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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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Helios can talk to Pary. Or Iso can I guess, but he has Katie.

And Cess either has Irina or maybe Kelas or Arrin, but Clocky's offline.

Otherwise, I'm waiting for something to comment on, or timeskip. I don't have much to do.

@Snike She get's Chase, Viveka and Irina share Lev, Morgan get's either Lev or Chase, Kelas is ambiguous, Tessa has Arrin, Aiya and Esphyr share Damian, Charlotte gets Eric, and I think that's everyone.

Edited by psychout50
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Haltonian Love =/=Jerdonian Love.

And Kai, what in hell are you going on about? What nation is that?

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Idiot. :facepalm:

That just helps me. Why would they fight each other? The girls will just argue with them that Helenos sent them.

But if this was an anime or something, they'd be arguing and the group would sneak out quietly.

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Viveka slowly rode up next to Pary, and idled there just waiting for him to look her in the eye.
Viveka followed Pary on his march atop Susann.

Psych, for someone who was earlier whining about having nothing to do, you sure ignored several cues. At least you explicitely mentioned ignoring Alf, which was understandable, but...

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@ Psychout

Sorry but that wasn't apart of my plan. I just made the post. It has nothing to do with f*cking up your scheme, which you're helping me prevent by giving me too many details in advance. I've had like 48 hours to come up with 48 different ways to screw this up.

@ Bal


You are officially the God of quotes :awesome:


Okay my new found feelings for Morgan are being projected through Lev now!! XD

Edited by Phoenix
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@Bal Yes, but she would have just yelled at Pary, and I'm tired of yelling, so I blew it off.

Actually she was going to slap him and then yell at him, followed by an attempt to talk him into being a less annoying priest, but if you'd rather have him chase empathy then that's fine too I guess :/

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Oh man, so I was like. Hmm, "Holier than Thou cleric". Which one? XD There are so many choices now, and that reminded me of this previous gem. (Yes, I deliberately ignore the Ms. qualifier bit which rules out Pary, and the fact that Tessa doesn't really fit the bill here. It's funnier this way.)

"Leaving would be a very good plan right now." Morgan suggested. "Don't forget to carry the idiot mage."

Morgan stopped for a second. "That was unclear, I meant the unconscious one."

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Tessa's a troubadour, and Pary + holier than thou doesn't make sense, so she meant Charlotte. Though given recent events, Tessa could be a reasonable assumption.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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XD You were supposed to have hit 'quote' so you could see the white text, but I guess this works too. Anyway, Pary has his own mysterious brand of fluffed up self-importance, and being a troubadour didn't stop a lot of 'cleric' references earlier in the RP (granted this was before we gained a proper cleric, or met Phoenix's NPC priestess, but...)

That said, recent events weren't really supposed to demonstrate 'Holier than Thou' as much as 'What the hell guys? Please, no.'

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