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Since when can mages form magic barriers? I mean, I'm no saying no, in fact it makes sense, I'm just wondering when.

And I'd appreciate if Damian suffered a hit, only without fawning or treated as the end of the world.

Edited by Dark Sage
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Since when can mages form magic barriers? I mean, I'm no saying no, in fact it makes sense, I'm just wondering when.

Phoenix kind of asspulled it at the time Morgan attacked Katie, it wasn't established previously.

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You're going after Katie again(disgard your angry anti Katie emotions, they're making you jump the gun again). I never said she couldn't be hurt. I merely said that Iso would protect her. If they kept firing arrows he wouldn't be able to block them all. I pointed out the mounted aspect because anything aimed at her has a high chance of causing injury to both Irina and Iso outside of stat combat, which really doesn't mesh well.

It's not unreasonable for him to be able to block an attack. Him doing it consistently was never the goal here. If Katie gets hurt, it's up to Snowy, not me. The first time Iso blocked Morgan's Midnight attack. Are a few arrows that unreasonable? It's not like if they threw a truck at her he could stop it. Even if he tried it would explode and injure them all anyway.

As for Morgan doing the same thing, in plot combat, if she had a technique that worked like that I really don't see the problem with it.

BTW it's not inconvenient. Iso wouldn't be in character if he just let something happen to her stat combat or plot combat.

@ Ether

Guard is a waste of a skill on a mage, and isn't even allowed on mages anyway IIRC.

Right...I forgot about that...(Lol,I made the goddamn skill)

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Yes! Damian finally got a wound! Whoo! Even better KO!

And Ether, nothing against you. I just find myself annoyed at your character's antics. It could definitely a lot worse though. It's certainly decently written.

And I don't know whether or not to congratulate you for finally getting Damian knocked out or throttle you for setting up a deadpool.

Not this Deadpool:


Edited by Dark Sage
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Yes! Damian finally got a wound! Whoo! Even better KO!

And Ether, nothing against you. I just find myself ignored at your character's antics. It could definitely a lot worse. It's decently written.


Also,I have no idea what you just said,could you clarify please?

Anyway,gained Exp for Aiya is 7(8) total,Damian gets 9(10) total.

Bracketed numbers are for if they get a point of Exp in the round they are KO'd,since I don't think it was brought up.

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The problem is that Isotov is in combat at the time. He can't be watching to see if anything's trying hit Katie while also taking attacks himself and killing things. I let it slide when Morgan attacked Katie because Isotov wasn't doing anything else (although being able to completely nullify Morgan's attacks is somewhat godmoddish in and of itself), but it's ridiculous for him to popping up invincibility bubbles while fighting stuff.

It's not just because this is about Katie either, if Kelas was diving in front of Arrin everytime he was about to get hit I would dislike that too.

Now I know what you mean by all of this, but all I'm saying is that blocking attacks with a wall of fire isn't that unreasonable. In the case of Morgan vs Iso, I figured two crimsons would just cancel each other out and that's how I made it to look.

Now that technique isn't invincible. Morgan's attack wasn't harmlessly bounced off. The two just killed each other. Like I said, if a flying truck was the object to be repelled, Irina, Iso, Katie, and Kiev would be KO'd. The "firebubble" works best on small projectiles like magic attacks and arrows. A spear would be harder to block than an arrow, and a rock from a catapult would have to be dodged (I work with these fire attacks partly based on physics and partly based on magical incineration power). An arrow would be flash-fried while a magic attack would be dissipated. It's not god modding, and he can't do it consistently. All of this was thought out before hand so I'm surprised by the upset over a few arrows that haven't even been fired yet.

Phoenix kind of asspulled it at the time Morgan attacked Katie, it wasn't established previously.

It's always been a technique he would be able to use from time to time. No one ever asked me about it though.


@ Sage

You do realize that with Damian and Aiya down, and Irina wounded, we're nearly out of tanks(and therefore screwed) right?

Edited by Phoenix
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Speaking of which.Since they moved to the frontline,they can be attacked now.They are clearly the most dangerous people,so taking them out might be a decently good idea...

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Again, main issue is during combat.

This seems to be a general trend of Isotov developing additional abilities due to "guy mode", he's not staying unconscious, conjuring up walls of fire spontaneously while fighting other things etc.. Wanting to protect Katie is fine and all, but it doesn't actually make him better at it.

Compare this to something like Kelas/Arrin. Kelas fails at protecting Arrin sometimes, because her physical capablities are the same regardless of her intentions (logical). Arrin gets maimed as a result. In combat, Kelas either attacks things or protects people, not both. Only real difference is that Arrin can protect himself, which makes defending him easier actually.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Still no idea what you're talking about. The mages are aiming towards people with low resistance and health. The reason none of them went after Reika or Kelas, is because their avoid is too high.


They give 3 exp for a kill. You'd have 86 exp

Edited by psychout50
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Forget it.

Well then, Reika might be able to kill them...if they weren't so high up!

And Kelas is doomed.

And 8 exp to Reika for the first hit. 5 for existing only seemed to apply to the first hit I noticed.

Edited by Dark Sage
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Again, main issue is during combat.

This seems to be a general trend of Isotov devleoping additional abilities due to "guy mode", he's not staying unconscious, conjuring up walls of fire spontaneously while fighting other things etc.. Wanting to protect Katie is fine and all, but it doesn't actually make him better at it.

Compare this to something like Kelas/Arrin. Kelas fails at protecting Arrin sometimes, because her physical capablities are the same regardless of her intentions (logical). Arrin gets maimed as a result. In combat, Kelas either attacks things or protects people, not both. Only real difference is that Arrin can protect himself, which makes defending him easier actually.

When did he "develop" that technique? I told you he's had it for awhile. I didn't think that up right when Morgan attacked Katie.

Right now Iso isn't actually fighting anyone(he chucked one fireball and wasn't countered ... nothing has happened since, just Irina getting blasted left and right), and he would skip his battle post if he did protect her from a measly arrow. I already said that consistent attacks would overpower him, and a larger attack couldn't be blocked at all. He's only done this once before, and the threat of it happening again is this big of an issue?

It's not like a shield of fire is the only means to intercept an arrow. He could easily put himself in the way but that would be pulling an Eric -_-

I didn't want him to chuck another fireball at it cause that wasn't a guaranteed intercept.

Keep in mind, this hasn't even happened.

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