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I realized something else.

Can thieves chose whether to promote to Rogue or Assassain? However, I'll assume since we have a Fighter, and a Bandit class, Warrior and Berserker are set.

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Either that, or certain thieves/genders should promote to certain ones.

EG: Reika/Naelia/females to Rogue, and Hienz/Males to Assassain. Maybe. It also depends on their character. Hienz is much more secretive than Rieka, even though she's more stab happy.

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Better to just let people "decide" based on what they want ... kind of like how they decide what class they start off with.


It's late so I'm flying off for the night. Bye bye!

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*flies in all dramatic like, but crashes even more dramatically starting a huge fire*

<.< >.>

... ... ... hi!

@ Snowy

Nice list ... too bad I'll never be able to read it all.

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I already know about the end of the series and all. But I only started reading the manga some weeks ago. Yeah, blame Kiryn for dumping info on me and hooking me on this again.

Same but this time, it was you

@ Feenix: How many hours of sleep do you get?

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I went to bed at 1:00 AM ... woke up at 7:30 ish ... went back to sleep until 8:30 ish ... got on here a little while ago. I average around 7 hours usually. I used to sleep for 12 hours just because I could, but now I've found better ways to spend my time.

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Oh hey, we have our own little FMA cast

Gluttony = Petros

Lust = Ruby

Envy = Shanice (Envy is the little kid right?)

Wrath = Megae

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Oh hey, we have our own little FMA cast

Gluttony = Petros

Lust = Ruby

Envy = Shanice (Envy is the little kid right?)

Wrath = Megae




Megae=Lust (Ruby is more like the Lust from the anime rather than the manga)

Iso=Mustang (as soon as he can cast without speaking)

???=Pride (Ask Kiryn about this one >_>' )

Ruby=General Hakuro

Ivanko=Olivia Armstrong



Helios=Falman (Just the vibe I get)

Ixion=Man in the flask (you'll see)


Viveka and Aiya=Hawkeye (for the wrong reasons)

Morgan=Izumi (she does now anyway)

Conrad=General Grumman

Can't think of any more at the moment.

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Yeah but Megae and Lust have the same "in you face with sharp sh*t" fighting style. She doesn't handle things like Wrath does. I'm basing these on personality rather than actual fighting styles.


Except for Petros =ing Greed. That was based purely on style. The closest person in this rp to Greed is Naelia and she's more like Sloth or Bunny in terms of actual fighting style.

Actualy Chase is more like that Dog Chimera samurai guy. Forgot his name.

Oh yeah!


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Megae's only Lust in appearance. She's stab-happier than any of the homunculi; the closest sin would be Wrath, but in a different way than FMA Wrath was (complete berserker rage vs calm fury.)

Lev being Havoc: XD

Neither Viveka nor Aiya really seem like Hawkeye to me in anything but rank/position.

Bradley vs Fuu: I dunno man, Wikipedia's got a list of chapters/episodes and what happens in them...

Also Arrin is kind of Al. ._.

@List: Oh boy, I might have to get some ideas from this...

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@Promotion You can follow any legal promotion path in a FE game, as long as it makes sense. I'd even be willing to accept paths that didn't exist, as long as they make sense. Some of the existing paths may not make sense frankly (Assassin Eric? Ranger Esphyr?)

@PMS Most of the woman's "angry hormonal changes" or w/e are actually based on societal norms, not biology.

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@PMS Most of the woman's "angry hormonal changes" or w/e are actually based on societal norms, not biology.

Which is then amplified by cramps and that thing that's bugging the tar out of you which you can't quite put your finger on-MUST KILL EVERYONE!

In all seriousness, I can only do this once for each girl, and then it'll have to wait for a whole month to pass in the rp. A whole month hasn't passed yet though we're steadily getting close.

@ List

Like I said, Viv and Aiya = Hawkeye for the wrong reasons. Neither of them are really Riza-ish but still.

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