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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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@ Cynthia

That ... was funny XD

I like Charlotte a lot, she's half stupid naive, and half spoiled rich kid romantic princess :D

@ VivekaxLevski

She's about to give Charlotte a serious hand with those suitcases.

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I may have slapped on the original ending to the Disney movie there, since I never read the original fairy tale. I will probably continue to use the Disney version of fairy tales due to familiarity. I liked writing that though.

@Viveka That's nice of her. Viveka's not what I expected overall, I was thinking she would be more...bubbly like Irina.

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Viveka verses Irina

Well Viv's disciplined differently and like most military officers has had her head filled with a lot of philosphical concepts.

Irina on the other hand was raised by a bunch of blood pact mercenaries and has had her head filled with a lot of wyvernxhuman metaphors.

There are bound to be huge differences in their personalities ... oh yeah and Viveka's brother was torn limb from limb by a bull wyvern right in front of her. That alone does it by itself actually :/

@ Charlotte

I like her posts. They've almost phased out Morgan but at least their damn good XD

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Makes sense I guess? Although mercenaries are sometimes viewed as more hardened than soldiers.

Well Charlotte and Morgan phase each other out in different situations. If it's main plot or involving demons Morgan takes center stage, Charlotte does casual social interactions.

All Morgan can really do right now is go "Argh get moving. Faster." at everyone. She'll take center stage again once we get moving and interact with demons and stuff.

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Morgan needs a more active crush to spur up interactions.

Mercs can certainly be more hardened than soldiers but they're usually less ... ... less something involving organizations skills and tactical thinking :/

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I need more people for my mafia. (Shameless plug) ;_;

I should go to bed. But I'll wait maybe half an hour.

@Phoenix I'd think the very opposite. Soldiers have training for a reason.

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Morgan needs a more active crush to spur up interactions.

I'm assuming you mean on her not the other way around (that would make little sense at this point). But yeah, Rein's kind of inactive. Tessa and Morgan talk casually, but Bal is busy and everyone seems to want to talk to Tessa all the time. Morgan can't really small talk with random group members very well.

Hmm, apparently it was agreed that Isotov/Irina would meet everyone outside. Cess/Arrin are looking for Tessa, Damian/Esphyr should be headed towards the gate. CC some people for convenience purposes and we're off.

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@ Morgan

Yeah I meant someone with a crush on her.

So far there's just Chase, and Lev's minor interest. And Cess I guess though he seems to have moved on for some reason :/

Let's try Lev since's he's been conned into the packmule.


I am not comfortable CCing certain characters ... I can handle Snike's though :)

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Meh it's very basic CCing. We don't even have to say they do anything, just assume people like Helios come along. Waiting for everyone to post "I leave" just seems dumb

Cess managed to fall on top of her in the library? That's romantic I guess?

Lev can't hit on Irina or Viveka while flying (they have their own mounts), so I guess Morgan can ride with him.

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In Soviet Russia-*shot*

Anyway yeah, Morgan could definitely use the company and the conversations might actually be funny XD

@ CCs

... yeeeeah. I guess that works.

@ Kiryn

Goodnight, Kiryn ^_^

@ Psychout

Goodnight, you mutinous god modder you ^_^

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Though involving Cess and Morgan, it seems a little one sided. I sorta dropped it cause it also seemed that he was more focused on other things too.

I don't know. Morgan also has Chase and Tessa for supports so that sorta overrides him too.

Going to bed now. I swear. Probably.

Phoenix! Join my mafia!

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I don't like Mafia's or I'd probably join Ether's :/

... part of the reason being that I don't like getting shot or maimed. That happens enough as it is.

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Morgan doesn't dislike Cess, so it's at least possible. She's not going to fawn over him though. You would spoil Rein's pairing though, and that would be bad. I may have Charlotte ship ChasexMorgan to get things moving (perhaps with some disastrous results for Chase :P ).

I should go to bed too...

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Though I jest/poke fun at Cynthia, I don't mean her any ill or deprived intent. It's no more than what it seems like, which is to say, guy poking some harmless fun at a girl. Errr... Friends?

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All right, so. I'll probably be lurking around here for a few more minutes, but then I'll be offline for probably the rest of the day (8 or so hours in the car; prospect of hotel internet: poor; almost certainly won't be on during my usual 10-1AM EST stretch) Tomorrow I'll also likely be gone until sometime in the evening, and only if my cousins haven't tackled me to death first. Character controls are as I mentioned. (On the bright side: Eight hours in the car, two hours of laptop battery, I bet I can get some of that art done...)

I'll try to show up and do some sort of recap, though.

So... see y'all later.

Well, I thought we were leaving, anyway. Now my dad's at the grocery store and I've no idea when we're actually packing up the car and GTFO'ing. Sigh.

Edited by The Clockwork Alchemist
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