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I always pronounced it as if it rhymed with Janice.

You just condensed my entire explanation :/

Basically the prounounciation is this:

Shanice rhymes with Janice. XD

Speaking of which, has anyone noticed a suspicious looking wyvern around lately <.< >.>


As soon as I post this he shows up XD

Edited by Phoenix
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I am back. I spent four hours ripping apart the group pulling up roots and vines in the heat. My hands are dirt-covered and bloody from accidentally grabbing several thorns and my left eye is swollen from getting a solid hit when a idiot took down a branch right over me. I am giving one warning. For the next hour or so, keep things orderly until I manage to calm down, or until the pain stops throbbing.

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@ Psychout

Well it kinda was til I changed it.

@ IsoxKelas


Iso is fire, and so is Kelas.

That = uber stat increase since at support level B they'll both have +2 attack. Is this alright? I'm asking ahead of time so no one complains that Iso will easily be the strongest of the anima mages.

@ Snowy

... well ... damn.

Edited by Phoenix
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@ FirexFire That's how it works

Odd post to declare IsoxKelas a C though, since he's fapping all over Katie in it.

Not really declaration, just pointing it out. And it's not fapping. Quiet, you.

I thought C was approved earlier when Kelas went BSOD?

I think Cynthia approved it. I think that convo was actually the support convo(should be considered anyway). Just pointing it out in rp given everything that's happened XD

Is Esphyr and Damian eligible for a B?

As a man who's totally monogamous I'm totally bias against the relationship to begin with. Ask someone else.

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Yes indeed IsoxKelas was already approved.

Esphyrx Damian B...I'm undecided here. Usually a love declaration kind of singifies more than a C, but it kinda came out of nowhere IMO (plausibility issue). Also Bal is probably opposed due to it not following the "support triangle" idea. The support triangle idea doesn't make logical sense, but it does encourage characters not to just cling to one other person.

FYI, everyone unconscious has been healed by Tessa/Charlotte/Pary already (no need to c eck back through previous posts if you don't want). Consciousness may now resume.

@Phoenix Fap fap fap

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On the note of supports,how close do you think the following are?

Let's find out :)

DamianxTessa C

Gross :P

I'd say around 45%

,AiyaxIrina C

I'd say all they're missing is the actual convo ... 100%

,DamianxAiya A?

A little conflict and then resolution would be better than just having them in this dreamy perfect relationship all the time. You said Aiya would give her opinion later, but the support is progressing faster than the rp so for them to go any higher, the conflicts really should start coming to the surface soon. I'd say no to this until they have at least some kind of disagreement on something and then kiss and make up.

@ Cynthia


@ ReikaxAlferis

Umm ... looks like 45% actually :/

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Yeah. AiyaxDamian does seem too good to be true. I mean she's a saint regarding Damian. Relationships have to have some conflict or else you end up with Twilight and believe me, you don't want that.

And I guess ReikaxAlf is progressing ok. Just the pace I want. Not to quick, not a snail's pace.

Edited by Dark Sage
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Twilight. The story of a girls choice between bestiality and necrophilia.

Edit: Psych, that better be his heal staff and not the other kind, or else the group will finally have a tenor for karaoke night.

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We should really decide whether we want to institute Bal's support triangle idea or not, that affects Damian's upper level supports.

AiyaxIrina Probably closest, but it seems kind of a shallow relationship to me. "Wyvern, wyvern?" "Wyvern, wyvern, wyvern!"

DamianxTessa Long ways off. If DamianxTessa were to count as a C, Tessa would have like 5 other C supports.

DamianxAiya A They had the date and teh sexual relations and all, which is something but other than that has been ignored in place of DamianxEsphyr

Reikax Alferis Kind of far IMO. Reika has even more problems than Morgan supporting because opening up is OOC for her.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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The Spoony had so much fun dissecting it's awfulness. It nearly drove him to madness.

Sadly it's considered better than Last Airbender.

And I've read the books and they suck. Please Ether, heed my advice.

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As for "When was Damian and Tessa even a thing?"

They've talked a decent amount.Tessa found Damian attractive for a time,and was starting to like him,or so it appeared.At the moment,she seems to be in the "What do I do?" Stage.

Damian worries about Tessa.he knows she's rather naive,and while he jokes about it at times(not much recently,as Bal and my own Schedules have been rather conflicting),he worries about her.Damian grabbing her at the dragon scene shows that he wants to protect her,and while it backfired at the time,a very possible outcome,with the current circumstance,is a realization.Damian's hurt pretty bad(if it weren't for his breathing,which is very low,you'd need to be decently close to see it,you'd think he was dead),so,I hope that she would worry for him a little,which gives him a chance to clear up the dragon incident.

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Pairings related stuff and some of your comments regarding women.

Pairings ... okay that's sometimes funny but women comments? Come on >_>'

Twilight. The story of a girls choice between bestiality and necrophilia.

I lol'd

@ Psychout

You ... you ... you cyberkujacker! >_< (only Cuddles will get the name reference, and only if she's played/seen (insert game here))

@ Cynthia

Wyvern? Wyvern, wyvern! Wyvern, wyvern, chicken, wyvern! <--This is why I don't watch pokemon.

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