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@ Psychout

Have you talked about this Verry bad idea with Kai? <--(C what I did thar?)

He seemed pretty dead set on a solo ending :/

@ Kiryn

I thought you meant something else.

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@ Psychout

You are attacking a very cherished element of this rp, sir. I will personally destroy you if you continue this Helios raping angle. I will not tolerate archetype screwage PERIOD

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I implore you two not to involve Iso in any pairing discussions you might have involving him. The reason for this is that Iso is extremely honest. He'll let people know straight out that he likes Katie so that would kind of ruin it.

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@Phoenix I never said it was certain. :facepalm:

She's a potential pairing for anyone though. She's either going for Iso (KatiexVerry fight might happen :awesome: ), Helios, or probably Arrin. But if you want to make it weird, she can fight Irina for Lev.

But she's gonna stalk and crush someone. It depends on who's the nicest to her, and first basically.

XD I just relised she's either fighting Katie, Irina, Tessa, or Helios's right hand (Phoenix) for her pairing.

Edited by psychout50
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*headdesks repeatedly*

Have you not been listening? Have you not not been thinking? Are you really that big a control freak or don't pay attention to characters? Because that's the impression you're giving us right now.

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@Phoenix I never said it was certain. :facepalm:

She's a potential pairing for anyone though. She's either going for Iso (KatiexVerry fight might happen :awesome: ), Helios, or probably Arrin. But if you want to make it weird, she can fight Irina for Lev.

But she's gonna stalk and crush someone. It depends on who's the nicest to her, and first basically.

XD I just relised she's either fighting Katie, Irina, Tessa, or Helios's right hand (Phoenix) for her pairing.

What the f*ck is this?

Are you trying to have a female character for the sole purpose of pairing?

LMAO at Helios' right hand AHAHAAAHAHAHAHAHH!!!!

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I'm paying attention. -_-

I'm just saying she'll stalk whoever she's most intrested in, regardles of whether they feel the same. It'll be one-sided.

@Phoenix No, but she needs more reasons to follow us either than what I've worked out: Helenos kicked her out (I'll probably go with this regardless of pairings or not though), she's tired of her sisters, wants friends, or maybe follows Headmaster.

Edited by psychout50
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I implore you two not to involve Iso in any pairing discussions you might have involving him. The reason for this is that Iso is extremely honest. He'll let people know straight out that he likes Katie so that would kind of ruin it.

Wasn't planning on it, Charlotte's style is to approach one person and then convince them do X things so the pairing happens.

Charlotte doesn't mind breaking off a potential romantic pairing for Katie though, since she has some bias against her (due to Harold's daughter).

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@ Cynthia

Good luck with the anti IsoxKatie thing. You're gonna need it. The only other girls Iso would like romantically are Kelas, Dani, Charlotte, Viveka, Zombie Miranda, Daneka(yes Daneka stfu), and maybe Morgan if they ever got along-holy crap that's a lot of alternatives XD

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Hell, if a book is nice to her, she'll stalk it and love it.

Other possible Verry pairings: Headmaster, Tessa (probably a support though), Irina, Chase, or she can steal Katie from Iso.

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I doubt Charlotte will actually succeed in IsoxKatie breakup, it's just amusing to do and adds a little drama to the relationship. She'll probably try to steer some other pairings too.

Psych, proably want to discuss this with Kai. And doing a plot with Kai...good luck

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@Cynthia It won't happen for a long time, she's not leaning towards him, and it's only if he's nice to her.

Now I want her and Arrin. :mellow:

Or Lev or to steal Katie from Iso. :blink:

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good lord this is exactly like my friend.

Friend (we shall call her Pie, for no reason): Oi Kiryn I think MathFriend likes you:

Me: Er, no.

Pie: But-but-but you'd be so cute together!

Me: Dude, he's got a girlfriend. And I'm not interested in him like that.

Pie: But...

Me: ...Argh.

...Though not as bad as my calculus teacher who displayed some shipper tendencies.

@Arrintheft: Good luck, man. Even though he doesn't really know what it is, he's got a crush the size of the sun on Tessa.

Edited by The Clockwork Alchemist
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