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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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Later, Kiryn travel safely.

@ Snowy

As my Sith Lord once taught me (back when I was known as Darth Phoenicus) ...

"When a woman starts it, when a woman starts teasing you, it's on. That gives you free license to tease her, and don't let up."

Basically the Cynthia always strikes first (I would know :/ )so have at it. I think you're okay until she takes you off her friends list ... ... <.< >.> ... yeah that's when you should start apologizing and handing out more GM perks o_O'



Ninja'd by one friggin minute after an hour of nata! WTF was that?!

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The reason I actually have the LoAF people on my friends list is to look up character stats easily if I want them.

Undecided on magical contraceptives. Sure seems like a convenient excuse for Ether if you ask me. Either way, I doubt the headmaster would be able to detect a second mana network at this stage of the pregnancy anyway, unless sperm and eggs have their own mana networks.

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We should really establish what magic can/can't do. Established are killing things, healing things, speech spells, and messing with things' minds. Otherwise... yeah.

Three out of four people are in the car. This may be the last you hear from me for a bit.

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@ Psychout

You two do have something special. She's a GM, and you're constantly breaking the rules. She has to kill you at some point, or I will. See, ain't that special? :)

@ Cynthia

I added you, not the other way around. On that note, I haven't added Bal yet :blink:

@ Kiryn

You poor thing. Well cya later in advance?

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"Magic" can do just about anything methinks. However, it usually has limitations of some sort and rarely just replicates whatever modern science is convenient.

Keep in mind that in a pseudo medieval setting people probably do not understand the finer mechanics of pregnancy. Having magic that prevents the fertilization of the ovum by sperm cells doesn't make much sense if people think that the Goddess just summons babies into people's wombs or something.

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Damn. I just realized the last chapter shouldn't have been Japanese,

It should've been called This one time at Band Camp.

Anyone want a baby?

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I do not understand the headmaster's explanation at all. Sleeping around gives you a much higher risk of an STD (due to unknown partners), but not necessarily of pregnancy, assuming the amount of sex is the same. If Aiya is sleeping with Damian unprotected (btw "protection" did not exist for quite some time in the real world) she's obviously not timing it around her menstrual cycles, assuming she's not infertile that would mean she would be able to become pregnant a good amount of the time.

HM's explanation only makes sense if Damian is infertile. Or if "Biology isn't how it's like in the tails" really means "This does not represent real world biology in any way."

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They understand the basics of pregnancy. Ergo, that a man needs to lie with a woman and the very basics of it. As for magical contraceptives, while not IMPOSSIBLE, it would essentially require sticking some form of flaming ring inside and praying it incinerates all the sperm. So unless a girl feels like having a mini-Iso inside her, it wouldn't even be feasible. Yea, gonna say no to the idea. Doubly so with condom's since that would involve gutting a sheep and using the intestine. I think we can all agree that's a 'no'. So at this point in the technology of the world, it's a 'no true contraceptive'. People probably selling snake oil by the load to whorehouses though.

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So unless a girl feels like having a mini-Iso inside her, it wouldn't even be feasible.


Then how will it work with Katie?

:awesome: :awesome:

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It should be obvious that Iso ... *sigh* ... never mind, it's just easier to facepalm.

Speaking of Katie. I've got a foolproof way to keep her from being inactive :)

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@ Cynthia

Yeah I could do that, but Katie is more actively hostile toward people when Snowy's controlling her so the drama is good.

Here's the plan.

Below is an typical rp post


Iso: Hi, Katie, how are you doing? Haven't fallen into any traps lately, have you?

No response?


Iso: I'm not trying to make fun of you. I care, I really do.



@ Laughing at comment



Just realized something.

Aiya shouldn't get pregnant because she has to fight with the rest of the group.

... Katie doesn't fight or heal so she's the only woman in the group that can get pregnant without significantly hampering the group :blink:


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Lol @ above.

Hey I can do actively hostile pretty well too. Maybe too well...

Not sure being pregnant would impair healing *that much*. Doesn't really work with the current healers though, Charlotte's not sleeping with anyone without a ring on her finger first aside from rape, and Tessa getting pregnant seems like bad teenage drama.

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@ Cynthia

No sh*t. Maybe you could be nicer once in a while?

@ HM

She is so wise. Viveka would have said the same thing XD

@ Pregnancies

Well Charlotte was a given, and as far as the ring first, yeah that's another thing she and Queen Vanity have in common.

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I seemed nicer when Kanami was around for comparison purposes. But now that she's gone I'm teh meanest. Has to fall to somebody, if I would leave Kiryn would seem bitchier. And so on.

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