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Aiya just sent a messenger to Ivanko.You said he wasn't that far off,so it would likely take,what,half a day,maybe a full day,to get a response back?

Yeah he's not that far off ... well the base isn't anyway, unless Halton is bigger than the US <.<

What's the message?

@ Cynthia

Useful info:

Their base is in Halton because Zaftra is a frozen warzone. He was still in Elyisima for awhile near the borders knocking down imp uprisings and then returned to the base around the time Ixion and Stephanie encountered the group.

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Just want to make sure my understanding of the estate is correct.

I was imagining some sort of fencing, separating the main grounds from the rest of the surrounding area. This fencing is what had the "main gate" that Esphyr had left through. Inside this fencing is the sort of general sprawling area inside that serves as the general estate grounds, going backwards until it butts up against the lake.

So something like

 |       \_/       |
 |     Mansion     |
 \                 /
  \               /
      Front Gate

Is this reasonable, or am I totally off?

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Katie controls: -->Snowy-->Phoenix :hat:

HM controls: -->Snowy-->Phoenix XD XD XD

@ RP

Jasmine has three crushes right now ...




@ Psychout

See? We need no Verry with us. We have a crush girl already :awesome:

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The lake is within the fence,Bal.There are also barracks,hot springs(separate from lake) and other such things,but you've basically got it down.

The message is pretty simple.Aiya wants to discuss with him a dangerous,but lucrative job,and would like him to meet them at Damian's manor if he is interested.Just send the messenger back with a "no" if he's not.Ivanko was at the manor the last time he worked with Damian,so he would know where it is.

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*realizes the convenience of the skyways in my fanfics* :/

How could Ivanko possibly get there before the party leaves? (he wouldn't mind the job of course so...)

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Enough of the group knows Ivanko that a decent chunk knows it is a good idea to wait for him.Morgan,the main person who wants to GTFO,is very serious about demons.If she knows anything about Ivanko(and she will,if she doesn't already,since we have Damian,Aiya,Lev,Iso,Irina,and Viveka at the very least to tell her),then it logically makes sense to wait a day or two for an ally that powerful,especially against someone like Helenos.

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He's not, I guess Ether wants us to stay at the manor more.

Right before everyone is about to leave is not the best time to do something like this

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OH SH*T I just realized something horrible! :(

(Read Viveka and Ivanko backstories for details regarding this disturbingness :sob: )


@ timing

... not impossible for their destination to be sent with the job request. He could easily track them by heading to the manor and following the same route they took from there.

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It would likely be "We should wait a bit guys,there's a good chance that Ivanko's coming"

:awesome: :awesome: :awesome: :awesome: :awesome: :awesome: :awesome: :awesome:

Then a likely timeskip to arrival.

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I like Phoenix's idea better as well.

But on the other hand, do we really need so many NPCs traveling with us? Katie, the HM, Lev, now Ivanko...it's starting to get to be a lot, especially given how many PCs we have.

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Ivanko's contract would likely just be for Helenos,anyway.And who knows what will happen with Lev if Ivanko shows up?

HM will likely leave after Helenos as well,or so it seems so far,and Katie is almost a PC at this point,she just can't participate in stat battles...

Also,you forgot Cielle.

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Also,is it that Victor is still alive? :newyears:

Yeah ...

@ Cynthia

Ivanko's got a war to fight(so he'll be gone the second his payment falls into his pouch), and Lev's time with the group probably isn't permanent, or I might have to get some special permissions from Snowy regarding his NPC status.


Don't be surprised if Lev get's a little timid when when/if Ivanko shows up XD

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Yeah, I forgot the maid girl.

Ether you might want to do something about her, since I don't think anyone is paying attention to her.

I still call for a timeskip. Ivanko can follow us and go with Cynthia's idea.

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Meh, recruiting Ivanko here just comes off as totally unecessary to me. Adding character #26 here (yes that's how large the group traveling to the dragon graveyard has gotten holy shit) just seems superfluous.

1 ultra powerful NPC traveling with us per mission seems like more than enough to me.

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I don't mind Ivanko coming either way, but he most certainly will not stay after the job's done(he's got important and chaotic things to do, which blabbermouth Ivan can hint at), and depending on Levski's excuse, he may drag the poor lad with him.




Levski was the same way at first, but his relationship with Irina has eliminated him as a potential enemy. Everyone else is still a possible enemy as their goals will eventually conflict with the group's goals.

Characters like Ixion, are enemies by default.

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You forget that Ivanko(with Victor),could likely barrel through,and kill most of the group pretty quickly.Aside from the Headmaster,very few would last even a minute.Aiya might,because Ulfhrahn would avoid an Instakill from Victor,but +1Ivanko is pushing up the group power and survival potential quite a bit.To OVER 9000!,in fact.

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@ 9000


That was funny.


Also Ivanko isn't a potential PC character. His stats would be too high(except for resistance). Same with Ixion.

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You forget that Ivanko(with Victor),could likely barrel through,and kill most of the group pretty quickly.Aside from the Headmaster,very few would last even a minute.Aiya might,because Ulfhrahn would avoid an Instakill from Victor,but +1Ivanko is pushing up the group power and survival potential quite a bit.To OVER 9000!,in fact.

I think you've misinterpreted me. This is precisely why I don't want Ivanko coming with us (also opposed to HM coming with, thought she was just a quest giver). Lev is already more powerful than the PCs (though not grossly so) and the HM is already the most super powerful mage evar lolol. Dragging along powerful NPCs with us is just going to trivialize the accomplishments of the actual characters.

This is more an OOC thing than an in character thing (though in character easily explained as him having other things to do).

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@ Cynthia

I know exactly what you mean and that's exactly why I'm using Viveka to make Lev a packmule. He can't help in stat battles with all the luggage so even though he's one of the strongest in the party, he can't really be that useful. I don't want to throw off stat battles with tier 2 and tier 3 npcs.

Plus this happening to him is entirely IC, so I've got the perfect excuse to keep him on the sidelines. Ivanko wouldn't stay long and he'd probably save the party a needless bout with overpowered skeleton enemies.

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I look at it as more of an insurance thing,personally.Ivanko,for example,could hold off the skeleton troops Psych spawns so that the group can actually get into the dragon graveyard,or if a major problem comes up,like everyone but Helios is KO'd,or something,then Ivanko arrives,getting through the demons,and does shit.I obviously don't intend to stat him and just throw him at all of the enemies.Ivanko himself is likely rather expensive,so Aiya would likely tell him not to attck normal folks so she doesn't need to pay out a massive sum of gold.

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The skeleton troops will be inside the graveyard. The group will be inside, flames go up to stop escape, skeletons attack along with archers to stop Viveka, Irina, and Lev.

You'll all be able to get inside. Getting out is another story.

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