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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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@ Spoiling it for you

Sometimes I can't help myself. I just want someone to talk to about this stuff. If I can't find anyone, I just blurt stuff out thoughtlessly :3

@ Edward

Why does Kai keep linking my images?

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Ahem. KIRYN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

@ Your image: Right Click. Copy image link. Paste. If you dont want me posting your images just say it. The only thread i post your images is this one.

Edited by Kai
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Oh man I have returned. I am actually home now. That was unexpected.

Catching up...

Chat catchup:

-Black powder: NO. Fullstop. Thank you for protesting it guys.

-I am mad at Ixion: He wouldn't be acting like a certain little man in the flask, would he?

-Fullmetal stuff: Oh shit you did not just mention Pride. I'm in a dark room, man...

-How do you make a cake with only a campfire. Does not compute. (I can make cake with an oven, or even a microwave, but an open flame? o_o)

-Averting No Periods Period: If I'm guessing correctly, there's been at least one case that proves this wrong.

-VivekaPMS: I see what you're going to do there, and it will only end in me throwing you through a wall. While perfectly non-hormonal.

-Phoenix is/was/will be my bitch: If I needed someone to be my bitch, I'd have accomplished that already.

-Topic is now on fire: Cool!

-Ed: He's neither short, blond, nor awesome enough to be Ed. It is extremely hard to be as awesome as Ed. I'm sorry.

-OI ME: What?

RP catchup:

-Viveka's list: I shouldn't have laughed, but I did.

-Helios stuff: Again. Lol'd, am questioning self for doing so.

-Man Amari's gonna be torn between guarding Kelas and calming down her idiot herdmates. (This includes Kiev.

-And here I'd thought we'd have timeskipped by the end of the day... huh.

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Aw Huges has a daughter.

That means that he wont die like the rest :awesome:

@ Kiryn: I have to make 8 dumb posts to be on par with Psych. Live with it

Edited by Kai
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@ Kiryn

Sorry but periods are totally in. It gives me an excuse to send Viv and Irina into mindless rages :P

@ Pride

That is the most disturbing smilie face I've ever seen ... EVER

Also close to the end of Chapter 88 :3

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Looks like nothing's really happened since yesterday. Eh, that just means I have less to catch up on :lol: Awesome, I'm not falling behind anymore! (for now)

Because you know most about Chase besides me. Also you're the only one who has CCs for him atm I think.

I don't believe I actually made CCs for Heinz yet.... I'll do that eventually when I feel inclined to. Phoenix, you're still way behind on FMA. The series finished about a month ago or so.

The only way to properly honor Kanami would be for things to start repeatedly blowing up.

Edit: Grammar >.<

Edited by the_whistler
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@PMS: No you don't understand, man. PMS isn't just I HATE YOU ALL. It's also WHY THE HELL AM I SAD WHAT and WOAH WHAT HEY I'M MANIC WOAH OOH SHINY and SHIT SHIT IT HURTS I HATE MY MIDSECTION. If you don't make it all stereotypical, I'm fine with it; I HATE YOU ALL is perfectly fine so long as it's not completely flanderized.

(I will continue to talk about this, if you're thinking I won't.)

Would also note that if you extend the irrationality into serious situations, if you make it seem like it completely throws the mind off and can't be defeated if one's life depends on it... do I really even need to say anything about what happens...

Edited by The Clockwork Alchemist
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Well, if you're all addicted enough, FMA is currently on on Adult Swim. <_<


It's sort of how Pary is making biscuits. You cover the pan with a lid, and bury it under hot coals. It produces a similar effect to baking, without using an oven.

I wonder if I should make a Useful Notes topic and post it. :mellow:

Someone please post in the RP. I'm bored. I could go read/watch Ouran or Lucky Star or Kuroshitsuji or something, but.........

Edited by psychout50
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I already know about the end of the series and all. But I only started reading the manga some weeks ago. Yeah, blame Kiryn for dumping info on me and hooking me on this again.


Don't worry, it's not all, "I HATE YOU ALL". I've actually seen some women on their periods and plan to make full use of what stood out, not just stereotypes.

@ Ixion


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