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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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You should stat Hydrice.

So, Derek currently has Morgan, and Eric's fighting Megae, is that right?

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Um, Cess being wrapped up is fine with me, but Morgan was lying on the ground, and Pary had healed her already. She'd be awake if someone would post as her.


Presumably, Derek is with Dani.

Edited by psychout50
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I can't stat Shanice for this particular battle. He's mid-transformation. That means his stats would be changing constantly.

*still has one more thing to accomplish before concluding the battle*

@ Psych

I thought she was on the horse. Oh well, Cynthia would want it this way ... trust me :hat:

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This makes me want to send in my Septimian group right after, so as to apply Murphy.

Is Eric allowed to beat Megae?

Edit: Be =/= Beat

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Alright. I'll just have Derek pull a merc crit before he changes into a cav. >.>

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It's not a hydra yet(Though he's turning into one. He's being slowed by the attacks on his body), and why are we deviating so heavily from the original plan?


Oh right, there were two separate agendas. Luckily one of them is already accomplished >_>'

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To beat a hydra, you must cut off it's heads, and then burn the stump.

We need Iso....

But's I'd assume Light magic would do something.

Mages will pop in soon should I feel the situation is getting boring. <_<

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The mid-formed hydra is gone now. There's a HUGE fog over the camp. You can't see two feet in front of your face for the moment ... air traffic will be ... dangerous for a moment. *looks at wyvern riders* >_>

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Umm, weren't the Peggies in midair? The one who's pony died needs some help... Can I pull a Cav rescue?

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Pegasus Report:

They were flying initially, but Shanice knocked them out of the air. Then he chased them down the long slope Viv and Lev fell down the previous night. They're a short ride away, but one of the pegasi died, along with one of the riders. (It's not Viv)

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