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@Phoenix Guess what face showed when that appeared. (:awesome:) XD

Guess what face showed up when I saw this post. Hint: You try to use it to get by the GMs.

@ Sage

They were approved, go ahead and add a skill.

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@ Snowy and Cynthia

Does Vantage activate when you're attacked or whenever you're launching a counter. If the former, fine, if the latter, does that mean that Viveka would hit the skeleton twice before he attacks? I can't post the results until I know.

Skill: Vantage

Activation: Passive.

Effect: During one round of combat in which you are counter-attacking, you may attack first with one counter.

^As you can see, it's not quite specific.

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Tessa took 1 damage. :mellow:

Chase and Irina went bye-bye.

@Clockwork The mages attacked her with long range tomes. You can't hit them yet, until either they switched to their other tomes, or until the skeleies are gone.

Edited by psychout50
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Psych. Critical is when Damage and Skill dice come up the same, not Hit and Skill dice. Furthermore, it's only double damage... :facepalm:

Ooops. I think I made the same mistake. Will edit accordingly.

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Wouldn't Hit and Skill make a bit more sense though? Just saying....

Oh well. She's still close.

@Ether They're blasting the others to get rid of them, then they get Arrin, Iso, and Helios. They need the others to stop interfearing. And you didn't want me to drag them via shadow powers god mod so....

Edited by psychout50
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Ooops. I think I made the same mistake. Will edit accordingly.

Yours didn't matter, the skeleton still crumbled. >_> Also, I missed checking it...

21 damage just seemed too huge to believe, so I did some maths.

Edit: Also, welcome back Clockwork!

Edited by Balcerzak
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By the way,it's 5 combat posts between launching new attacks,right?if so,then one more until nuke-time once again,XD

Yeah, I believe it's still 5 combat posts (by different players), though at one point there had been talk of increasing it to 6, due to additional people in the RP. I don't remember the verdict on that.

Phoenix: I had assumed that Vantage was still enemy phase only, but I lost track of things, and really have no idea, plus, I am not in any real position of power and don't have the final say. Waiting for the update may just be the best bet, (though it may not end up clarifying either).

Edited by Balcerzak
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Psychout you cheated!

Irina was at 8 hp when you attacked. You said you did 4 damage which would leave her with 4 hp, not 1 hp. Bal's heal would place her back up to at least 9. I call bullsh*t until I see proof of how much damage you did, and am leaving Irina at 9/12 for the time being.

@ Other stuff

I like how Iso oneshot that skeleton. That was kind a funny.


Also, if Irina goes down, Lev will take her place for the duration of the battle(not stat'd though he does have stats). It's a guy thing :P

Edited by Phoenix
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Psychout you cheated!

Irina was at 8 hp when you attacked. You said you did 4 damage which would leave her with 4 hp, not 1 hp. Bal's heal would place her back up to at least 9. I call bullsh*t until I see proof of how much damage you did, and am leaving Irina at 9/12 for the time being.

@ Other stuff

I like how Iso oneshot that skeleton. That was kind a funny.


Also, if Irina goes down, Lev will take her place for the duration of the battle(not stat'd though he does have stats). It's a guy thing :P

(He's bad at math)


Stats: Hp:3 Str:2 Mag:5 Skl:3 Spd:4 Lck:2 Def:1 Res:4

Simplified: Hp:9 Damage:5 Hit:3 Avo:5 Def:1 Res:4

Marry vs. Irina

Marry rolls 6,2,6.

Irina's Stats: HP:4 STR: 5 MAG: 0 SKL: 3 SPD: 3 LUK: 1 DEF: 4 RES 0 (DEF 4+1=5)

Stats simplified: HP: 12 Damage: 5 Hit: 3 Evade: 4 Defense: 5 Resistance: 0

Hit is 6 + 3 = 9 > Evade = low

Damage is 2 + 5 = 7 - Res = 0 = 7

Irina's previous HP = 8 - 7

Irina's new HP = 1

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Better recap: So we got the car stuck coming up the hill. The uncles and silly boy-cousin were forced to push it a bit until my dad managed to get it to go. I was going to help, but the car was only about four people wide and my mom started panicking, so I just went and spewed RighteousYoungPersonRage while fetching-and-carrying. Then the router was broken and I went back to my usual habit of stealing neighbors' wireless.


Oh and then said wireless sabotaged me and I ended up four posts later than I wanted to be. ~waits for five posts to pass~

Edited by The Clockwork Alchemist
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That's a mistake. Marry's roll was 2, added to her 5 magic, does 7 damage to Irina. Irina has 0 resistance.

I mistyped when Bal told me to fix it. 7 damage was correct.

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That's a mistake. Marry's roll was 2, added to her 5 magic, does 7 damage to Irina. Irina has 0 resistance.

I mistyped when Bal told me to fix it. 7 damage was correct.

Alright, fair enough.

@ Bal

Thanks for the in depth version.

Edited by Phoenix
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So depressed. How come Alf had to get oneshotted on the first round of combat he was in? Why! Any of this happen to you guys?

Somebody please put a smile on my face. *Is shot for the visual pun*

Edited by Dark Sage
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