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Remember folks; Irina is a cuddler. She's very easy to calm with hugs.


Levski's hug after the Shanice incident (and during when it was actually Shanice)

Aiya's hug(s) which happen at least once per chapter as of late.

I forgot, are Irina and Aiya a C yet?

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I don't think anything was actually decided. I guess I'd give it to them, but if it's ever going to move beyond C they'll need a little more...depth if you know what I mean.

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The word depth has no meaning in a Les yay relationship.

Not sure how they could become better friends without going to war together or something :/

We really should join a war in this rp ... or at least be peripherally involved >_>

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There really isn't a war in this RP though, since we seem to have evaded standard FE rules of having an enemy nation.

Unless of course we're going to paint Septimus up as the bad guys, but some people seem opposed to that.

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Here's why:


No Halton is where the main heroes are from!


No Elyisima is Snowy turf!


No! Cuddles likes it there, and Heinz would be upset about it!



That reminds me, I should tell you about something later ... once I feel like it >_>

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Raise a ln army to take back Jerdon. Wait! Charlotte wants revenge. Oops. She took over the world.

I'm off for the night. Pary CC's to Cynthia. :newyears:

I'm never leaving mage girls CC's or Phoenix will have them comit suicide. -_-

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I'm never leaving mage girls CC's or Phoenix will have them comit suicide. -_-

That's Kai, dude. I don't care enough about them to make them kill themselves. Maybe if you implemented them better ... >_>

@ Septimus' leaders

*snickers* you read my mind ... or we both conveniently had the same idea ... whichever >:)


Going to play war so expect very low activity.

Goodnight in advance to Kiryn since she most certainly is close to crashing, and goodnight Cyber Kujacker ...


Oh look, Morgan's a moderator XD

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Will post later when I'm not listening to instrumentals or being otherwise distracted.

Heinz only spent his childhood in Septimus, after Markus and Sophie died he wandered around the continent and isn't particularly attached to Septimus. I just dislike the idea of blanket-naming a country as evil, especially since it wasn't portrayed as that before. It is an eccentric country though, I wouldn't be opposed to having factions within the government or something. Or we could just continue with the various enemies chasing after us due to our criminal Fire Bandit/Crimson Weapons/Jerdonian princess/suspicious group in general status XD

If someone wants me to explain more about Septimus, just ask.

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Well Jace has been painted as a rather villainous character so far. The other heroes have shown a lot more redeeming qualities, even the supposedly CORRUPT Harold and Percy.

It's possible that he arranged a coup of the original government, and the Septimian army is full of guys just doing their jobs (in most FE games I don't think it's suggested that every generic soldier you meet is the spawn of Satan) I could see Jace working with demons too, they could be profitable.

Snowy might not like the six Heroes being the villains, but what Snowy wants= meh. I think the people who previously saved the land make interesting antagonists.

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Goodnight, Kiryn ^_^


*yawns all dramatic like*

And the Phoenix must now ... lie down and get some rest ... he will be disappearing again tomorrow at 5:30 pm to 9:30 pm (just add three hours to that for east coasters). Anywyvern ... goodnight ....

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*yawns all dramatic like*

And the Phoenix must now ... lie down and get some rest ... he will be disappearing again tomorrow at 5:30 pm to 9:30 pm (just add three hours to that for east coasters). Anywyvern ... goodnight ....

Anywyvern ... goodnight ....


That's such a terrible pun that I want to stab myself.

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Wait... are we seriously leaving the dragon's graveyard already? I find it straining on the belief: that we get in, find what we were looking for with surgical precision, and get right back out again. In all honesty, I'm sure there'd be much more want for exploring, looking for perhaps other ensorcelled weapons (seriously, just one sword that we're not even sure if it will work?), or records, or books of draconic lore.

I mean, I guess if everybody's cool with it, we can just fast-forward through that and not spend time writing about it, but it should still happen, IMO.

Also, this was a huge ruined city, right, I mean, there's got to be more than just the one ruined church we happened to randomly pick. I dunno, maybe I'm just being annoying and ornery and you all should tell me to shut up about it, but...

Edited by Balcerzak
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@ Bal

Blame Psych. He was the one who figured we could find a dragon slaying weapon powerful enough to kill Helenos in the basement of a church at the very entrance to the graveyard :/

Don't even get me started about the mausoleums we never even bothered visiting. If Psych pulls this again, I'm taking over. I'm tired of things not making sense.

@ Nightmare

Someone doesn't like wyverns ...

Post note: Does your stabbing yourself effect me negatively in any way? Just wondering >_>'

@ Cynthia

I know you want to get moving from this place but we really should double check for sense a little more often ... especially when Cess starts talking about locations and places.

@ Kiryn

Chapter 62

Woot! Progress!

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Yeah the thing is I really have no plans for the dragon graveyard at all, so I'm kinda ready to leave. I could come up wih more stuff, but it might end up being random filler.

Also, how many dragon slaying weapons do you think there would be in a city that used to be full of dragons? You think they wouldn't keep too many around.

If people actually have posts they want to make here we can stay, but psych apparently wants to leave and Snowy is nowhere to be seen, so we might just end up stalling.

Hanging around does strike me as a little stupid though. You think we'd want to be on the move.

The rest of the ruins could just be a bunch of rubble. That happens with ruins sometimes.

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@ Dragon city with dragon slayers

Kind of like how a human city wouldn't have all that many armor slayers :P

I know the parallel is a bit different here but I had to point that out XD

@ Nothing to do

Plot must be restored to the people!!

I'm not sure what to do either. It's easier to plot things when I know where we're going, but once we're waste deep in a place and ready to leave, doing an ass pull isn't as easy.

... maybe if I hadn't wasted so much time shutting down Psychout's plan that was predestined to fail, I could have come up with something else for the group to do here. The best I can think of now is an unneeded distraction. It's not really worth the trouble at this point. Let's just be smarter in the future and never let this happen again.

(All this hype about graveyard cities and this is what we get ...)

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That's cool. I don't mind the rest of it being ruins, as long as we at least pay lip service to it. It can be as simple as

They spent the night and most of the next day scouring the graveyard, but all they found were rotten tomes and weapons rusted beyond repair.

*rest of actual post here*

As long as it at least gets mentioned then it will at least seem less like it's an in-and-out; less like we're super awesome cat burglars who'd masterfully planned in advance.

You'll know better, and I'll know better, but it will make things more believable for the characters. Maybe it's just me being difficult, like I said, feel free to just say "no, you're acting silly".

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Humans use armorslayers against each other, dragons probably don't use swords at all. You can maybe argue one as an art piece or something, but to have a whole armory full of them is questionable.

As for the "surgical precision" bit, I kind of got the impression Cess looked for the staircase and found it after a few hours or so, but keeping time in an RP is hard.

The only issue I have with the above is that it seems a little unlikely that all the demons would leave us alone for another day if we stayed in the same place. Most of them were not all that injured.

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