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Actually, I had 2 options for them.

If they attack you with the non-seige tomes, you can attack them. Irina, Lev, and Aiya can actually attack them along with Viveka because they can fly. That's why I aimed for them first, as well as the archers are.

I need to know if Wind magic effects Viveka any differently by the way. I'm letting you guys fight them in just a second. I need to ask Cynthia something.

Thunder magic and Irina might help too.

Edited by psychout50
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The problem is that if an enemy post takes like 5x longer than a normal post, it's probably going to have to be retconned because half of the enemies are dead because several people have posted in the meantime.

Forcing people to hunt through the chracter thread just to find what said character's avo/Def/Res is is even worse. Many of those aren't updated either. In fact, many characters' most updated versions are buried somewhere within signups.

Until people keep updated versions of character stats in an easily accessible location, counters are just too much work on the part of the person controlling the enemies.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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The problem is that if an enemy post takes like 5x longer than a normal post, it's probably going to have to be retconned because half of the enemies are dead because several people have posted in the meantime.

Forcing people to hunt through the chracter thread just to find what said character's avo/Def/Res is is even worse. Many of those aren't updated either. In fact, many characters' most updated versions are buried somewhere within signups.

Until people keep updated versions of character stats in an easily accessible location, counters are just too much work on the part of the person controlling the enemies.

Why he shouldn't have come up with this situation in the first place.

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The problem is that if an enemy post takes like 5x longer than a normal post, it's probably going to have to be retconned because half of the enemies are dead because several people have posted in the meantime.

Forcing people to hunt through the chracter thread just to find what said character's avo/Def/Res is is even worse. Many of those aren't updated either. In fact, many characters' most updated versions are buried somewhere within signups.

Until people keep updated versions of character stats in an easily accessible location, counters are just too much work on the part of the person controlling the enemies.

Which is why he should have gone to you in the first place.


How about anyone who plans on participating in stat battles has to give the GMs the stats. The GMs can keep these stats wherever they want. When someone with enemies wants to attack, someone, just send them the stats(or you could keep every character's stats under a spoiler tag literally anywhere, even in your own sig since that's faster than profile searches. There are too many solutions to this problem to just hand wave counters.

On that note, exactly why does he have to post the counters by himself? We could easily do a battle post via pm with linked rolls, then post the results in the rp thread. There's no excuse for any of this other than oversympathy.

@ Bal

... ... ... oh right, this isn't PvP. Ignore that^

In that case, I'm just arguing the right to attack any of the mages directly during my own posts since that was my original issue with all of this.


lol sweat drop face :sweatdrop:

Edited by Phoenix
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The easiest solution is just to not have enemies attack except while countering. This solves a lot of problems.

And Bal is right, it says that right in the OP. PvP is different, but that is rare, and you should only have to look up one character's stats at a time, so not too much hassle.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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The easiest solution is just to not have enemies attack except while countering. This solves a lot of problems.

Psychout's plan can't work if you do that though. Not that I care XD

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Watch what you say Sage.

They Phoenix. You can attack them now too.

Edit: Sage, it was already said in the plotting post. Go back and look. I mentioned it both times.

Edited by psychout50
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And now they are melty away...

Poor Aiya...(why does she keep getting KO'd?She is specifically designed not to get KO'd...mages ganging up on people is a cheapass tactic.

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@ Cynthia ... and Bal too

I guess my main issue with all of this is that he expects us to not be able to attack his mages simply because that'll screw up his plan. I on the other hand would have come directly to you guys and arranged a better trap with specific rules against attacking them. Him trying to implement those rules now to save his plan is absolute bullsh*t and I just can't stand for it, though I did accidently get caught up in the counters argument when I was more concerned about attacking them in general.



Edited by Phoenix
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@ Bal

... ... ... oh right, this isn't PvP. Ignore that^

In that case, I'm just arguing the right to attack any of the mages directly during my own posts since that was my original issue with all of this.

Ah, yeah, I have no issues with that arguement at all, carry on. (Though, it kind of looks like you, won that one, sort of?)

And now they are melty away...

Poor Aiya...(why does she keep getting KO'd?She is specifically designed not to get KO'd...mages ganging up on people is a cheapass tactic.

I admit, the fact that they double-teamed this time and not the first time feels fishy to me too, and I'd liked to have seen rolls in a tracker with notes one who's attacking what, but it seems what's done is done.

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Huh. This is appears to be an (almost) flame war with Psych leading one side and Phoenix and I the other. Maybe we should be a bit civil, although psych, please don't do this again.

And yeah, no enemy phase, Vantage and Stillness are useless.

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@Mages tag-teaming

Because I thought the critical had kill Irina.

If I had known it hadn't, one of them would've finished her off. I though it did, so the other one went for Esphyr.

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@ Psychout

You're close to god modding again. Katie and Iso are in midair. You couldn't possibly surround them.

@ Bal

Motion to create a rules of engagment committee? All in favo*shot*

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I tend to avoid double-teaming, but retconning at this point is inadvisable.

Vantage lets you avoid counters on the player phase (attack twice before the enemy gets to attack once if you double), so not useless. Stillness is though.

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1. Tessa told Irina to fly lower.

2. They could be surrounding them on the ground, waiting for them to land.

3. They could be aiming to shoot Katie.

You're acting like this has no thought behind it at all.

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