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@Psych, Kai:

Kelas: I'm willing to approve but since I forgot about the Nomad class, would you be willing to accept the paladin tier promotion skills? If so, approved. If not, I have to think of something before I can give approval.

But we had this argument already, is what I was saying.

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I'm personally sick of this only getting one weapon type crap. All it does is necessitate the weapon slayer skill, and leave Aiya as an inexplicable wyvern knight. Allotted weapons and skills should never have been meshed together in the first place. It's just causing balance disputes.

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Having multiple weapon types would cause more balance disputes.

"Hey look I'm a Cav, I get 2 weapons and a third on promotion!"

"I'm a Myrm. I get one weapon type forever and no compensation."

"Hey look, I'm a Mage, I can manipulate the magic triangle however I want!"

"I'm a Shaman, I only have Dark."

Etc. etc. There would have to be rebalancing to compensate for the fact that some classes have less weapons. One weapon (sans Pallies) is simpler.

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@ Psych

What Kelas was doing with the sword was learning to use it before promotion so her suddenly using a sword in stat combat would make sense.

@ Cynthia

Some units were always meant to have WT control. It's not totally unbalanced since other units that only get one weapon tend to pwn with said weapons. I'd call it "expertise capacity" and show it in the rp by giving damage, hit bonuses, and/or critical hit modifiers.

Edited by Phoenix
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I never said Mages and Cavs get three. Two for everyone makes more sense. Tessa has Swords and Staves, Pary and Charlotte have Staves and Light.

Maybe limit everyone to two? Minus Myrmidons, Halaberds and Berserkers?

So have mages pick a second type or staves, same with shamans.


That's another thing. Why don't Bows and Wind do more against Pegasi, or Thunder and Wymslayers (now that we have one) work against Wyvern Knights.

Armor slayers, Hammers, and Heavy spears for armors. Armors could gain a second weapon upon promotion too.

And the reason cavaliers have so many weapons, is because there are so many weapons that are effective against them. Halberds, Long Swords, and Horse Slayers.

Edited by psychout50
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Only reason staff users get two is because staff users being totally unable to defend themselves is lame. Troubadours have a bad Str cap and light magic deals half damage, so the offensive abilities of staff using classes is lower than the combat classes.

Mages/Shamans getting staves on promotion makes the current healers obosolete, since they do the same thing with better offense.

I think it's better we keep things simple.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Those three and Snipers would be stuck with one weapon, but in exchange get some sort of extra critical.


That's why the Bishop/Priest magic cap could increase by more than the other class's. Like they get +3 or 4 or something, and the mages and Shamans get +2. Light magic helps against the demons too.

It helps a little.

Edited by psychout50
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That's why the Bishop/Priest magic cap could increase by more than the other class's. Like they get +3 or 4 or something, and the mages and Shamans get +2. Light magic helps against the demons too.

It helps a little.

That just means that Bishops/Priests will have to invest more in Mag to start approaching the level of Mages/Shamans. They still won't reach it, since it's not (Mag/2) + roll, but (Mag+roll)/2

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@ Sages replacing Healers


Instead of giving them staves, how about giving them a second element?

Fire Sages can now use either Thunder or Wind also

Thunder Sages can now use either Fire or Wind also

Wind Sages can now use either Fire or Thunder also

@ Weapon effectiveness

That was Snike's argument too by the way. He had a point too but I think the GMs don't want any more numbers to crunch than they already have. Then there's the "Where did you get that weapon" thing >_>'

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I'm just not seeing why you can't just stick to one weapon type (sans Paladins+Nomads). There's the balance issue, not to mention all the "training" you're going to have to do with it. Seems like a lot of effort without much payoff.

Plus, everyone having one weapon type makes them seem more unique to me. Isotov's the red headed pyro guy, he kind of loses this uniqueness when Helios/Arrin/Dani start whipping out fire tomes for lulz.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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