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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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...Shit man, even if I hadn't looked at the spoiler, I'd know exactly what you're on about by now.

Of course, you do realize the main problem with a ranged unit being blinded, yes?

@Snike: Gah. How many of us are still semidead/nonfunctional?

Edited by The Clockwork Alchemist
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Back from the college.

The HM isn't one for clothing or worldly things. She's probably not wearing anything expensive. Likely just a simple pair of pants and/or a simple tunic. Only her cloak has the TISME circles on it, and she left it behind.

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The HM isn't one for clothing or worldly things-*interrupted by static and other screwy stuff*

So naked ... ... ... got it.

*races off to start on HM sprite before anyone can verify*

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We should probably at least get to a town before more Chandler happens.

I can't decide what unit to pick for my FE7 Drafting tourney. I only have Hector/Marcus until Erk shows up, but the best remaining earlygame choice is like...Bartre, as opposed to taking an awesome later unit like Harken.

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Have you seen the last four chapters/episodes of FMA, then, to know a way around the obvious issue? Or is it a different weapon proficiency? Or simply a lack thereof?

There is no such thing as the philosopher stone in FE

And no i wont leak anything anymore


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I can't decide what unit to pick for my FE7 Drafting tourney. I only have Hector/Marcus until Erk shows up, but the best remaining earlygame choice is like...Bartre, as opposed to taking an awesome later unit like Harken.

*curiosity rises*

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*Eric Procs a crit*

Eric: Yeah, don't try to summon me when you're not my creator. *Is killed by random tree*

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Heh heh heh...

Of course, Roy's solution only worked in specific circumstances; i.e. when allies are not present. With allies on the battlefield, it wouldn't have worked, because there would be too many variables to convey (who's where, how big the blast can be, etc.)

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Dont mess with Kai. He knows Alchemy :awesome:

*Looks around*

*Summons Chase*

Kai: Distract Kiryn and i will help you get into Morgan's pants

Chase: Hey wh-

Kai: Stfu do it

Chase: Okay

@ Kiryn: Im reading, im reading

Im up to the part where

Al sacrifices himself to have Ed regain his arm and leg

Edited by Kai
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