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So essentially it's like Ichigo's Super Hollow form. A Deus ex Machina to get him out of trouble. The last thing Damian needed was more Mary Sue powers.

@Kai Look I wasn't there when that happened.

Suggestion ok'd?

Edited by Dark Sage
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His rolls might have been fishy, but that doesn't mean you can just ignore being unconscious. People who were actually affected by the rolls stayed unsconscious (except Damian <_<), you would have been knocked out anyway.

Some of this stuff might have been fine if all the party was dead or something, but there were conscious people (I don't mean the HM, not going to comment there) that could have dealt with the situation. It's less exciting to have other people do stuff, but it might actually make some sense <_<

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*Ivanko flies in*

Ivanko: Time to kill!

Lev: Hey boss.

Ivanko: <.< >.> where's the demons?

Lev: Dead :D

Ivanko: :(

I'm all depressed now. I made yet another double post. I reported it but I fear I will still be warned. Also I'm sick of Psych's mage girls. They annoy me -_-

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@Sage Stop quoteing tropes. We know you're under the mind control, but it's being handled. We understand the cheapiosity, but you're not helping.

@Kai Too late again. *Kick*

@Snowy I thought she swung but was still too far away. Or they warped before she hit. (Kai <_< )

Edited by psychout50
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Psych, you can't just ignore others posts. HM swung at you. You can't just act as if it didn't happen.

They were being attacked by Ruby and the HM at the same time apparently?

I think the point is that they warped away. They're injured

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Calm down,Sage.

BTW,this isn't just something to get Damian up.The longer he stays like this,the increased risk of mind warping.Already,he likely won't be the same afterward.

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At the Ruby thing, not really. You didn't even post she warped back in.

They dodge the headmaster thing. I thought it was how she swung, but didn't connect.

They're gone, there.

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You know what? I demand this whole thing gets retconned. This is so filled with cheating and deus ex machinas that it makes me sick.

This too shall pass.

We had a similar (though unstat'd) incident at Selizara fortress. Better to just get it behind us rather than start over, plus no one wants to give back all that exp.


The point has been proven. Psych can't handle the responsibility of stat battles. The GMs won't let him do another so the problem has fixed itself.

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At the Ruby thing, not really. You didn't even post she warped back in.

They dodge the headmaster thing. I thought it was how she swung, but didn't connect.

They're gone, there.

Wind blew them back

Follow up by Ruby


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Yeah it's been mostly resolved, but it was messier than it needed to be.

I was going to say that Kai used an unapproved NPC, but Snowy approved Ruby for some reason. That was not a choice I would have made.

Certain RPers just really should not have the right to make NPCs

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Cynthia has the right idea.

Even I don't want Damian up right now...but it is a part of his character.

In charactet,only Morgan and the HM know that at the moment,he will indescriminately attack anything breathing...

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Am I the only one extremely angry about this whole chapter? Am I the only one who feels I wasted my time here?

I'm still sticking around, but I just feel so drained.

And Reika will have one more vulnerary in her inventory.

And really, you should've listened to us when we said this was a horrible idea.

I sort of predicted it was going to end badly, so came in prepared. I got in some reasonably meaningful interactions, had my suspicions validated, and am more or less OK with some of it. At least, I don't even know now, things went entirely crazy, but it's probably not unmanagable if people just take a step back and really think, and write, before posting.

People that got knocked down to 0 and are still up and attacking things: Berry, Damian, Helios

People that should be doing this: No one

This. I can absolutely get behind this. Going to zero is supposed to be complete incapacitation by some form or other. "Dropping to 0 HP is never a pleasant thing since it usually means your character is unable to fight at all until the combat is over." There is no 'stat' descriptor applied to 'engage in combat' at all, meaning plot fighting too is straight out. Seriously people, a little respect for getting downed.

I probably have more to say, but pages are sprouting up here in OOC, probably in RP proper too. Let me catch up. I was too busy actually trying to write good posts.

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I can't just calm down. This whole thing reeks of cheating. And psych, don't lecture about tvtropes. It's my thing.

Anyway Ether this sounds exactly like Ichigo's Super Hollow Side. Being part of his character is not only a cop out, it's also evidence of his Mary Sueness. Please don't do that anymore.

Edited by Dark Sage
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