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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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@Sage What's wrong with Sues? Almost everyone is one.

Cess came from islands no one else did.

Charlotte is a princess.

Conrad is a general with a CW.

Istov's been covered.

Damian's been covered.

Aiya was relationship covered.

Esphyr is a mercernary who got a sword from a demon.

Kelas found her long lost brother.

Arrin was seperated from his long lost sister, was trained by a hermit, and found a CW.

Morgan probably is one too.

Chase, Viveka, Irina, and Snike's chars are the only ones not that sue-ish.

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*Doesn't like being called Morgan even though it's probably fair*

I guess I forgot to put him in sign ups. I don't need Snowy approval for things though, so meh.

@psych Some of those could be seen as Sue-like traits, but that doesn't instantly qualify them as Sues. Unless you're suggesting having anything unique or special in your backstory= auto Sue

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You're twisting the words meaning completely. If that were the case, everyone who isn't a support character (Enhancing the existence of another character) could be classified a Sue. In this case it's referring to trying to attract attention, and overpowering beyond plausibility. Frankly, I'd like to see anyone argue Arrin as a Sue. :/

I'm not entirely sure of what the term "Mary Sue" means, but I'm sure, you're taking the definition beyond what it should encompass.

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Oh okay then does he have stats?

No, he's like Shanice or Megae, plot battles until I decide to stat him. I can probably give you a rough estimate though.

HP:24 Atk:8 Spd:1 Skl:4 Def:9 Res:6

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I can see what you're trying to say, but can't say I completely agree. For one, you've technically changed sides with the Snowy example from against to "Let it happen, he's the GM".

Frankly, from what I've seen from people (and myself) is that people tend to side with others regardless of their true opinion. Using myself as an example:

If I call Snowy an incompetent GM, some have expressed they agree through PM's, but for the main part no one wants to openly defy the big bad boss.

Another example is when my mother and father have an argument, (I hate my father, and I'm not just saying that, I don't even wish him a slow death, the faster/sooner the better.) I'd instinctively try to side with my mother in the rare occasions my input is requested. If the argument was 50/50 and both sides were legitimate I'd try to enforce point for my mothers side, and leave the faults and flaws untouched.

I suppose online though you could use the same excuse I use, I'm not really attached to any of you, and online I'd probably make a third party and start attacking both sides. But while it's not necessarily restricted to friendships, one's attitude definitely affects what course of action you take.

Even if I'm against something Snowy does (Like sending us to a graveyard that was once a dragon capital that's conveniently two days away and probably still technically in Halton <_< ), since he's a GM my arguments can only go so far. You know this for a fact. I look the other way when something he does isn't severe, but for the most part I'll voice my opinion and leave the matter be if it's ignored or shot down which it sometimes is.

@ Father vs Mother

That was ... interesting. I hope if I have a daughter she loves me ^_^

@ Psychout

Iso isn't a Sue you mongaloid! He tries to hook up with his teachers and then they die. That means Katie and HM are on the chopping block now :/ XD

@ Sign ups

There was no point in signing up Shanice (or Daneka) because they haven't been stat'd and Cynthia can help me with that anyway. Less work for Snowy.

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@Sirius, Ah XD Shows how much I actually pay attention to this forum, I don't even know who the main admin is XD (I'm assuming it's not you, since I saw something about a promotion). Though I must say :/ You must be pretty bored to be posting in the RP's chat thread :/

I don't think there's anything wrong with commenting every now and then since none of you have said anything against me commenting here. If I were bored I'd probably take a nap to pass the time, right now I'm just multitasking between reading some articles, playing Castlevania OoE and browsing this forum (mostly this thread ATM as it gets bumped quite often and there might be replies directed at me.).

Edited by Sirius
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Well, I meant... sufficiently near that we can find her in fairly short order, but not in the immediate vicinity i.e. nobody in the group will see/sense/react to her yet. When we start moving again, we'll find her.

I suppose I should add that she's a dragon, but not malevolent or demonic in any way. Thus, the horses will be a bit scared, but nothing like they are with Shanice around.

(We should also do something about the horses' being sabotaged at some point, but Kelas is too busy going "aaaaaaa don't die" to do anything right now.)

(Also someone was supposed to go interact with her but they didn't so I'm trying to figure out what to do now arg blarg.)

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There's nothing wrong with it, I just found it odd that someone who had nothing to do with the RP would post here, it's not like "outsiders" can follow and understand most of the arguments/comments. I just found it interesting that you'd check here, unless of course you're here to check on infringements XD

Either way, my anime episode for tonight's finished so I'm off to sleep. Nighty night all, wish me eternal slumber :/

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There's nothing wrong with it, I just found it odd that someone who had nothing to do with the RP would post here, it's not like "outsiders" can follow and understand most of the arguments/comments. I just found it interesting that you'd check here, unless of course you're here to check on infringements XD

That's part of the reason, though I will say this is one of the few threads I don't mind checking... some are just boring and others make me facepalm too often. Some of the comments here are rather amusing, Kai seems to be out to get a bad rep or something like that >_>.

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You know I'm thinking of changing the prounounciation of Shanice's name to Shan-ice (similar to "Shannon" with an "ice" at the end, like "Mattress")

Yeah I'm going to go with that. It sounds gender neutral. The original prounounciation was to offset Shan's mostly male appearance.

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