 10 gp). Also, she doesn't really care, as long as he heals people up.

On Charlotte's end, she's inclined favorably towards him because he's Jerdonian and his money is going to help war vicitims (allegedly at least). She also feels sorry for him because his fiancee died. Also, trying to paint thieves as more trustworthy than priests is not going to fly with her.

Other characters not liking Pary is fine, but I pretty much tried to stay in-character here.

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He's not lying about the war victim things though. He doesn't believe in the goddess, so he has to do the work for her.

He's much more defined and complicated than the others think.

He at least has a steady income so that's better than a quick buck, and he could get more so....

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I dunno Cynthia I still think you should've had Morgan ask more about him. But hey, your call.

And the ends don't justifying poisoning someone like that and then healing. Besides, Reika could've told them what happened if he did do that and Aiya would've completely mauled him.

In conclusion, fail.

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I also don't think she's in character when the person who was playing neutral in the debate (the HM) couldn't find a reason to believe Pary's story that Rekia was framing her. Fresh island shroom she couldn't have access to (doubly so since several members will attest to having fought Rekia in the past) mysteriously showing up in her possession.

Charlotte... Fail.

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I don't see how Reika is more trustworthy than Pary in this instance, especially from her perspective. Jerdonian cleric vs. theif who previously tried to kill them (Eric mentioning Reika attacking him was a big blow against her), you honestly think she would side with Reika?

Charlotte's naive in some ways, that's part of her character. You're allowed not to like it, but it's in character for her to be gullible sometimes. She wants to believe Pary is innocent, so she does.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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