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-_- Are they going to actually fall for that ploy?

Yes, Virginia ****, they are going to fall for that ploy.

@Derek's spear: CH 11, the fake weapon forge incident. He kept the spear.

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Yeah, feeding the wrong direction was the easiest way out of that problem. Hope someone catches Viveka sometime, or she'll be splat.

Hmm, so now I have to have someone else kidnap Charlotte, or get that group to Septimus some other way...

Edited by -Cynthia-
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*flies in, but realizes I'm too tired to land properly so I crash and start yet another blazing fire*

Morning, all.

@ Wrong Direction

I chose to have Iso send them to Septimus for two reasons.

#1 This was my own personal reason. I wanted to send them to Septimus to nudge the Evil Colonel meets IM deserter alliance.

#2 Iso's doing Levski a favor. Since they'll be heading to Septimus, that gives Levski another chance to fight Xenia if she's still in the country when they arrive.

@ Catching Viveka


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>.> She's KO'ed, so, yeah. He also injured himself, but that will only come to light once he walks back over.

And for the record, the moment I heard 'let her go', I called it.

Edit: I are confused by Kelas's response.

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Where was Morgan going? Septimus? Because that might determine where my characters go.....

Pary is still probably not too keen even if he's being paid.

Charlotte asked Pary to act as a spy inside Septimus. You can retcon yourself, though that leaves the main groupo with only one healer.

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@Response: First part is at Derek, second part at Iso. She's not sure who Derek's referring to with "they." (Neither am I, really.)

In other words: Why are who going to Septimus?

(I think Derek didn't hear Charlotte splitting off from the group, yes?)

Edited by The Clockwork Alchemist
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He's pretty smart.

Septimus = No-go, and Ilyphina was too far away. Therefore, Altia was the obvious choice.

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Heheh. Since I'm currently spriting Damian, I feel somewhat obligated to justify his sex appeal ... his scars are getting in the way >_>'

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So let me get a few things straight

There are two groups, Iso's and Morgan's

Iso's in under attack and Morgan's is headed to Septemus

Im assuming my guy is with Morgan's group

Where is Iso's group going?

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Iso's and Charlottes'. Morgan is w/ Iso's group. >.> Iso's group is going to Septimus.

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Eric/Dani/Alferis/Charlotte are heading to Altia (capital of Halton), Everyone else is heading to Septimus.

Septimus is seeming more German than anything else, and plus that makes historical sense for them to have issues with the country that's like France.

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Septimus is seeming more German than anything else, and plus that makes historical sense for them to have issues with the country that's like France.

Watched From Paris with Love last night.

So Septimus is GermanKoreanJapan-esque? Okay >_>'

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Heheh. Since I'm currently spriting Damian, I feel somewhat obligated to justify his sex appeal ... his scars are getting in the way >_>'

There are good scars and bad scars, you have to be careful to add the right kind. Dieck/Gerik have the good kind, Nergal has the bad kind.

Might request a Xenia sprite. Although she's pretty much Petrine with black hair.

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