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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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@ Snowy

Keep in mind that once we reach the graveyard, you'll have to pry plot control out of Psych's cold dead hands burnt blackened hands. I don't really want to have to launch my plan just yet, but if you're fine with us reaching our destination this soon then I'll just move things up a bit.

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I really think supporting NPCs is a terrible idea. Using them to play off of, and to springboard some character development is great. But in most cases they honestly should not become permanent fixtures.

For the most part Phoenix, you've done extremely well with this, as I have to admit, my initial skepticisms back from way earlier on proved unfounded. Just... continue to be careful here, okay?

Edit: @Kitten hugging.

Victory is mine. 8)

Edited by Balcerzak
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I really think supporting NPCs is a terrible idea. Using them to play off of, and to springboard some character development is great. But in most cases they honestly should not become permanent fixtures.

For the most part Phoenix, you've done extremely well with this, as I have to admit, my initial skepticisms back from way earlier on proved unfounded. Just... continue to be careful here, okay?

Yeah sure ^_^

As for the supporting options, I kind of figured Katie was a free pass to do that. The only downside is the fact that NPCs tend to come and go so spending too much time with non permanent ones seems like wasted potential.

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Useful notes:

Ivanko was never a part of my plan to stop Psych, in fact he still isn't, I'm actually using Ivanko for something else entirely. Ivan's just here so the extra two shields can make sense. They can't be used in mid flight.

Victor's armor makes your archers absolutely useless against him, and the other shields are for the others on the ground to use.

If Shanice attacks the group, there will be a stat battle.

I'm assuming temperary control of Conrad til Lightning does something.

In other news:

I'm in control of like nearly twenty characters total right now. It was not my intention but apparently I'm trustworthy? XD

Edited by Phoenix
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I'll stat the soldiers once the group decides what to do. :newyears:

@Phoenix Victor's not here yet, attack gogogo!

Did you not hear a word I said? Victor's not a part of the plan to stop you. I just gave him the shields out of convenience.

Ugh chaos. Too many things happening at once.

You know I'm getting the worst of this, right?

Characters to manage:











This is ridiculous :/

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I know, but their inclusion makes the whole situation chaotic.

Frankly I would leave the Conrad stuff out, and Shanice attacking now is terrible timing. Also Ivanko/Ivan coming is still pointless fodder IMO. Focus on the situation everyone is actually in.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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