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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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The word is necrophiliac when referring to someone specific, and no I'm not.

Now I know how Cuddles feels ... well not really I didn't go posting sh*t like this. Nonetheless I'm probably going to move on now. I should find someone else to pour my feeling on.

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@ Psych

Two things.

#1 I already posted ... go respond to it.

#2 How does it feel to be rejected?! It feels bad doesn't it?!! That's why I didn't say sh*t to that girl I liked in the eighth grade, only to find out at the end of the year that she thought I was cute! She gave me the look a hooker gives a rich man as she walked by! She was a latina too! Grrrrr! /random rant

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@ Sage

Don't feel bad. It's expensive to have a girl in middle school*shot*

@ Kiryn

Good, don't ask. I'll probably blurt out the answer to your question thoughtlessly at a later date.


I have Katie CCs if he's too lazy >_>

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You gotta rush to open that door. Nanna is supposed to stand in front of it, and Evayl in front of her to protect her.



It's okay if you don't want it. I have handcuffs.


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@ Psych

WTF?!!! Can't I attrack any females ... ... wait ... can't I attract any females that aren't under-aged? >_>'

@ Sage

You mean "did", right?

@ Kiryn

Goodnight, Kiryn ^_^

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No, Tessa's off helping with the other horses, and Kelas has disqualified her because she's probably not big enough to be useful if Kelas passes out. Arrin is, in fact, on Francis.

Katie's decided to sabotage Kelas via "let's undermine Morgan's leadership" so yeah I don't even know.

You keep this up, and Tessa will be very vexed at Kelas. "No, I'm fine," she says. "I don't need your help," she says. *passes out and causes a mess* she does.

Meh, I took it as Katie conceding, Iso's riding with Kelas, Katie's with Helios/Viveka.

Important thing here is that Charlotte is riding with Arrin.

When I was reading this in Chat before I got to the thread, I thought this was going to be hilarious.

It was, but an entirely different kind of hilarious.

Query: So we've established that staves can fix broken bones, close wounds, whatever. Do they also replace lost blood? (I've kind of been assuming that they don't, at least not regular Heal or Mend ones.)

I'm assuming, once again, that it really depends on the general knowledge of medicine and whether or not folks know "where blood comes from" (much like that whole debate on magical contraception that I totally skipped). The fact is, if staff healing can stimulate cell growth to the point necessary to close skin wounds, and fix broken bones, I can't see how it would be difficult for it to stimulate the marrow to amp up some production of RBCs. Of course, it's not an immediate fix, and if we want to play around with things in various fashions, I'm all good with whatever works for everyone.

Short answer: You want to be woozy, we can work with it. We need to save someone ASAP from massive bleeding out, we can work with it.

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Hello all.

I'm not going to be here until 10PM EST, at the earliest. Therefore, CCs to whoever. If there's a stat fight, simple stats are in my sig if needed.

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